Some pretty cool pics.
I mean I dislike naniwa as much as the next guy, but I still don't get the bruno thing as a comeback to him for disliking poland.
On September 15 2015 09:23 [PkF] Wire wrote: And man saying they didn't deliver a good show is ridiculous. The level is probably not as high as what you can get in Korean leagues, but every series was just awesome as far as suspense and entertainment goes... I really enjoyed the PvP, that's saying something...
"probably not as high" :D
Do tell how you enjoyed game 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the finals. Just because a foreigner won regardless even if the other one made a stupid mistake?
its so nice to see a foreigne champion too see thats guyd like Mana can beat "koreans" and too see new european, amercian hopes ...... thats much better than the old
will grubby come back ?
On September 15 2015 20:02 D-light wrote: I mean I dislike naniwa as much as the next guy, but I still don't get the bruno thing as a comeback to him for disliking poland.
I think it was OK - nani's comment was plain rude, they replied with an unoffensive joke. Reminds me of mustache Nerchio's portrait in homesory cups.
On September 15 2015 18:44 True_Spike wrote: Guys, do you want to see Mana on his (probably) first offline SC event?
Already practicing the stare  Thanks for sharing.
I am so, so, so sick of seeing all of the inane and worthless "THIS TOURNEY SUX BC NO GSL KOREANS" and "HERP DERP PROTOSS" posts that litter these threads.
It was a fantastic tournament that had a lot of drama, wonderful human and emotional moments, compelling storylines, comebacks, and brilliant strategic maneuvers, all in front of a rocking crowd that the SC2 scene needs more of. Enjoy it and take your biased and overtly misinformed balance whining and elitist snobbery elsewhere.
"(Jim’s entire style for instance was created with the expectation of always playing in 400 ping environments)"
I am super super interested by this. Can someone link me to some additional content?
On September 16 2015 03:27 fezvez wrote: "(Jim’s entire style for instance was created with the expectation of always playing in 400 ping environments)"
I am super super interested by this. Can someone link me to some additional content?
I don't have specific links for you but if you watch pretty much any WCS premier league game with Jim in it, Rotti will make a big deal about how Jim never builds high templar, since the ping essentially prevents the effective use of storms.
this is totally amazing, I wasn't aware it had gotten so much echo outside of the esports scene. Great !!!!
On September 16 2015 01:28 Redfish wrote: I am so, so, so sick of seeing all of the inane and worthless "THIS TOURNEY SUX BC NO GSL KOREANS" and "HERP DERP PROTOSS" posts that litter these threads.
It was a fantastic tournament that had a lot of drama, wonderful human and emotional moments, compelling storylines, comebacks, and brilliant strategic maneuvers, all in front of a rocking crowd that the SC2 scene needs more of. Enjoy it and take your biased and overtly misinformed balance whining and elitist snobbery elsewhere. A great tournament indeed. It had everything except high lvl starcraft.
China6326 Posts
On September 16 2015 03:27 fezvez wrote: "(Jim’s entire style for instance was created with the expectation of always playing in 400 ping environments)"
I am super super interested by this. Can someone link me to some additional content? Back when WCS AM Ro32 was online, Jim had to play his games across the pacific ocean, think about that.
United States11944 Posts
On September 16 2015 03:27 fezvez wrote: "(Jim’s entire style for instance was created with the expectation of always playing in 400 ping environments)"
I am super super interested by this. Can someone link me to some additional content?
Some interview somewhere he mentions it. Its why Phoenix Colossus was their main style. Their being Jim and Macsed
On September 15 2015 09:13 Ensiferum8 wrote: If the mods want to ban me because they dont accept my opinion, its their choice, but honestly:
It was a really pathetic WCS
I hate the Blizzcon point system, its completly unfair.
First, the quality of the games were really bad (compared to GSL, SSL, or the insanely great PL final we saw just before).
I mean, common! Mana? Zanster??? In semi finals of what is supposed to be a really prestigious tournament?
If its a joke, its not funny.
But, what I hate the most, is that the system is completly unfair. It rewards players based on where they are born, instead of whos the best.
Look at blizzcon ranking: Lilbow? polt? maybe forGG?
With all due respect, these players all are in Blizzcon, or really close, while player like
soO, Dream, TY, stats etc... ARE OUT
Fun fact: TY would beat the wcs player in 90% of the game, just like soO etc....
But thanks to WCS, foreigners that have 0 chance, and IMO, clearly dont deserve to be there, gets free pass because they are born outside of Korea.
Imagine yourself in TY's shoes...
You play insanely well (all kill CJ, semi in SSL etc...), but because some random foreigner (lilbow) beats another even more random and no name foreigner (zanster!, mana!)
TY is out. Even if TY is WAY BETTER than lilbow etc...
Its just unfair.
Blizzcon should reward the best players in the world. Not a bunch of people who gets free points because they are not koreans.
WCS should not allow points for blizzcon.
So, if you cant accept different opinion, ban me, if you disagree with me, feel free to tell me why lilbow deserve more than TY or soO, solar etc... to get to blizzcon
Agree or disagree, you put some effort in this post and just for that reason alone it deserves an honest answer. First of all I think it's necessary to say that Lilbow didn't smash a bunch of nobodies in this tournament, that would be unfair, wrong and stupid. Jaedong, ForGG and Hydra aren't noobs by any means and it would require a colossal amount of hate to refuse to acknowledge what kind of performance a player (foreigner or Korean) needs to beat those 3 guys in the same competition, your point of view suffered when you downplayed that performance, but I think your other point was better.
For your second point which is fair critique of the WCS system, I'll make a comparison with the soccer world cup, if you're American you're probably not familiar with that competition but bear with me, it's quite simple. If only the best teams would participate in the world cup almost all of them would be European and South American. But Asia, Africa and North America participate in that event, not because they can compete with Brazil, but because it's a world event that's supposed to gather the entire planet around it. The "W" in WCS has the same purpose, the world gather around an event and almost all nations can bring their best hopes. Is it fair? Not for the Koreans. Is it best for the sport? Without a doubt, more eyes, more growth, more money, more popularity, that's not open for debate.
Blizzcon is your elite competition, that one you should watch, I'm sure Lilbow won't ruin it for you, and who knows, no matter how hard it is to admit it, he can win a few games. But more importantly, maybe sometimes you could indulge yourself with a fun and thrilling event and just have a good time watching players do their absolute best to win even if you seem to dislike them to a point where you lose some rationality about their skills. Maybe you could consider being able to admire the very best without the hate for those very close to that level, there is no causality between the two and that too, isn't open for debate.
Good shit. WCS was awesome. Fuck the haters.
wcs wasnt good, been watching for years. was the only one i wasnt looking forward to watching and while watching i was doing other things. GJ to lilbow however, im not taking anything away from the finalists but for me it was utterly boring to watch