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Hi! I'm Devon Prefontaine. I'm a top 100 Grand Master player from Winnipeg, Canada. I've been playing starcraft 2 since about a month after release. I have a background in fps and this is my first rts game. However, since starting playing I haven't played much of anything else.
Currently I've only been competing at the local 'Baselan' which I've placed 1st at the last two events. Hopefully ill be able to get to some other lans across Canada and possibly the USA soon!
Favourite Quote: "You may beat me but you’re going to have to bleed to do it.” - Steve Prefontaine
This replay pack should be a little higher caliber than my previous ones. Since I've been moving up the ladder a lot recently there are quite a few games with strong players. It's mostly PvZ but there's a handful of PvT and PvP as well.
If you enjoyed a specific build make sure to let me know, I'm going to be starting a youtube series as soon as I finish my exams and ill be taking your tutorial requests into consideration.
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