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2014 HOT6 CUP Interviews:
Ro16 Winners

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pY6IFSG.jpg)
Source: inven eSports
How do you feel about successfully advancing to the semi-finals by taking down PartinG?
Today, I think luck followed me a lot generally. The anxiety and burden I was feeling during practice was enormous so I am very glad that I won.
Why did you go for strategies on his natural for games one and two?
I studied PartinG’s VODs so that I could decipher his build orders and subtle habits. So I came with builds prepared to match his.
PartinG really went for early game victory strategies.
Orginally, I couldn’t defend against ultimate Protoss all-in strategies. But in order to prepare for my match against PartinG, I focused heavily on defending all-in builds. Once I scouted what he was up to with my SCV, I constantly attempted to mind control myself to just do it like I did for practice.
There was a dangerous situation in game two because of his immortal all-in. What were you thinking during then?
Honestly, I was anticipating blink stalkers. So I got flustered because of that but I focused on defending because I had the thought I would win in the end as long as I blocked it.
Was the proxy rax build for game three prepared beforehand?
I was looking a lot at game four. I went for that proxy rax build with the mindset that I would win in game four even if I did lose this game three since I was up 2-0 anyways.
You will face the winner of Zest vs Soulkey in the semi-finals. Since we haven’t seen you play against Zerg yet this season, a lot of fans are probably wondering about your TvZ.
I showed a lot of my good form for TvP. That’s a matchup that I’m confident in. But even if a Zerg did make it through, I am confident for boX formats.
It really does look like your old tendencies have disappeared. Have there been changes in your practices during that time?
Since I knew that I was confident when it came to aggression, I focused on honing my other areas that I was lacking in.
Anything else you would like to say?
I want to thank Panic, YongHwa, and Dignitas’ Seed for helping me with practice. I also want to thank supervisor Choya for giving me lots of counseling. I also want to thank my Terran teammates as well. Lastly, I want to thank our sponsor Lotte Chilsung and our executive director, Choi Yoon Sang.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fwx1GBG.jpg)
Source: inven eSports
How do you feel about advancing to the semi-finals?
For a long time I showed a lot of phoenix oriented macro games against Zerg. So I thought to myself that I need to learn to be good at various kinds of builds. I don’t think I showed that many but I’m glad because I think I got to show some diversity today.
On King Sejong Station for game one, it looked like you were in an advantageous situation because you blocked his ling/bling all-in.
Personally, I felt that I was at a significant disadvantage. I think that was my downfall.
Game two was a battle to decide the victory. Were you confident about the elimination race?
I was feeling on edge because we mutually did not know what the other was up to. But I thought to myself that I could win when I saw his muta number towards the end.
It looks like you gain more confidence whenever you face Soulkey.
My winning streak record would have been broken if I had lost to him today (laughs). I always do win against him but I don’t think I won those in an overwhelming sense. But I still felt confident that I would win.
You will face MarineKing in the semis. His recent momentum is quite scary. What do you think will happen?
I think his confidence in his TvP abilities is massive. Since he took down really good Protoss players to make it up here, I am going to prepare extensively with the mindset that he is an excellent player.
Once HOT6 CUP concludes, you will have to undergo several qualifiers for individual leagues. Are you confident?
Honestly, I thought GSL would give seeds but they’re not so that’s disappointing. I think it’s going to be very difficult since I have to prepare for qualifiers on top of my preparations for HOT6 CUP. But I plan on doing my best since I feel that the qualifiers will be just as hard as the actual tournament.
Is it difficult to play since the weather has been getting a lot colder?
On my way here, I was worried that a lot of fans wouldn’t show up because it was so cold. I am really glad that more people than I anticipated showed up. I hope they go back home carefully without catching any colds.
Anything else you would like to say?
I want to thank my Zerg teammates for helping me with practice. I also want to thank my supervisor and my coach for always counseling me. I think I’m going to have to practice a lot of PvT from here on out so I am asking in advance for my Terran teammates to help me out.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ljJyxjZ.jpg)
Source: inven eSports
How do you feel about successfully advancing to the semi-finals by taking down INnoVation?
I have this memory of losing to him in the 2013 WCS Season 1 Finals by a score of 0-4 so I wanted to win this match with a 3-0 score. It didn’t happen but I still won and advanced so I’m gald.
It seemed like you were always ahead in the mind game against INnoVation for every single early game. There wasn’t really a significant change in you but it did seem like you were playing very strategically.
Whenever I prepare for my matches, I tend to prepare by matching to what my opponent will do. Since INnoVation has such a solid style, I chose to go for plays that would allow me to grab the initiative rather than solely go for strategic plays.
It was very impressive how you grabbed those initiatives. Did you think that you were going to win?
My games went so well even for practice. But then I lost a lot during practice this morning so I was feeling anxious. But things went as prepared so it was good.
You will face the winner of Bbyong vs sKyHigh. Who would you like to face?
Even though I’ve gained a lot more confidence than what I used to have for PvT, the matchup that always makes me feel anxious is still PvT. So the only way I’ll survive is to just practice. I’m not sure who I want to face since they’re both from the same team. I guess Bbyong would be preferable since I’m capable of analyzing his plays.
This will be your first time performing in an outdoor stage in a while. Do you feel a desire for it?
I really like the fact that it’s going to be an outdoor stage but since I’m still only at the semi-finals, I am going to make sure I advance to the finals and show a good form no matter what.
Recently, you’ve gotten some new teammates in Symbol and Pigbaby. How’s the team’s atmosphere?
In the past, it felt like there just weren’t any persons there. But now we’re booming (laughs). I think we’ll exhibit some good synergy in the future.
Anything else you would like to say?
I want to thank Maru, Cure, KT Rolster’s Flash, TY, and Miso for helping me with practice. I actually figured something out through practicing this time. I feel that it’s better to practice in a boX format with various players rather than constantly practice on only one map with various players. I want to say from inside that I’ll win the championship but I’ll make advancing to the finals as my first and foremost goal.
Lastly, I wasn’t feeling good after game two finished but the coach bought me digestive medicine so I want to thank him for that.

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ce9b5AM.jpg)
Source: inven eSports
How do you feel about advancing to your first ever semi-finals?
I am glad that I get to up against sOs in a battle of nerves (laughs). Even though I am proud of myself, I do feel a bit sorry that I had to defeat a teammate in the process.
After showcasing an awesome TvT for the Ro16, you became a hot topic. Wasn’t it easy to prepare for the quarter-finals since it was also a TvT?
We both didn’t get to practice a lot. Since we both practice in the same practice room, we became aware of each other’s presence. So we just ended up going against each other through the use of our basic skills.
Bbyong prepared mech while you went for bio a lot.
I originally prefer to go mech more. But there were too many minor battles that occurred in the early game so I went for bio because I wanted to end the games early.
That bomb drop right outside of the missile turret’s range on Bbyong’s back expansion for game three was especially impressive. Were you sure that you were going to inflict damage?
I found out through my scan. I felt that I was of course going to inflict damage, and I also felt that he wouldn’t have any kind of an army since many engagements had kept on occurring up to that point. Even if he had come to defend, I could have just busted through the front so I was fine.
This will be your first time stepping foot on an outdoor stage for an individual league. Are you confident even though your opponent will be sOs?
I am also confident for TvP. My biggest concern is that I’ll get nervous on an outdoor stage. If I can just figure that part out that I can’t help but think that I’ll be perfectly capable of establishing a good result.
Anything else you would like to say?
I want to thank Samsung’s BrAvO for helping me with practice. I also want to thank the people around me that have been sending me many messages that they were cheering for me. Lastly, I want to thank the fans who came to cheer me on.
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