On November 13 2011 12:11 trexbqs wrote:great news. congrats soccer Now I wonder what happen to Moon & Lyn? Lyn is on PanDa (Chinese team).
Moon is bumming around still, because he likes being teamless (according to a very recent interview).
United States3815 Posts
On November 13 2011 12:11 trexbqs wrote:great news. congrats soccer Now I wonder what happen to Moon & Lyn? by the way, thanks nokz88 for the news. Lyn joined the Chinese team PanDarea. Moon, as far as I know, is still teamless.
I think he has a lot of potential. Except he hasn't had a dedicated coach and has been playing wc3 on the sides. I think he can do very well if he focuses on his sc2 training.
Holy shit, so that puts the SlayerS Protoss lineup at:
Puzzle Soccer Brown Alicia
All Code A/Code S. SlayerS has a serious monopoly on the GSL. Not to mention the EG lineup they've got at their disposal for practice/maybe GSTL.
Fuck, yo.
Slayers Boxer is doing it again.
+ Show Spoiler +Makeing the most badass team. Creating bestly terran protege's.
On November 13 2011 12:11 trexbqs wrote:great news. congrats soccer Now I wonder what happen to Moon & Lyn? by the way, thanks nokz88 for the news.
Lyn joined a chinese team called Pandarea Gaming a while back. LINK
I don't know about Moon.
On November 13 2011 12:04 ZOMGitsTHEEND wrote: very nice. although he is a low tier korean player, its nice to see some race diversity in slayers
You realize they already have diversity right? It's just that their terran players are the most successful. Thorzain even said there are a lot more zergs at the house than terrans.
And congrats to Soccer and Slayers.
I really hope that SlayerS packs up their entire team for a 2012 MLG and takes Top 12.
What about Moon?
I felt always sad for Soccer when he got destroyed in the F.United GSTL Matches.
I think he has been practicing alot dedicating his time to play more since he is currently one of the best Ladder players in the World Ranked on the ladder.
Quite highly ranked on the Korean Ladder quite an impressive feat...
#24 Ranked on Korean Ladder GM wow...
Slayers always picking up and coming players
Thanks babylon, juicyjames and nokz88 for the answer
Grats to Slayers! Glad they picked up a Protoss :D
Kind a weird pick up considering that he got totally overshadowed by all three foreigners in F.united. And it's not like Slayers should be desperate for more players.
The team just doesn't run out of money it seems..........
On November 13 2011 12:20 Vaelone wrote: Kind a weird pick up considering that he got totally overshadowed by all three foreigners in F.united. And it's not like Slayers should be desperate for more players. He made Code A twice without being given a spot, once while playing on WMF (which basically counts as being teamless for SC2 as far as I'm concerned) and this time while being actually teamless; that's gotta count for something, right? And he 2-0'd Naniwa earlier this week, which is pretty decent.
Also, John's stated before that Soccer's admitted he never practiced for his GSTL showings, because he was too busy playing War3.
Aww I liked the name Soccer
Wow slayer's house is really getting big, with EG in too I wonder if they got a bigger place already.
I feel like SlayerS doesn't pick entirely on talent seeing as they have this deeply skilled line up that will basically make anyone dedicated a lot better. So congratulations to Soccer.
For those asking, he will be playing SC2 full time now on, instead of splitting his time between SC2 and War3. This info was added to OP
Damn, that is so many people. Huge house.