My name is Matt "Revolution" Duff, I play Starcraft for the Root academy, Seed, and I play in a lot of online cups, and with the recent discussion about an in game tournament system, I decided to create this.
Yesterday I decided to make a concept of an in game tournament feature as a lot of people have been discussing it, and although I just went purely based off what I would like to see and not what I have seen in any reddit/ teamliquid threads, I thought I would share some of my ideas. Of course it is not perfect, and I think next I might try a full battle.net client redesign, giving me more options, and the ability to try and include a load of features which people want to see for LotV. I'd love to hear your feedback on what I have created, and hopefully we get to see these features in LotV.
(click on image then again in imgur to see full size)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zEI9nn5.png)
Quite simple, just added a new button on the home screen which would take you to a tournament section in the client.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hGvSk0v.png)
This is styled off of the arcade screen, which would mean it should be easy to navigate as it isn't completely different, it gives different tournaments a spotlight as they approach, and includes WCS ranking so everyone knows who is in the top 16.
Completed Tournaments- lets you view brackets, and if selected in the rules, you could download replays from games you want to see, as well as find VOD's for any games that have been casted
Ongoing Tournaments- again lets you view brackets of tournaments, as well as being linked to a stream so you can watch the games live
Upcoming Tournaments- allows you to see what tournaments are coming up, sorted by date, where you can sign up, and will be able to check in at the designated time
Create Tournament- Where you can create your tournament, set all the rules, add casters, admins and any other information
Manage Tournament- You can come here to edit rules and dates of your tournament
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Oh9oZ2Z.png)
Simliar to the create clan page, you can set the name, mode, max players, rules, prize, start date and to choose the tournament logo at the bottom. Under different sections a second list would appear on the left to give more options to your tournament, as seen in the image on the "mode" section, you are give an option to change the length of series per round. The "rules" section is where you can set a map pool, select your casters and admins who will be included in the tournament, setting any limits on leagues etc.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2JoPqSa.png)
This I feel is the worst designed image, but I wanted to keep it based off the current game client which made it quite hard to design. There are options to show you who has already signed up, the rules, an overview, and also buttons that remained blacked out until the start of the tournament which then light up linking you to the brackets and a stream if you want it.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BUl0SQG.png)
A notification letting you know the tournament is about to begin in the main menus, if you dont join your spot would be forfeited, helping the tournament to run smoother. This links you to the tournament portal.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Q9Muw1w.png)
The tournament portals main screen is the bracket, and automatically adds you into the tournament chat, where you can receive updates from admins and find out if casters are looking for games so you can add them to your lobby if they so desire.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lHKr9UA.png)
Once you join you "lobby" you will be able to chat with your opponent, as well as do all the vetoes in game, with a map list displaying your win rates, helping you to decide which maps to play.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OQjSkyr.png)
Once the maps are set they are displayed next to the chat, you have an option to invite the casters, which on further thought for tournament with multiple streams would need a drop down option to select which casters to invite, as well a a forfeit button and a start button. I was thinking the start button would work like a "ready up" button, meaning the game wont start until both players have selected it.
That is the extent of what I have designed. As I said earlier I would love to hear some feedback, as I want to do a complete client overhaul mock up, and I want to include as many features as possible, and try to make the client and easier place to navigate.
You can follow me on twitter here, where you can expect to find other graphic design work as well as links to my stream, as I would like to stream my design process for a new client so others can give feedback as I go!
Looks good, but I feel that with prize being something someone who creates the tournament just fills in, there would be no quarantee of there actually being a prize ( that is if anyone can create a tournament).
On August 27 2014 21:07 SunHee wrote: Looks good, but I feel that with prize being something someone who creates the tournament just fills in, there would be no quarantee of there actually being a prize ( that is if anyone can create a tournament).
Yeah i was thinking this, it would be good if there could be a way to put up prize money, so the tournament maker puts in $50 or something, which gets automatically paid out to 1st/ 2nd when the tournament finishes to there paypal or something, not sure that would be possible but it would be good if it could be done
Dude this looks sick. Now there needs to be an automated system added in from Blizzard, perhaps as one of the categories on your left hand menu.
Make some nice portraits available from winning tournament games like we had in Warcraft 3 and call it a day.
On August 27 2014 21:16 Vindicare605 wrote: Dude this looks sick. Now there needs to be an automated system added in from Blizzard, perhaps as one of the categories on your left hand menu.
Make some nice portraits available from winning tournament games like we had in Warcraft 3 and call it a day.
When I do my complete overhaul you will see what I was thinking of as a way of showing you had won tournaments, because i had thought of this
This looks so neat, I wish we had a tournament system like this ( or even better ) I hope blizzard actually includes these in-game tournaments everyone talks about, I think a lot of people will be very disappointed if they don't include it in LotV Edit: Also, they should make the tournament map pools customizable, not only ladder maps, that would make tournaments quite a lot more boring
Looks good
This is what people ask since 2009.
Cool post Matt neat gfx
This looks awesome. A few tweaks here and there and it would look amazing. It should be added to the client.
Blizzard! Pay this man and implement this asap please
This is super cool. A few things to be done, as mentioned already, but looks awesome
Awesome work. Small suggestions: Make the ordner in the second picture: 1. Ongoing 2. Upcoming and 3. Completed Also on the main tournament page there should be an option to watch the games. Maybe you could click on the bracket and it would then open a box with some information about the current score and buttons like "Observe game", or "save replays".
Interesting idea. I think you choosing to stick with the general graphical identity of the current B.net is a good choice. It really shows what having in-game tournaments could be like ! I like how you tried to be as complete as possible with all the different screens and all. I also appreciate how you tried to include everything (thinking about casters and all, vetoes, etc). However I think such a system should be aimed at grassroots type tournaments. I don't see WCS, DH or IEM use this feature, as they are doing fine without it already and organising a bracket isn't really a big deal when you're organising such a huge event. But this feature could really help the average Joe set up a tournament quickly to spend an afternoon of fun with a few friends !
But seriously, everytime I see a thread related to B.net, I can't help but feel like it doesn't look that great. (I don't mean your work which is amazing, I mean the general B.net 2.0 design). It feels heavy, clunky, and unnecessarily complicated. I would love LotV would include a massive overhaul of B.net 2.0, which would make it more clear, lean and include the possibility for micro transactions, skins, user-generated tournaments, automatically-generated tournaments, and all the other features we talked about in these forums... One can dream, right ? :-)
Oh god :/ Give me this now!!!
Really nice workflow. I hope we can see this somehow implemented, but I'm not very positive on it.
Maybe we get something similar implemented for starbow's client, but it won't be as nice as directly having it in B.net.
All in all, great work!
look like a cool start. Could be useful for both big tournaments and people that just want to play in a tournament setting. Amateur tournaments are some of my best memories from starcraft.
I imagine you would need some sort of mode where the administrator would need the ability for more control for bigger tournaments if they would want to make use of it. However, it would completely eliminate that somewhat awkward stand around while they ban maps that we see in some tournaments and would speed up the process as admins can get players in the booth quicker.
Would be cool though just for automatic amateur tournaments as it breaks up the monotony of just laddering continuously. Perhaps implement something where you have league restrictions for people to join tournaments.
Looks cool hope you see it through.
That is a really impressive effort, OP! Nicely done. Hopefully Blizzard implements something like this.
Hope blizzard will do something like this in LOTV