Feel free to import these builds. I've added the little icons into the builds so that they are easier to read than pure text.
1 Gate FE + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
3 Gate Expand + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
3 Gate Robo + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
3 Gate Void Ray + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
PvZ builds.
3 Gate Sentry Expand + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
DT Expand + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
Forge FE + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
(Naniwas) Nexus First, Forge FE + Show Spoiler +sc2bo: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
seems cool but how can i do to see my own BO's there?
Thanks netisopl1, I'll get those added.
On December 06 2011 06:15 Cortez wrote: seems cool but how can i do to see my own BO's there?
You use the editor on the right and press the create button.
This is a really good tool.
On December 07 2011 23:37 Goshirn wrote: this is really awesome but you really need to make an updater to make the updating more user friendly, other than that it's really freaking good :D
The next bugfix will likely be the last update by me, unless someone has more ideas that interest me. Monitoring your keyboard for relevant macro keys (Hatchbind+V for Zerg, W for Protoss) and displaying a timer was an idea I toyed with, but that's probably going a bit too far.
On November 22 2011 03:03 Grumbels wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2011 02:54 Veritas. wrote:On November 22 2011 02:40 Grumbels wrote:On November 22 2011 02:34 Veritas. wrote:On November 22 2011 02:28 -swordguy wrote: In customs this is fine for refining/practicing builds but on ladder I would definitely consider this cheating. This is a real time strategy game and requires people to learn builds and counters if they want to achieve some kind of success. The person that remembers their build and the counters will have the advantage and should win. By adding the build order overlays you take out that important part of the game ( I know you still have to execute the build but remembering it is just as important) and that makes it easier for people to play. The game is meant to take a lot of practice in order to learn/optimize the builds and this program will help with that but using a 3rd party source just isn't acceptable in my opinion (and in the TOS). And the difference between using this instead of notepad is... ? Having the build in your eyeline rather than having to alt tab or look at a different monitor is considerably easier. Although I'm excited to hear your method of learning a build that doesn't involve looking at it and then doing it. A question to you: have you ever thought about creating a more complete SC2 environment? I've always thought that to properly learn SC2, especially if you intend to be a bit more professional about it, it should be important to reflect on your games, to set goals for future practice sessions and such. In short, you need a professional environment to help you manage these aspects. And while it's possible to just write stuff down in notepad, it seems like there could be a bit of a market for managing software here. Sounds a lot like something you could do with a calendar, unless I'm underthinking it? On November 22 2011 02:45 legatus legionis wrote: I posted a ton of feedback in the thread of the previous version and was a bit sad when, but could understand, you said the utility did what you wanted to and would not get developed further. So I'm once again very excited to see this pop up because it truly has a ton of potential. Unless I can think of more cool shit to add, I want to add unit images, fix the overlay fps issues and maybe make a build database server. Then I'm done. For real this time  No, like, if you're a professional chess player you'd have computer software that details an incredible amount of builds for you that you can quickly check through. I imagine you can also experiment with moves and such and have chess AIs to test your builds. Now for Starcraft 2, suppose you live in a teamhouse, you're being coached, you're a professional that plays the game every day. Wouldn't it be helpful then to have something similar in scope? A constantly updated list of build orders, with example replays, that you could also overlay on the screen if you wanted to. And this would be shared between the entire teamhouse, coaches could write comments next to it. Part of the program could also be a calendar, a notebook/diary, and so on. So kind of like your program mixed with liquipedia, except not public, but private. I don't know exactly how it should be, but I guess I can imagine it being useful for players or coaches.
i understand what you are saying, something such as chessbase, which shows every game ever recorded as well as a computer analysis of the position, ie who is winning, what lines are the most ideal, some even make comments such as good but better was...... or blunder that throws away the game... something like that would actually be awesome IMO not just for preparation for pro players....thats how chess games are interesting at high level they look at the past play history of their opponent then try to find lines or openings that they would be uncomfortable with.... but also allowing us average players an ability to watch, understand, and learn from all the high level games.
The notebook doesn't work any longer for me, when I run it it minimizes itself and will not open. I've tried running it in various compatibility modes and deleting the program; nothing has worked. windows 7 64 bit
On December 09 2011 11:43 SEEDaurora wrote: The notebook doesn't work any longer for me, when I run it it minimizes itself and will not open. I've tried running it in various compatibility modes and deleting the program; nothing has worked. windows 7 64 bit
Delete config.xml in My Documents/Starcraft II/Scrapbook.
On December 09 2011 12:22 Veritas. wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2011 11:43 SEEDaurora wrote: The notebook doesn't work any longer for me, when I run it it minimizes itself and will not open. I've tried running it in various compatibility modes and deleting the program; nothing has worked. windows 7 64 bit Delete config.xml in My Documents/Starcraft II/Scrapbook. oooh i had that problem too but now its fine, thanks!
Awesome tool! I sent a PM about possible integration with sc2builds.com
Best utility ever, thankyou veritas ♥
Ive done everything and It is still not showing up when i double click on it QQ
On December 11 2011 11:54 BiLaL.645 wrote: Ive done everything and It is still not showing up when i double click on it QQ
Can you be more specific?
I want to thank you for the great program! It has helped me alot with my new builds in my constantly dark computer room. Sadly though it doesn't work any longer for me, it starts minimized won't maximize no matter what you do.
On December 14 2011 06:00 Mowr wrote: I want to thank you for the great program! It has helped me alot with my new builds in my constantly dark computer room. Sadly though it doesn't work any longer for me, it starts minimized won't makimize no matter what you do. Delete My Documents/Starcraft II/Scrapbook/Config.xml
On December 14 2011 08:11 Veritas. wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 06:00 Mowr wrote: I want to thank you for the great program! It has helped me alot with my new builds in my constantly dark computer room. Sadly though it doesn't work any longer for me, it starts minimized won't makimize no matter what you do. Delete My Documents/Starcraft II/Scrapbook/Config.xml Well look at that, I thought I had done that but it worked
Don't suppose there is any easy way to use the sharecode ourselves? I'd love to add the builds posted above by netisopl1 but I can't see a convenient way to add them into the program.
Thanks for programming this--it's very slick and saves me having a bunch of pieces of paper taped to my screen while I'm learning zerg after playing terran 
One suggestion that I would love though--make it so there's an option to automatically select a build of your choice after selecting your opponent's race. I imagine many people play like this--they do one build many times over again in the same matchup. Also, is there a way to tell it what your race is so you don't have to select it each time?
Again, thanks!
This will make it so much easier for me to get my friends into 1v1, thanks man
On December 16 2011 08:39 totalpigeon wrote: Don't suppose there is any easy way to use the sharecode ourselves? I'd love to add the builds posted above by netisopl1 but I can't see a convenient way to add them into the program.
This is a bug I've just noticed. You can only use sharecodes if you already have Scrapbook open, otherwise you will see a debug window when launching them.
You can use paste them into Start->Run or your browser URL bar.