![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/130125/7upbsxwo.png)
The time has finally come! Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm is officially released!
Im very proud and super excited to finally show this movie to you. Constructive criticism of any kind is greatly appreciated!
Starcraft - Rebirth of the Swarm is the biggest Starcraft 2 Machinima Project to date. It is a 60 minute long, fully voiced Starcraft 2 machinima movie. For the last two and a half years, this machinima has been my pet project and it has come a long way since its announcement and im very proud of getting this project finished.
Now, before we get to the link, heres some information about the movie in general:
- The movie is fully voiced in english and also features english subtitles
- The movie has an exact running time of 60 minutes and 5 seconds
- The movie is released on Youtube in 720p with Stereo Sound, additionally to that, the movie is available for download featuring Dolby Digital 5.1 sound and 1440x1080 HD quality. The downloadable version is playable on a PS3 and should be playable on most other Blu-Ray and DVD players. I can be found below.
I apologizes that the downloadable version is not available today due to some unexpected errors with the upload, however, I hope to be able to make it available in the next two days, preferably tomorrow!
Lets start this out by saying that watching this movie over Youtube is a perfectly fine way of watching this movie. The sound has been optimized to work within a stereo enviroment and while there is a noticable loss in the video quality, the quality loss is still within a very acceptable level. Keep in mind that the sound was optimized for headphones, so I suggest you use some high quality ones to watch this movie.
With said, the recommended way of watching this movie is by downloading the movie and watching it on your PC with headphones. That way, you get 100% out of the video quality and the sound quality. The biggest difference is that the downloadable version has a Dolby Digital 5.1 sound mixing, which greatly increases the quality of the audio. The gain in visual quality is also very noticable.
Also, there is the possibility of watching the downloaded movie on your television set. This is also a valid way of watching this movie, expecially seeing how the movie features Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. However, there are some shortcomings with this: Your television might screw around abit with the black/white contrast of the movie and on your 5.1 sound system, the music might not stand out as much as it would with headphones. However, while the movie was not primarily designed to be watched on a television, I tried my best to optimize the sound for it and the result is pretty good. I myself watched this movie several times already on my television set. While it has its shortcomings, watching a movie on a big screen on a couch always has another unique element to it.
Decide what option of viewing this movie suits you best.
With no further delay, heres the link! Enjoy!:
Im extremely excited to hear your thoughts on my movie! Feel free to state any sort of criticism!
Download (Thanks to InStarcraft.de):
The downloadable version is superior to the Youtube version in every way. Most notably, it features Dolby Digital 5.1 sound and also has a superior visual resolution, 1440 x 1080p HD to be exact. The movie is in a .m2ts format, which is a variation of the famous MPEG format and should run on most Computers and definately runs on a PS3 (and Blu-Ray players should also support it). The recommended way to watch it is to watch this version with Headphones on the PC, seeing how the movie has been optimized to be viewed in that way, however, the 5.1 Dolby Digital sound was additionally optimized to sound great on a actual 5.1 sound system, so watching it on a PS3 on your big TV is also a very great way to experience this movie!
However, seeing how the file is 6.4 GB big, it can be quite an obstacle to get the file on a PS3. However, it is possible to stream it onto your PS3 over you PC or to burn the file on a disk!
With no further delay, here is the downloadable version (The file is 6.4 GB big, so watch out!):
And the actual website:
Thanks again!
Update 1.17.2013
The release date for Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm is now officially announced: It will be released on the 1.25.2013, which is next Friday!
Additionally to that, I have some further information on the movie and how it will be released for you:
- The movie will have a running time of exactly 60 minutes and 4 seconds.
- The movie will be fully voiced, but will also feature english subtitles.
- The movie will be released on Youtube in 720p with Stereo Sound, additionally to that it will be available for download featuring Dolby Digital 5.1 sound and 1440x1080 HD quality. The downloadable version will be playable on a PS3 and should be playable on most other Blu-Ray and DVD players.
Update 12.23.2012
Final Theatrical Trailer
Here it is, the final theatrical Trailer for Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm! Im super excited to finally show you this and cant wait till the movie gets released in January 2013.
Also, I can now finally tell you how long the movie is going to be: The runtime of the movie will be about 60 minutes (And about 3 minutes more or less, seeing how can still make changes to the movie and the credits arent completely done yet).
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Update 12.21.2012
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/121221/pk4wakee.png)
As promised, with the release of Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm beeing just around the corner, it is time for the release of another trailer. The final theatrical trailer for Starcraft: ROTS will go online this weekend on the 12.23.2012, which is this Sunday. If you liked the Teaser Trailer, I can assure you that this one will blow you away.
On the same day, I will also reveal the running time of the movie.
The full movie will be released in January 2013. I cant give you an exact date yet, however, it will definately be released in January.
Update 12.5.2012
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/121205/baic7z9j.png)
Big news, everybody. While it took much longer then expected, the editing phase of Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm is finally completed now, infact, it has been completed for almost a month now. Currently im working on putting all the seperate scenes together, then I will be busy with mastering everything to make sure the movie sounds great both on 5.1 speakers and headphones and then rendering the movie. Also, I will do my best to add subtitles.
Now, the big question is: Will the movie still come out this year? I cant really answer that, however, it is a possibility. But please understand that these last steps are very important and I dont want to rush the movie in any way. However, if the movie doesnt go online in December, it will definately be released in January next year.
However, what I can say with 100% certainty is that the final trailer for Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm will be released this month. Be prepared.
Update 8.16.2012
A few new screencaps, this time protoss themed:
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/120816/du5rb74j.png)
![[image loading]](http://s1.directupload.net/images/120816/adre4ack.png)
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/120816/tladnh9p.png)
Now that school is at it again, I unfortanly have less time to work on the movie, even though I still try to work on it daily.
As of now, I have alittlebit more than half of the movie editing, including some of the huge action scenes and I honestly have to say, everything comes together awesomely, probably even better than I expected.
Also, through the trailer, I recruited alot of great and talented voice actors to the team which really add to the movie with their outstanding performances. Because a machinima can look as good as it wants - at the end of the day, the machinima will still only look like a machinima. Its the job of the actors to bring that extra depth into the movie.
So, all in all, the movie is turning out amazing, even though it all takes alittle longer than expected.
Update 7.22.2012
Heres a new set of screencaps for you guys:
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/120722/6rjmlnh2.png)
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120722/2nh5thzi.png)
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120722/vgxf5w43.png)
Currently im hard working on editing the movie as fast, but also as best as I can.
Update 6.23.2012
The time has finally come! The countdown is over and I proudly present you the Teaser Trailer for Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm! Im super excited to finally show this to everyone. Have fun! :
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Update 6.19.2012
Ok everybody, its time!
With the release of Starcraft: Rebirth of the Swarm coming nearer and nearer, it is finally time for the release of new trailers, which will for the first time show off the new animation quality that ROTS has archieved in the last year.
As a celebration of this, I will start alittle event: The new trailer will be released on Saturday, leading up to that, I will release a new screencap from the trailer every day, starting tomorrow. Which means you will get a new screencap on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday until the trailer finally hits the internet on Saturday!
Additionally to that, this would be a good time to answer a few frequently asked questions about the movie:
Q: When is the movie going to be released?
A: It should only take 1 or 2 months to get the movie fully edited and all the missing voices recorded.
Q: Whats the running time?
A: Currently unknown, however, I think when finally edited the movie will be around 30 - 70 minutes long.
Q: When can we expect the next trailer?
A: In the next weeks.
Q: Is this related to Heart of the Swarm?
A: No.
Q: Will there be custom animation?
A: While very limited, there will be a few shots that will indeed feature custom animation. Custom animation is used to great effect in this movie and you will actually get a sneak peak at a custom animation shot in the trailer that will be released in the next weeks. Im sure it will blow your mind.
Q: How well does this movie tie in with the actual Starcraft 2 story?
A: In comparison to Starcraft 2, ROTS tells a very "small" story, focusing only on one of many attacks of the zerg around that time period. Seeing how the production on ROTS started in beta before any details about the SC2 story were released, the story of ROTS will be very seperate from the story we have seen in SC2. However, ROTS will not contradict anything we have seen in Starcraft 2.
![[image loading]](http://s1.directupload.net/images/120715/sw6m6pf6.png)
Teaser Trailer 1:
Final Theatrical Trailer:
Other Media:
Screenshots :
![[image loading]](http://s1.directupload.net/images/120620/temp/k4we6jr5.png)
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120621/temp/pfokrkjo.png)
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120622/temp/279t5ry4.png)
Full Poster:
![[image loading]](http://s1.directupload.net/images/120715/5ratuam6.png)
The movie will begin just before the events of Starcraft 2 and will focus on one of the first full scale attack from the zerg on a terran planet since their four year long disappearance.
Most of the movie will be set on the attacked planet, "Cron II", which is controlled by the Umoja Protectorate, the second biggest Terran faction next to the Dominion. Cron II poses as a tactically important planet for the Protectorate, seeing how the planet is rich with giant mineral fields. However, as a desert planet, Cron II only provides rough living conditions, which causes it beeing populated mainly be miners and the marines to defend them.
Overall, Cron II is not ready to hold off a full scale Zerg attack on their own, so in an desperate act of seeking help, they send out a distress call into space - which is received by the Protoss mothership Tasiis.
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120715/3d6qou94.png)
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/120715/e8ht936w.png)
Sage Corbin:
Race: Terran
Voice actor: Already Voiced
Sage Corbin is a colonell on the planet Cron II and is in control of the terran forces that protect the mines on the planet. During the broodwar, he defended the planet against zerg and other terran factions.
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120715/kh26loez.png)
Race: Protoss
Voice Actor: Already Voiced
Zhadun is a dark templar which already lived for years on Cron II. He made himself a name among the terrans as the "Protoss from Umoja". Not many know that Zeratul himself send him to this planet, but noone but him knows why.
![[image loading]](http://s7.directupload.net/images/120715/musngy8i.png)
Shiloh Maltair:
Race: Terran
Voice Actor: Already Voiced
Shiloh is a ghost working for the protectorate that was send directly from Umoja to Cron II to help in defending the planet against the incoming Zerg.
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120715/nf49xpqu.png)
Race: Protoss
Voice Actor: Already Voiced
Asuris is a high templar on the mothership Tasiis which received the distress call of the terrans. He will lead the troops into battle when they finally reach Cron II.
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120715/pdphl4jy.png)
Race: Protoss
Voice Actor: Already voiced
Naoros is in command of the troops on the mothership Tasiis. He, however, is under the command of Asuris.
![[image loading]](http://s14.directupload.net/images/120715/9mokql8o.png)
There is currently no more need for additional voice actors.
Feel free to give feedback.