Hey you! Yes you! I hope you’ve been watching ProLeague because if you did not then you have separated yourself from pure awesomeness, and the first steppes of the great-great KeSPA players. You will need some knowledge of the current standing, so I would suggest you to watch the vods here: Sayle's VODs or here Esports TV (Korean). Of course I can only hope that you will choose Sayle’s stream because it adds a ton to the game, even though his knowledge in SC2 is not top-notch you will still gain more experience from that, than the Korean Stream right? I mean you can’t understand 한국인,can you? Well, if you can then go for it, but otherwise you should stick with Sayle, I could even listen to him if he’d cast complete garbage, because he is such a good person, and I think he is underrated by the SC2 fans, soso much underrated.
GOGO Sayle! You are the best! Sayle Hwaiting!
Anyway so let’s get back into our little discussion about KT and KT’s future in ProLeague. First of all, let’s take a quick view on the current standings:
Even though KT may not seems to be the first, but this shouldn't confuse you. As you can see KT still does way better than it's counterpart SK Shittycom T1 which is standing in the 9th place, while KT has the glorious 7th.
Now let me introduce you the ultimate weapon, which will help on KT’s route: + Show Spoiler +
Yes, yes non other than Lee Yong Ho! Flash! The Ultimate weapon! This handsome nerd baller has something in his backpack. After his first official SC2 match where he failed against EffOrt, and a lot of those SC2 elitists assumed that he is slumping, he doesn’t deserve the title GOD, that he will fail miserably in SC2. However, he proved, those people are wrong when he ROFLSTOMPED everyone in Kespa Exhibition Tournament (MLG Anaheim)
This is God's game, if he wants to pwn everyone he will, if he does not, then he won't.
So yeah, GOD is not someone. He is everyone and that’s why he can get any girl, can get a ton of money, and can beat anyone in BW and in SC2.
Flash has a lot of superpowers, he can triplicate himself, can tell the size of your tits, can hang like spiderman and even able to stare at tits without getting hit in face. Also has a sexy body.[/center]
But obviously there are other good players in KT not just Flash, unlike in Team 8 where the only good player is Jaedong. Let's have a look at this Star Wars fanatic:
He may seems scary first, but when you know him better you will realize that he has a warm heart.
He won his first matches, but I still thought that he won't be enough. But over the time, I really started to like his style and also realised how great player he is. This hairy alien-thingy will help a lot to Kt to get the ProLeague trophy. Also his made a name change when he switched, the BW players may know him as P7GAB. But I'm glad that he changed it, because I can't understand what does it supposed to mean. Wooki fighting!
Do you like Hydras? No?! Then fuck you! Well I can somewhat understand it in SC2. Do you like Crazy people? Well... me neither... But I'm sure that you love this nerd-baller.
I feel sorry for him he can't use his beloved units in SC2 (yet, HotS soon™)
Oh, shit I almost forgot. You know that feeling when the ACE match is coming and the coach chooses someone who you think is a complete garbage and will get crushed in matter of seconds? Well today, or yesterday (depends on where you live :O it's yesterday for me for 2 minutes) that moment happened.Kt was standing fine against Team8, even managed to give some charity wins for T8, 1 in BW and 2 in SC2, so the ACE match was coming up. Everyone expected from Kt to send out Flash who has already claimed a victory in BW, in a very one sided TvP. But you know there is that new Coach called Cliduuuu and he decided he would rather give another win to T8, so he sent out the so called NotFlash, Stats. Everyone was freaking out on Sayle's stream, what the fuck is that they send out NotFlash it's like Kt really wants to give wins for those bad teams after the last PL season where the team managed to claim the victory, but Shittycom cheated on the results.
Sayle's given him a new ID: NotFlash
So yeah NotFlash went out, and said: "Fuck that shit! I don't care that the coaches sent me out in order to lose to this Jaedong guy. I will defeat him, but I don't want to show them that it was intentional and I used my skills, so I will cloak it as a DT rush all-in shit."
Clieduuu teaches the team that SC2 thingy, but they are no allowed to show their real skills in tournaments yet. But when they will be allowed you should expect that they will ROFLSTOMP every fucking one.
And there are those old school BW coaches, and one from a forgotten time H.O.T-Forever, he has a lot of cool stories about the beginnings.
It'd not be fair if I won't tell you about the other teams' stuff, so there you go. People are saying that there is more team than Kt well I pretty much doubt it I always assumed, that they smoked too much pot or something. But yeah I recently discovered that there is more, but I also know that they aren't as good as Kt, or I'd say they are shit.
Team8's only somewhat okayish player, Lee JaeDong.
Just look at him. He is even crying, Without him, his team would be just still slightly ahead of Air Force Ace. And of course the free wins are helping a ton as well, since Kespa has agreed with every team to give some free wins to T8 in order to get a chance to JD to play in the ACE match.
Okay, but that's about T8 you will notice that it's just the top of the iceberg. Most of the teams are much worse than T8 just be patient and see.
Do you know who is the next? Yes-yes WoongjinSoulKey AKA Mr.Overrated.
A good indicator of how overrated Soulkey is that when I put this image in Gimp it said that it is more than 1,3GB. I couldn't even edit it as I wanted because always crashed Gimp with its huge size, but in windows it was only some MB :/
Do you remember when the hybrid proleague was announced, and the teams said that Soulkey is the best player, and Woongjin is the best team blablabla? Well that was true for the first round but since then the whole team is just slumping. And I'd assume that for the next season they will be next to Air Force Ace.
Do you think that I'm too harsh and this was fair enough of my criticism? Well then I will give you a little of a break:
Well, yes Sayle has a big impact on me
Back into action: the leading team right now has a really good player but they can't enjoy him for too much longer.
Kespa officially announced that Aliens are no longer allowed to participate in Kespa tournaments (except Wookis), so CJ's effort(s) may not paid out.
STX Soul is no problem for anyone. Their scariest player is ToSsGirL.
So when you are in Korea and wanna use your phone what is the first thing that you see? Yes, Shittycom Korea's biggest Telecommunist corporation.
A lot of people're saying that Fantasy will be or could have been (in BW) the next Bonjwa. Well, I think those people should seriously stop with weed and LSD.
Well I guess that's about it... Oh no fuck I almost forgot Air Force Ace. Hmm... that's about Ace:
These are the reasons why Kt will win Proleague. Even if it doesn't seems like that right now.
I'm 15yrs old and Hungarian(so my first language is not English) and this is my first writing in English. it's pretty late right now 1:07 AM so my spelling, and writing should involve a lot of failures.Also I've drunk a ton of beers so I hope I didn't fucked up everything, and at least it was a bit funny for you while it lasted. It still lacking in a lot of ways. The part about coaches has almost nothing in it, as well as I forgot to add a lot of player on Kt's side that I wanted. I'm still thinking about that I might only publish it tomorrow, so I can proof-read it with clean mind either way, I will left this little paragraph here. Oh and my original idea was that I will try to calculate how much chance has kt in order to get into the playoffs I might to that as well the other day. 1:21 Am well in the end I posted it. But tomorrow I will add a more stuff to the thread, until then GL & HF I hope this is as good as much time i've spent with it, and get as much attention.
I will post the changes made for the thread 08.19 1:39 AM Fuck I forgot the most Important one the get well violet card..
I almost forgot the most important one, get well soon Kt.Violet!
Poll: Who will win the Proleague?
Team 8 (83)
Kt Rolster forever all the way up (68)
SK Shittycom T9 (22)
CJ Entus (15)
Sayle's Samsung Khan (14)
Woongjin Stars (7)
Air Force Ace :D ROFL (7)
STX Soul (5)
I'm way to scared to vote for any of those teams (5)
226 total votes
Your vote: Who will win the Proleague?
(Vote): Kt Rolster forever all the way up (Vote): Team 8 (Vote): Sayle's Samsung Khan (Vote): Woongjin Stars (Vote): SK Shittycom T9 (Vote): Air Force Ace :D ROFL (Vote): STX Soul (Vote): CJ Entus (Vote): I'm way to scared to vote for any of those teams
On August 19 2012 08:57 Talionis wrote: They're not even going to make it to the playoffs ^^
Your team is 4th right now. They have 2 matches left one against Khan one against KT if they lose in both, your team won't be able to do so. So... I wouldn't be that cocky with these responses. At least Kt has Flash so I can be a bit cocky.
On August 19 2012 08:57 Talionis wrote: They're not even going to make it to the playoffs ^^
Your team is 4th right now. They have 2 matches left one against Khan one against KT if they lose in both, your team won't be able to do so. So... I wouldn't be that cocky with these responses. At least Kt has Flash so I can be a bit cocky.
calling other people cocky when "your team" is in a worse position? what is this logic?
The article doesn't say anything about why kt will win the proleague .... I am seriously disappointed . If you are going to tell why kt is going to win at least write a proper write up and have a detail description about the whole team besides flash has super power . Because flash in sc2 isn't the same player as he is in broodwar.
hehe thank you guys I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I might write another one, in another time. Maybe in the next Proleague season. But it will even blast more than this one.
If KT can make the playoffs , they have a good chance at winning it , but that is highly unlikely . Their slow start in SC2 will cost them this PL season .
On August 19 2012 18:23 raga4ka wrote: If KT can make the playoffs , they have a good chance at winning it , but that is highly unlikely . Their slow start in SC2 will cost them this PL season .
Well, I think the 3rd and 4th place to the playoffs can be anyone. I'm sure that T8 and CJ will get into the play offs but the other teams are sitting pretty much even so the other 2 spots can be reserved to anyone except Air Force.
On August 19 2012 08:57 Talionis wrote: They're not even going to make it to the playoffs ^^
I just saw today's results on liquipedia :D Well your beloved team is now the 6th, and because Woongjin's insanely declining winrate I'd assume that they won't make it to the finals. Kt has a bigger chance then them since Kt is increasing in every way, and still have 2 matches. So yeah GOGO Kt!
KT is just letting the baddies have some fun before they stomp everyone. Same as in broodwar, would be bad TV if they just won every game all the time so they let the other teams have some fun as well.
On August 19 2012 19:56 Math.random(); wrote: A little bit too late
Well your team is in the play offs, as well as CJ. But 2spots are still unclear, so I woudn't be surprised if Kt would pull it of and get in as the 4th. just look at how the 7th-3rd spots are always changing. If Kt wins the remaining 2 matches and the other teams in the 3rd or more importantly the 4th 5th and 6th place lose Kt could get in by points or something.
IMO, Samsung Khan is ganna win. Their ace player is Stork in recent Proleague games. Can you believe that. Stork? They have Reality and Roro who are beating Code A/S players in the WCS and Stork is their ace. They also got OSL Champ Jangbi for BW and Stork is still a badass at BW. Shine was also RO8 in last OSL so he's a good option for BW.
As for OP, creative and good read, but it's going to be pretty hilarious if they can't even make the playoffs.
On August 20 2012 02:03 Kiett wrote: ...Why did you make this now, instead of at the beginning of the season? There's no hype for 7th place teams. KT is bad. Just accept it.
Well.. there are quite a few answers for that.
1. I'm not a writer as you are, so this whole thing came like storm when I saw NotFlash's win over Jaedong. 2. I still don't think that I'm fluent enough in English to write such an article, that's why I first felt like that it will be judged as complete garbage by TL and will get closed by the mods. However, luckily I was wrong, so if I write an article again in the far far future, I will do it when the actual event start
On August 20 2012 06:31 YaShock wrote: Még mindig szar postokat csinálsz...
User was warned for this post
You should learn English dude!
You realize that my English is 100 times better than yours, right? I typed in Hungarian specifically for you, I hoped you would understand your native language
On August 20 2012 06:31 YaShock wrote: Még mindig szar postokat csinálsz...
User was warned for this post
You should learn English dude!
You realize that my English is 100 times better than yours, right? I typed in Hungarian specifically for you, I hoped you would understand your native language
I don't think so... But if you really want to argue do it in PM and don't spam the thread, because TL Mods may temp ban you. There was no reason to actually bash on me, and tell that you are so much better, if you are, but I doubt that. Please don't ruin the thread with your non-sense stupid bashings, arguments because it leads nowhere and kills the enjoyment for those people who came here to laugh one.
I know that, or I assume that you are still a pretty decent player in the Hungarian scene, so I don't expect from you to know what is going on in the pro league, and what is it all about. But since you don't understand it there is no reason to talk about it, because you will only look dumb and you shouldn't make worse my actual opinion of you.
So please stay calm, and if you have any offensive word for me, then send it in PM.