United Kingdom12022 Posts
oov was always great and always will be great.
It's no surprise that soO is the heart and soul of the team, because he's pretty much one of the last standing "older guard" left (can't forget Afrotoss!). While soO isn't that old himself, compared to everyone else who's pretty much SKT newbies, soO was there for the best SKT times of having Bisu, BeSt and FanTaSy at top form, he's seen the highs and lows.
I'm so glad Doctor.K and MujuK got a mention as well, because they're never mentioned, but they're damned amazing in their own right. They've been there for years, I think even as long as oov has been.
Thoroughly enjoyed the interview. I'm loving what oov said about helping soO winning a title, I think he deserves one. Thanks, Wax
Fiddler's Green42661 Posts
2016 will be the year of ilovesoo
Great translation! I certainly wish soO the best of luck - it would be amazing to see him win a Premier.
Awesome interview and translation!
He feels so intelligent. No wonder he was a beast at the time in bw
Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more
Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement
Katowice25012 Posts
no fantasy left SKT then retired he cant live in that world
On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote:Show nested quote + Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot.
Can you imagine how much bigger Korean SC (both SC2 and Broodwar) scene would have been all that KeSPA suing fiasco didn't happen, and KeSPA was allowed to smoothly transition into SCII instead of having an half-assed season of half-BW and half SCII. Even if SCII may never reach what BW used to be in its prime, but I believe it would have been much better than what it is now.
On January 02 2016 01:36 HolydaKing wrote:Show nested quote +On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote: Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot.
bw is still the starcraft game Koreans play. There has been huge strides made over the last couple years by the people to re-vitalize the scene through online and offline leagues, fantastic content being put out by various people, the awesome starleagues going on right now, and alongside some of the ex-pros and tournament organizers reaching out to the foreign community. It's been a grass roots movement that I'm quite proud of and I'm just astonished that iloveoov somehow thinks that people aren't active in it for whatever reason. I'm not even trying to state a game flame war, but it is completely disrepectful from iloveoov to disregard the grass roots bw scene that has been well on its way to revival, disrepecting the streamers, the amatuers still trying to make it into the KSLs and SSLs and now NSLs, people playing in pc bangs with their friends, the causals chilling out on UMS maps, the good ol balloon matches and all the awesome online leagues going on. To me, he wants all of that to stop because that is pulling away from SC2's prescene in Korea which is the wrong way to go about it.
On January 02 2016 01:41 amazingxkcd wrote:Show nested quote +On January 02 2016 01:36 HolydaKing wrote:On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote: Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot. The sospa scene says hi, the current ex pros like bisu making $10,000+ streaming brood war on afreeca in last month says hi, we have national starleague going on that says hi, bw still in top played games in pc bang rankings says hi. I can go on and on but bw is still the starcraft game Koreans play Well, oov didn't compare the Starcraft games right? I'm sure he would say the same for SC2, so you could call it a cheap shot if anything. He said it's not played by many anymore, which may be wrong or true (I don't know if PC Bang rankings are indicative enough for that; For example, I could imagine many Koreans playing SC2 from home in this age, but you are probably more knowledgeable of the Korean scene in that regard).
Oh and I'm well aware that the BW scene made a nice comeback. I won't deny it's on the rise again. Oov shouldn't have said anything if he doesn't want to say that people start playing BW again (but again, I'm not sure if it's many already).
harsh words in Blizzards direction. If iloveoov as the headcoach of SKT feels in liberty to say something like this:
You have to wonder if Blizzard really has any desire to help StarCraft break through its current situation.
we have to wonder how sour the relationship between KeSpa and Blizzard has become with regards to recent WCS changes. To me, it seems beyond doubt that a respected and important person in the industry like iloveoov would not say something like this, if he didn't speak for the majority of korean industry.
@Wax: were you liberal with the translation here and is it possible that this sounds a little less harsh in the korean original or is oov just super p**** ?
On January 02 2016 01:41 amazingxkcd wrote:Show nested quote +On January 02 2016 01:36 HolydaKing wrote:On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote: Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot. bw is still the starcraft game Koreans play. There has been huge strides made over the last couple years by the people to re-vitalize the scene through online and offline leagues, fantastic content being put out by various people, the awesome starleagues going on right now, and alongside some of the ex-pros and tournament organizers reaching out to the foreign community. It's been a grass roots movement that I'm quite proud of and I'm just astonished that iloveoov somehow thinks that people aren't active in it for whatever reason. I'm not even trying to state a game flame war, but it is completely disrepectful from iloveoov to disregard the grass roots bw scene that has been well on its way to revival, disrepecting the streamers, the amatuers still trying to make it into the KSLs and SSLs and now NSLs, people playing in pc bangs with their friends, the causals chilling out on UMS maps, the good ol balloon matches and all the awesome online leagues going on. To me, he wants all of that to stop because that is pulling away from SC2's prescene in Korea which is the wrong way to go about it.
don't be suprised here my friend. In past Interviews and statements by Kespa officials, the Rise of Broodwar that has happened in Korea has always been played down. And that makes sense from their PoV as KeSpa (unlike afreeca of even OGN) is very much financially tied to Sc2 and the BW revival hurts their korean Viewership actively.
Great interview! much respect for oov.
Japan11285 Posts
On January 02 2016 02:03 Cele wrote:Show nested quote +On January 02 2016 01:41 amazingxkcd wrote:On January 02 2016 01:36 HolydaKing wrote:On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote: Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot. bw is still the starcraft game Koreans play. There has been huge strides made over the last couple years by the people to re-vitalize the scene through online and offline leagues, fantastic content being put out by various people, the awesome starleagues going on right now, and alongside some of the ex-pros and tournament organizers reaching out to the foreign community. It's been a grass roots movement that I'm quite proud of and I'm just astonished that iloveoov somehow thinks that people aren't active in it for whatever reason. I'm not even trying to state a game flame war, but it is completely disrepectful from iloveoov to disregard the grass roots bw scene that has been well on its way to revival, disrepecting the streamers, the amatuers still trying to make it into the KSLs and SSLs and now NSLs, people playing in pc bangs with their friends, the causals chilling out on UMS maps, the good ol balloon matches and all the awesome online leagues going on. To me, he wants all of that to stop because that is pulling away from SC2's prescene in Korea which is the wrong way to go about it. don't be suprised here my friend. In past Interviews and statements by Kespa officials, the Rise of Broodwar that has happened in Korea has always been played down. And that makes sense from their PoV as KeSpa (unlike afreeca of even OGN) is very much financially tied to Sc2 and the BW revival hurts their korean Viewership actively. Oov himself has been like this in past interviews. I expected and got the same attitude here.
Thanks for the translation!
Honestly, with the way Blizzzard is butchering WCS, I am not surprised if even more people are going to watch BW in the future.
Though, I am pretty sure he is referring to LoL in the interview.
Q: Is there anything you really want to achieve in 2016?
A: I want to put soO on top of the world. soO reached four consecutive GSL finals in 2013 and 2014, but he couldn't win a championship. He won the 2nd KeSPA Cup in 2015, but that wasn't a proper league tournament. What I want to do, and my personal project, is to put soO on top of the Starleague or GSL. I can get behind that, i really hope soO will win a korean tournament this year, he deserves it so much.
Bisutopia19161 Posts
On January 02 2016 02:03 Cele wrote:Show nested quote +On January 02 2016 01:41 amazingxkcd wrote:On January 02 2016 01:36 HolydaKing wrote:On January 02 2016 01:33 amazingxkcd wrote: Brood War was the top esports game for a time, but it gave up that spot to other games, and not that many people play it any more Is iloveoov still living in his fantasy world?? You can't be this moronic to make such a statement What are you talking about? To my knowledge LoL is the top esports game atm, even in Korea. And if you don't count ONLY Korea, then BW isn't even played by many. Hell, I'm not even sure if many play BW in Korea. More non progamers than SC2, probably (I'd say definitely but I don't have numbers), but that's not a lot. bw is still the starcraft game Koreans play. There has been huge strides made over the last couple years by the people to re-vitalize the scene through online and offline leagues, fantastic content being put out by various people, the awesome starleagues going on right now, and alongside some of the ex-pros and tournament organizers reaching out to the foreign community. It's been a grass roots movement that I'm quite proud of and I'm just astonished that iloveoov somehow thinks that people aren't active in it for whatever reason. I'm not even trying to state a game flame war, but it is completely disrepectful from iloveoov to disregard the grass roots bw scene that has been well on its way to revival, disrepecting the streamers, the amatuers still trying to make it into the KSLs and SSLs and now NSLs, people playing in pc bangs with their friends, the causals chilling out on UMS maps, the good ol balloon matches and all the awesome online leagues going on. To me, he wants all of that to stop because that is pulling away from SC2's prescene in Korea which is the wrong way to go about it. don't be suprised here my friend. In past Interviews and statements by Kespa officials, the Rise of Broodwar that has happened in Korea has always been played down. And that makes sense from their PoV as KeSpa (unlike afreeca of even OGN) is very much financially tied to Sc2 and the BW revival hurts their korean Viewership actively. @XKCD, its a comment we aren't supposed to bite at. There is a history of certain sc2 figures down playing the BW scene. I understand where they are coming from. Its unfortunate more people can't be supportive of both the way I always have been.
I do not like game-bashing, but let me get this straight; BW scene is barely sustained by very few. Honestly, it is regarded something of the past.
I do love both BW and SC2; I love all those glorious days of Boxer and oov. However, I won`t cover my eyes to blind me from the truth: the whole SC scene is not promising.