During the group ceremonies, Polt has revealed that he would be joining a team. Since then he has received many offers, TSL being one of them. He had decided that he would like to join TSL after talking with Coach Lee.
He commented that "since I had joined a team after much deliberation, I will prepare myself and practice diligently in order to bring in a good record."
Congratulations to Polt. I was surprised he was a free agent for as long as he was with a skill level as high as his. I have no doubt he'll enjoy TSL as well, Coach Lee cares for his players very well.
Wow TSL strong recovery after Puma's departure is complete. Filled out the roster, stomped in GSTL, stars performing solidly and now adding a player who is possibly better that Puma.
Good news for TSL. Hopefully, Polt can breathe some life back into the team. I'm gonna miss the moniker "Polt.Prime", though; it sounds so natural and flows off the tongue. "TSL.Polt" doesn't have the same ring to it, y'know?
So much news going on!! I believe this would be because of the fairly low (possibly not saying this is true, but from an assumption) practice schedule, and polt's commitment to university
On September 23 2011 09:02 WArped wrote: Woah what? I swear he was flying solo because of school. Isn't TSL one of the more dedicated and practice-hardened teams?
He said school was never a reason for leaving Prime.
On September 23 2011 09:00 Dexington wrote: That's... kinda boring. TSL isn't very much of a top team in Korea.
That's why they're the #1 seed in the GSTL play-offs?...
We're not really at a point in Sc2 where we can truly distinguish between the "top" teams and the "weak" teams. Each team seems to have an ACE player that can carry them, and then the level of their depth varies.
On September 23 2011 09:02 WArped wrote: Woah what? I swear he was flying solo because of school. Isn't TSL one of the more dedicated and practice-hardened teams?
Polt took the whole year off of school to focus on gaming. So him practicing on TSL, with a strong training schedule, could be really good.
Hopefully Lee finally sends Polt to a foreign event.
On September 23 2011 09:01 wattabeast wrote: So much news going on!! I believe this would be because of the fairly low (possibly not saying this is true, but from an assumption) practice schedule, and polt's commitment to university
Don't think school was ever a main reason for him leaving. In an interview he said that he had minor differences with the coach regarding vision or something.
Sick pick up! TSL is my favorite korean team. Coach Lee is a boss and Polt can only get better from here on out. And the TSL uniform is sweet, don't hate on acid wash capri's just cuz you jelly.
I still say CLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE is the best player in the world lol.
Anyways, great pickup by TSL. The team seems to be looking stronger nowadays despite the departures of Fruitdealer, Tester, Rain, and Puma, especially with Clide being consistent as well as JYP and Revival starting to look better. Polt should be on a good team.
On September 23 2011 09:10 OdiousTea wrote: LOL looking at GSTL calendar, Polt could all-kill Prime.
He can't play due to playing for Prime this season.
He will more than likely be able to sit on the bench, though. It'll be weird seeing Polt in those TSL pants and smiley face uniform against MarineKing.
On September 23 2011 09:08 ch33psh33p wrote: Lol its like nobody follows GSTL.
TSL is an AMAZING team. Polt will only make them that much stronger.
They went 20-7 crushing the rest of the league guys...
I don't think people are doubting the talent in their player pool but they did have a lot of turmoil with players leaving - Rain, PuMa, Trickster and GP which definitely left holes in their roster.
I would love to see some bigger name zergs make their way onto TSL but this is a great pick up for them
People only started leaving in the middle of the season though...and even if their roster is strong it's still small as hell.
FruitDealer/Trickster were dead weight. Puma only played one match. Weirdly, he beat Polt to win the first match for TSL. TSL won 4 games after that without him.
Polt/Clide should help each other in TvT. Maybe their bromance can be as strong as Polt/MKP/Maka.
On September 23 2011 09:08 ch33psh33p wrote: Lol its like nobody follows GSTL.
TSL is an AMAZING team. Polt will only make them that much stronger.
They went 20-7 crushing the rest of the league guys...
I don't think people are doubting the talent in their player pool but they did have a lot of turmoil with players leaving - Rain, PuMa, Trickster and GP which definitely left holes in their roster.
I would love to see some bigger name zergs make their way onto TSL but this is a great pick up for them
The guys that left won 3 games total, actually it was just Puma.
Does this mean that polt will be representing tsl vs prime in their next gstl match
No. He played for Prime already this season and will have to wait till the next GSTL to be with TSL. Like Eve and other non-qualified players to play, they'll probably bring him along to the match just to sit on the bench and hang out with the team.
Also I was expecting Polt to join a foreign team for more money, but he chose the team that is known to be really hard working and wanting to get better. I think he'll improve even more with the team. If TSL adds another zerg, they'll have a line-up that, on paper, is up there skill-wise with anyone not named IM.
Rain was decent, FD and Trickster are just trash now. Puma was a big loss tho but now that they got Polt I say they have come out ahead with a more dedicated and focused team.
i feel tsl will do extremely well in GSTL, as they have many players with very high/consistent skill levels, although they currently don't have "dominator" like nestea,mvp,drg,bomber,mma, etc (although, the game is still young so jyp/revival definitely show hope). it will definitely be interesting to see how they do, and gz to polt and tsl.
TSL got some good Terrans now, although Im not that suprised Polt went there,... it's probably a very good team atmosphere at their place even tho it's probably very strict.
People only started leaving in the middle of the season though...and even if their roster is strong it's still small as hell.
FruitDealer/Trickster were dead weight. Puma only played one match. Weirdly, he beat Polt to win the first match for TSL. TSL won 4 games after that without him.
Polt/Clide should help each other in TvT. Maybe their bromance can be as strong as Polt/MKP/Maka.
Either way having a half-empty bench means that your team isn't in good shape.
People only started leaving in the middle of the season though...and even if their roster is strong it's still small as hell.
FruitDealer/Trickster were dead weight. Puma only played one match. Weirdly, he beat Polt to win the first match for TSL. TSL won 4 games after that without him.
Polt/Clide should help each other in TvT. Maybe their bromance can be as strong as Polt/MKP/Maka.
Either way having a half-empty bench means that your team isn't in good shape.
meh having a bunch of players who are not very good also doesn't do anything.
People only started leaving in the middle of the season though...and even if their roster is strong it's still small as hell.
FruitDealer/Trickster were dead weight. Puma only played one match. Weirdly, he beat Polt to win the first match for TSL. TSL won 4 games after that without him.
Polt/Clide should help each other in TvT. Maybe their bromance can be as strong as Polt/MKP/Maka.
Either way having a half-empty bench means that your team isn't in good shape.
But their team is in great shape... No matter how you look at it, they have a solid team capable of going deep in a Bo9 in Teamleague.
It probably has something to do with Prime focusing a lot of their attention on making money via their new clothing website, in which Polt may have not liked because he comes off as someone that's focused on improving his game and the team rather than making money. I don't know if you guys have seen the video of Prime players in their house going nuts when Fenix destroyed oGs, there was a lot of banter, swearing and screaming and for some reason I can't really imagine Polt's personality fitting to well with the rest of the team. He is after all a Seoul National University student and more often than not, in Korea you can assume that a student of that caliber to be very calm, quiet, and always hard working which I'm sure fits better in to TSL's philosophy than Prime's.
On September 23 2011 09:11 JJH777 wrote: Sweet JYP getting a great PvT practice partner.
That's exactly what i thought. I like TSL. TSL / IM / NSHS are my favourites teams worldwide. Polt produces fantastic results and he is a fearsome opponent for every player, regardless of race and skill. Congrats to TSL after their recent roster drama.
On September 23 2011 10:03 UnKooL wrote: It probably has something to do with Prime focusing a lot of their attention on making money via their new clothing website, in which Polt may have not liked because he comes off as someone that's focused on improving his game and the team rather than making money. I don't know if you guys have seen the video of Prime players in their house going nuts when Fenix destroyed oGs, there was a lot of banter, swearing and screaming and for some reason I can't really imagine Polt's personality fitting to well with the rest of the team. He is after all a Seoul National University student and more often than not, in Korea you can assume that a student of that caliber to be very calm, quiet, and always hard working which I'm sure fits better in to TSL's philosophy than Prime's.
The more I think about this the more it makes sense.
The reaction to getting to GSTL playoffs is pure passion IMO, but I agree that the team seems to be quite young overall and full of energy and some strange guys (mainly BB). I think the clothing store is necessary to keep the team trucking along but I can see Polt not being into it as much as the others. I'm sure Prime works as hard as TSL but the philosophy and atmosphere of the teams may different (especially with Coach Lee's experience)
On September 23 2011 10:19 Torte de Lini wrote: TSL? I thought they were slumping financially ):
apparently with all the pickups and the fact that they're letting major live with them etc, they aren't.
That, or in about 2 months we'll hear how everyone's leaving again because no one's getting paid, but they're all bound by gentleman's agreements to stay with the team.
I really hope it starts to work out for them, because watching a team fall apart is never something you want to see
People only started leaving in the middle of the season though...and even if their roster is strong it's still small as hell.
FruitDealer/Trickster were dead weight. Puma only played one match. Weirdly, he beat Polt to win the first match for TSL. TSL won 4 games after that without him.
Polt/Clide should help each other in TvT. Maybe their bromance can be as strong as Polt/MKP/Maka.
Either way having a half-empty bench means that your team isn't in good shape.
meh having a bunch of players who are not very good also doesn't do anything.
Not exactly true, as long as the players are above a certain minimum skill level they make valuable practice partners. (also it's sometimes hard to predict players who are going to breakout of the lower brackets - so they're potential future talent and a way of maintaining the skill level for the more skilled members of the team).
Coach Lee really deserves all of the positive press TSL has been getting lately, especially after how much shit he's had to take over all the players that have left.
Hopefully the new players can respect this and maintain a good image while delivering for the team.
I'm happy things are looking good for TSL again. They have a super impressive roster now, really scary. Major is going to have some really good training partners.
On September 23 2011 10:25 RavenLoud wrote: TSL seems to be on the way to become GSTL Champion.
Would be funny if Polt was send out to play Prime (if they ever play against each other )
i don't think polt is allowed to play as he was not resistered at the beginning of the season as a TSL's player, this rule also is applied in a several different sports and tournaments, like football European champions league.
Question: People have been theorizing that you'll stop playing games to concentrate on school. Polt: That's not true. I'm on a leave of absence until the end of this year. I'm planning on concentrating on the game for now.
Sounds like maybe he wants to buckle down? TSL also had that goal in mind when FD and Trickster left.
On September 23 2011 10:36 Mutt_Boi wrote: TSL vs Prime at the GSTL, hope there's a Marineking v Polt matchup. If Marineking wins, he should definitely be the new Optimus.
Meh, one game is not really fair to determine the title.
On September 23 2011 10:36 Mutt_Boi wrote: TSL vs Prime at the GSTL, hope there's a Marineking v Polt matchup. If Marineking wins, he should definitely be the new Optimus.
Meh, one game is not really fair to determine the title.
some people have been living under a rock? I thought it had been established by now that FD and tester were making the majority of their accusations up and the st coach was jumping to conclusions
On September 23 2011 10:44 zeehar wrote: he has already played for prime this season.
some people have been living under a rock? I thought it had been established by now that FD and tester were making the majority of their accusations up and the st coach was jumping to conclusions
They actually have great players for every race now, Revival and JYP are awesome and their list of terrans is stacked now, hope they can get some more good Z and P soon.
TSL was doing fine without the big names they lost so i just see this pick up as another improvement over the rest of the gsl teams, definately one of the scariest teams
On September 23 2011 10:59 Indez wrote: TSL was doing fine without the big names they lost so i just see this pick up as another improvement over the rest of the gsl teams, definately one of the scariest teams
the funny thing is TSLs big names were their worst players
On September 23 2011 10:03 UnKooL wrote: It probably has something to do with Prime focusing a lot of their attention on making money via their new clothing website, in which Polt may have not liked because he comes off as someone that's focused on improving his game and the team rather than making money. I don't know if you guys have seen the video of Prime players in their house going nuts when Fenix destroyed oGs, there was a lot of banter, swearing and screaming and for some reason I can't really imagine Polt's personality fitting to well with the rest of the team. He is after all a Seoul National University student and more often than not, in Korea you can assume that a student of that caliber to be very calm, quiet, and always hard working which I'm sure fits better in to TSL's philosophy than Prime's.
I don't understand what happened between him and Prime..... but he lost himself a fan that is for sure. I remember MarineKing didn't attend a tournament JUST to stay back in Korea to help Polt win the GSL tournament(that he won). Now he leaves so abruptly and joins a different team?! So many questions.
On September 23 2011 10:03 UnKooL wrote: It probably has something to do with Prime focusing a lot of their attention on making money via their new clothing website, in which Polt may have not liked because he comes off as someone that's focused on improving his game and the team rather than making money. I don't know if you guys have seen the video of Prime players in their house going nuts when Fenix destroyed oGs, there was a lot of banter, swearing and screaming and for some reason I can't really imagine Polt's personality fitting to well with the rest of the team. He is after all a Seoul National University student and more often than not, in Korea you can assume that a student of that caliber to be very calm, quiet, and always hard working which I'm sure fits better in to TSL's philosophy than Prime's.
Wow this is kind of surprising. Def going to miss the alliterative Polt.Prime I figured he was taking the pro scene less seriously because of school by leaving prime. I guess something else happened?
On September 23 2011 10:03 UnKooL wrote: It probably has something to do with Prime focusing a lot of their attention on making money via their new clothing website, in which Polt may have not liked because he comes off as someone that's focused on improving his game and the team rather than making money. I don't know if you guys have seen the video of Prime players in their house going nuts when Fenix destroyed oGs, there was a lot of banter, swearing and screaming and for some reason I can't really imagine Polt's personality fitting to well with the rest of the team. He is after all a Seoul National University student and more often than not, in Korea you can assume that a student of that caliber to be very calm, quiet, and always hard working which I'm sure fits better in to TSL's philosophy than Prime's.
Im so happy for TSL, I used to hate them with trickster/FD but now they are easily one of my favorite teams. Any team who can come back from that big of a downturn gets my thumbs up.
I was sad for TSL when a lot of their good players started to leave slowly but the addition of Polt can really help them coming back stronger than ever. Really happy for both of them!!!
Nice to read Polt is playing full time this year, he's got something different then the standard terran. I wonder why he picked TSL though, nothing personal but i find TSL one of the weaker teams, with only Killer and ofc Clide doing descent.
On September 23 2011 14:58 Lysanias wrote: Nice to read Polt is playing full time this year, he's got something different then the standard terran. I wonder why he picked TSL though, nothing personal but i find TSL one of the weaker teams, with only Killer and ofc Clide doing descent.
You haven't been paying any attention.
TSL is one of, if not the strongest, TEAM right now.
On September 23 2011 14:58 Lysanias wrote: Nice to read Polt is playing full time this year, he's got something different then the standard terran. I wonder why he picked TSL though, nothing personal but i find TSL one of the weaker teams, with only Killer and ofc Clide doing descent.
Some people seem to only read the TL-drama threads. Start reading the greate league writeups for GSL and GSTL and it should be clear, that TSL was and still is a very strong team.
I didnt expect that pickup. Very nice for TSL indeed. I hope Polt and Clide both go supersayan and after merging they create Flash 0.5.
On September 23 2011 14:58 Lysanias wrote: Nice to read Polt is playing full time this year, he's got something different then the standard terran. I wonder why he picked TSL though, nothing personal but i find TSL one of the weaker teams, with only Killer and ofc Clide doing descent.
yeah they're only undefeated in the GSTL right now...
just because they don't have a marquee player it doesn't mean their team is weaker than a team with one. they are very deep and their top players are ALL solid. clide, alive, killer, polt are code S, revival, jyp are code a and have nice potential. no weak links in this team.
On September 23 2011 08:55 MrMotionPicture wrote: Wow. Crazy news.
I prefer Prime ._.
Ya this pretty much sums it up for me. I'm a Prime fan, and he was one of the players I have liked for awhile now, and I was never much of a TSL fan so... meh. Oh well.
Nice. Not like TSL needed those filthy slackers Trickster and FD anyway, they're doing better than ever in GSTL, and they're gonna start producing even better results in GSL now with Polt on their team. Can't forget that he made the semi-finals last code S season and apparently won some other tournament I can't remember.
Oh by the way, this ain't out yet but i've heard that TSL is acquiring Stephano as well.
On September 23 2011 16:07 marttorn wrote:Can't forget that he made the semi-finals last code S season and apparently won some other tournament I can't remember.
On September 23 2011 14:58 Lysanias wrote: Nice to read Polt is playing full time this year, he's got something different then the standard terran. I wonder why he picked TSL though, nothing personal but i find TSL one of the weaker teams, with only Killer and ofc Clide doing descent.
Have you followed ANYTHING of the TSL members? I mean it's not like being undefeated in the TL is bad or something
I hope Polt joining TSL means that they have a better practise enviroment than Prime and I hope that this means that Major can benefit from one of the better practise enviroments of all the teams in Korea.
I wonder how MarineKing feels about this. I remember he declined to go to a European tournament in order to help Polt in the finals against MMA.. and Polt just leaves like that.
This seems to be very good news for TSL. TSLPolt fighting!!
Getting a player with the caliber of Polt, a SuperTournament Winner, to join TSL, should also be good for the team morale. But I see Polt as a winner, too, as he now has more diverse practice partners compared to Prime.
Hmmm interesting when Polt left Prime I figured he'd do so to focus more on university. Oh well great pickup for TSL, I hope they let him sign a contract this time around...
I'm very disappointed of polt. Espeacially since he said, that he wanted to stay teamless some time. nothing but empty words so it seems. Prime has showed one of the best teamspirits around in korea (remember his super tournament win, when the whole team was going nuts). It's a very weak move, leaving the team, that kept to him, when he was performing bad and made him a star. And it should be absolute legitimate, if a team with only one sponsor, is looking for a way to make some money through merchandise. That's a standard in professional sport, including the players playing their part as model! Very disappointing move, seeing polt lose another fan here. -.-
Any idea if Polt will be playing in the GSTL playoffs for TSL now? I doubt it since it's so soon, but would be awesome, especially since they play Prime.we next :D
Hmm, just checked Liquipedia BW page for Shine and Lee Young Han is listed for TSL. With disbandment of WeMadeFox will we see some of their BW and WC3 players transition (I mean Moon, Lyn, Soccer and Nada already did).
I guess I'll wait and see for more information but at least Bisu fans can finally breathe a sigh of relief about the Typhoon Zerg possibly playing another game.
Maybe TSL dont have the best individual league players, but as a team they are better then anyone else.
All nice people, mannered people, and the best coach. Something you always see that the team is like a happy family. Something you never see on IM,ST etc.
On September 23 2011 18:23 TeeTS wrote: I'm very disappointed of polt. Espeacially since he said, that he wanted to stay teamless some time. nothing but empty words so it seems. Prime has showed one of the best teamspirits around in korea (remember his super tournament win, when the whole team was going nuts). It's a very weak move, leaving the team, that kept to him, when he was performing bad and made him a star. And it should be absolute legitimate, if a team with only one sponsor, is looking for a way to make some money through merchandise. That's a standard in professional sport, including the players playing their part as model! Very disappointing move, seeing polt lose another fan here. -.-
what? i honestly don't understand, i thought that polt left prime because they were one of the poorer teams, but TSL is also a poor team, I mean gl to TSL in the future, polt isn't a bad pick up but tbh this seems pretty unexpected, now i wonder y polt left prime...
On September 23 2011 21:45 Rorra wrote: what? i honestly don't understand, i thought that polt left prime because they were one of the poorer teams, but TSL is also a poor team, I mean gl to TSL in the future, polt isn't a bad pick up but tbh this seems pretty unexpected, now i wonder y polt left prime...
Where do you get that from?
TSL was the first team to salary SC2 players, they also have one of the nicest appartments
On September 23 2011 21:45 Rorra wrote: what? i honestly don't understand, i thought that polt left prime because they were one of the poorer teams, but TSL is also a poor team, I mean gl to TSL in the future, polt isn't a bad pick up but tbh this seems pretty unexpected, now i wonder y polt left prime...
Where do you get that from?
TSL was the first team to salary SC2 players, they also have one of the nicest appartments
And unlike Prime, TSL isn't sponsored by the local fried chicken joint.
Polt is one of my favourite players. And as Cliiiiiiiiiiiiide is the best Terran in all universe ever known according to Artosis, TSL is a powerhouse to be afraid of yet again!
Also, Kudos for Polt for joining a team known for hard work and team spirit. Killer and Clide giving up their wages during the PuMa crisis really made me a fan of them.
Damn, Polt's name doesn't sound as catchy now, but none the less, best of luck to him in TSL and looking forward to see his future GSL matches as always.
Awesome pickup for TSL for sure. Polt is one of my favourite players, he is so good and just an all-round nice guy. Good luck to him as well as to TSL, may they perform better in the GSTL now that they have acquired both him and MajOr.
On September 24 2011 00:16 Mobius_1 wrote: Polt is one of my favourite players. And as Cliiiiiiiiiiiiide is the best Terran in all universe ever known according to Artosis, TSL is a powerhouse to be afraid of yet again!
Also, Kudos for Polt for joining a team known for hard work and team spirit. Killer and Clide giving up their wages during the PuMa crisis really made me a fan of them.
TSL_Polt Fighting!
i dont get the general feel of this thread of all the ppl saying that tsl a force to be reckoned with again, sure they lost puma, but trickster and fruitdealer weren't big losses anyway. Tsl is currently the strongest korean team right now, undefeated in GSTL and PERHAPS IM is strong but you cant really judge because never have mvp losira and nestea played int eh same teamleague match afaik.
With Polt TSL is only getting stronger, so gratz to him....leaves the optimus id for marineking again, but it would feel awkward if he took it after winning a championship, right? Doubt he's ever gonna win one though.
gogo tsl for gstl title, Coach lee is perhaps the best in the scene.
Five seasons ago, I really disliked Polt. In interviews, he came across as overly arrogant for his skill level and I did not feel he deserved his code-s spot. Now, he's probably my favorite terran player, along with MMA, and I'm glad that he's found himself a good team.
Slightly off topic- I feel like there are a lot of parallels between MMA and Polt. They are both young terran players with a lot of potential. Plus, they both seem to occupy the same skill tier, along with TOP, just below the giants of the scene- NesTea and MVP- but definitely above most of the people in last season's Ro8. The difference is, however, that MMA has a fantastic mentor, Boxer, guiding his development, while up until now, Polt has not, likely due to the sheer size of the Prime team. I am very excited to see how Polt will do in the smaller, more intimate TSL practice environment where the attentions of the illustrious Coach Lee will be less diluted than the Prime coach's were.
Been a TSL fan since FD + Tester left, hope Polt does well for them. They've already to proven to be better than people expect even after everyone left. TSL FIGHTING!
On September 24 2011 05:51 Clazziquai10 wrote: Wow looks like Prime is getting weaker and weaker other than marineking and hongun and possibly check they have no other big names already.
It's like dominoes.
Puma goes to EG. Polt goes to TSL.
Would not be shocked at all if Byun is on Prime before too long. Him and MKP are bros and ZeNex is on life support. Also Byun's puppy could be a model.
On September 24 2011 05:51 Clazziquai10 wrote: Wow looks like Prime is getting weaker and weaker other than marineking and hongun and possibly check they have no other big names already.
It's like dominoes.
Puma goes to EG. Polt goes to TSL.
Would not be shocked at all if Byun is on Prime before too long. Him and MKP are bros and ZeNex is on life support. Also Byun's puppy could be a model.
ZeNEX actually has a huge pool of talent to pull from, I'd say they're far from Life Support, unless there is some financial issue I'm unaware of.
ZeNEX is a merger of two clans, Clan Zenith and Clan NEX. Essentially, they can decide what players to sponsor in their Team House, and there are some players that are hidden in Code B that are actually scary good for ZeNEX. I would agree they might be hurting currently in the GSL after trading Puzzle and CoCa to SlayerS, but I feel like they decided to let them move on because of their huge potential, and to free up two slots for lesser known, talented players, as they were already out of the running for GSTL S1.
On September 24 2011 08:27 JLew wrote: Does anyone know what school Polt attends? I am going to Sogang University in Seoul next year and am curious if he would be there lol.
He attend Seoul National University, the best University there is in Korea, bar KAIST.
On September 24 2011 05:51 Clazziquai10 wrote: Wow looks like Prime is getting weaker and weaker other than marineking and hongun and possibly check they have no other big names already.
It's like dominoes.
Puma goes to EG. Polt goes to TSL.
Would not be shocked at all if Byun is on Prime before too long. Him and MKP are bros and ZeNex is on life support. Also Byun's puppy could be a model.
ZeNEX actually has a huge pool of talent to pull from, I'd say they're far from Life Support, unless there is some financial issue I'm unaware of.
ZeNEX is a merger of two clans, Clan Zenith and Clan NEX. Essentially, they can decide what players to sponsor in their Team House, and there are some players that are hidden in Code B that are actually scary good for ZeNEX. I would agree they might be hurting currently in the GSL after trading Puzzle and CoCa to SlayerS, but I feel like they decided to let them move on because of their huge potential, and to free up two slots for lesser known, talented players, as they were already out of the running for GSTL S1.
I think he isn't that far from the truth. ZENEX is the only team in Korea that has no players currently competing in Code A or Code S, and they are out of the GSTL too. They recently lost 2 great players in CoCa and Puzzle to Slayers and their ace player Byun was relegated to Code B. I'd guess their morale would be rock bottom by now.
ZENEX FIGHTING! I hope they turn things around just like TSL did after their shitstorm with EG and ST.
Did TSL secure some new sponsors? I can't imagine this signing to happen without promise of a salary.
Could it be GOM-money for harboring foreigners? Will we see more than Major stay there as a better alternative to that flat where Gisado and Torch live?
Whenever I read this I think Polt was not into the bromoness of prime. Basically as I imagine it Polt is the progamer version of guy from TL who goes into the "Gay Starcraft Players" thread and is like, "Yoh guys I don't see a straight starcraft players thread so why does this thread exist....?!". Except instead of that he's all, "For the last time MKP I don't want a backrub and who the hell painted my toenails while I was sleeping >=@!" Of course TSL still has Clide's awkward pining after foreigners and Killer's weird cat claws pose. So yeah get stomped Polt you aint never escaping your teammates sexuality being questionable.
Whenever I read this I think Polt was not into the bromoness of prime. Basically as I imagine it Polt is the progamer version of guy from TL who goes into the "Gay Starcraft Players" thread and is like, "Yoh guys I don't see a straight starcraft players thread so why does this thread exist....?!". Except instead of that he's all, "For the last time MKP I don't want a backrub and who the hell painted my toenails while I was sleeping >=@!" Of course TSL still has Clide's awkward pining after foreigners and Killer's weird cat claws pose. So yeah get stomped Polt you aint never escaping your teammates sexuality being questionable.
Whenever I read this I think Polt was not into the bromoness of prime. Basically as I imagine it Polt is the progamer version of guy from TL who goes into the "Gay Starcraft Players" thread and is like, "Yoh guys I don't see a straight starcraft players thread so why does this thread exist....?!". Except instead of that he's all, "For the last time MKP I don't want a backrub and who the hell painted my toenails while I was sleeping >=@!" Of course TSL still has Clide's awkward pining after foreigners and Killer's weird cat claws pose. So yeah get stomped Polt you aint never escaping your teammates sexuality being questionable.
I don't think it's a coincidence that he left right after Prime opened their clothing line.
I'm glad Prime did well in the playoff even without him. I thought they would get owned even more after Polt left.
Whenever I read this I think Polt was not into the bromoness of prime. Basically as I imagine it Polt is the progamer version of guy from TL who goes into the "Gay Starcraft Players" thread and is like, "Yoh guys I don't see a straight starcraft players thread so why does this thread exist....?!". Except instead of that he's all, "For the last time MKP I don't want a backrub and who the hell painted my toenails while I was sleeping >=@!" Of course TSL still has Clide's awkward pining after foreigners and Killer's weird cat claws pose. So yeah get stomped Polt you aint never escaping your teammates sexuality being questionable.
This post reminded me of this.
Right after Polt won his GSL title and got his gigantic check, flowers. In the middle of the celebration after kissing the trophy, MarineKing comes outta nowhere and clings onto Polt.
Whenever I read this I think Polt was not into the bromoness of prime. Basically as I imagine it Polt is the progamer version of guy from TL who goes into the "Gay Starcraft Players" thread and is like, "Yoh guys I don't see a straight starcraft players thread so why does this thread exist....?!". Except instead of that he's all, "For the last time MKP I don't want a backrub and who the hell painted my toenails while I was sleeping >=@!" Of course TSL still has Clide's awkward pining after foreigners and Killer's weird cat claws pose. So yeah get stomped Polt you aint never escaping your teammates sexuality being questionable.
Right after Polt won his GSL title and got his gigantic check, flowers. In the middle of the celebration after kissing the trophy, MarineKing comes outta nowhere and clings onto Polt.
It is sad that they are now on different teams.
Hahah at the story about sexuality! rofl
Also in that video, is MKP trying to steal that womans purse (at 1.40)
I just realized how crucial this is for the GSTL. Polt is a Protoss sniper and they will probably plan on using him to kill Sage. Wow... can't believe it took me this long to realize that D:
On September 25 2011 05:09 devPLEASE wrote: I just realized how crucial this is for the GSTL. Polt is a Protoss sniper and they will probably plan on using him to kill Sage. Wow... can't believe it took me this long to realize that D:
MVP can't use sC so i'm pretty sure TSL can't use Polt.
It's a very surprising move to me considering how Polt grew as a player with MKP. Or maybe that is why - he wanted a change in his play style and training environment and whatnot. Of course you never know there might be a behind story.
I do have a feeling though it may not work out very well for him. Just a personal feeling.
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
Lol Major is a decent player but i don't think he is any better than fruitdealer/trickster.
On September 25 2011 05:09 devPLEASE wrote: I just realized how crucial this is for the GSTL. Polt is a Protoss sniper and they will probably plan on using him to kill Sage. Wow... can't believe it took me this long to realize that D:
Players need to be on the team for 5 weeks before they can be fielded in the GSTL.
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
IIRC Major isn't ON TSL, he's just in the house. Whether that means he'd be a mercenary for them in the team league if given the chance idk, but I'm 99% sure there is no TSLMajor (at least at this time, I'd be willing to bet it will happen in the future)
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
IIRC Major isn't ON TSL, he's just in the house. Whether that means he'd be a mercenary for them in the team league if given the ChAnCe idk, but I'M 99% sure there iS no TSLMajor (at least at this time, I'd be willing to bet it will happen in the future)
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
IIRC Major isn't ON TSL, he's just in the house. Whether that means he'd be a mercenary for them in the team league if given the ChAnCe idk, but I'M 99% sure there iS no TSLMajor (at least at this time, I'd be willing to bet it will happen in the future)
He's just there to train with them and practice.
False, Coach Lee was interviewed regarding MajoR and has stated that while he is not under any contract to TSL, he considers him part of the team because he lives, eats, sleeps and practices with the team like any other member would. If Major decides to stay with TSL, I see no reason why Lee wouldn't treat him as a member.
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
IIRC Major isn't ON TSL, he's just in the house. Whether that means he'd be a mercenary for them in the team league if given the ChAnCe idk, but I'M 99% sure there iS no TSLMajor (at least at this time, I'd be willing to bet it will happen in the future)
He's just there to train with them and practice.
False, Coach Lee was interviewed regarding MajoR and has stated that while he is not under any contract to TSL, he considers him part of the team because he lives, eats, sleeps and practices with the team like any other member would. If Major decides to stay with TSL, I see no reason why Lee wouldn't treat him as a member.
Yea he saids he lives/eats, sleeps and practices with them and he also said he is not part of the offical team in the same article a sentence later. The best you can hope for that this is his trial time but to say he is already part of the real team is simply false.
On September 25 2011 14:07 Champi wrote: TSL loses PuMa FruitDealer and Trickster (1 good, 2 weak) and gains Maj0r and Polt (1 good, 1 decent) seems like a balanced tradeoff. Happy for TSL
IIRC Major isn't ON TSL, he's just in the house. Whether that means he'd be a mercenary for them in the team league if given the ChAnCe idk, but I'M 99% sure there iS no TSLMajor (at least at this time, I'd be willing to bet it will happen in the future)
He's just there to train with them and practice.
False, Coach Lee was interviewed regarding MajoR and has stated that while he is not under any contract to TSL, he considers him part of the team because he lives, eats, sleeps and practices with the team like any other member would. If Major decides to stay with TSL, I see no reason why Lee wouldn't treat him as a member.
Yea he saids he lives/eats, sleeps and practices with them and he also said he is not part of the offical team in the same article a sentence later. The best you can hope for that this is his trial time but to say he is already part of the real team is simply false.
Or, he's saying that he IS on the team, just not contractually bound to stay with them. Either way, as much potential as Major has, you can't in your right mind call TesteR and FD "mediocre" and then call Major "decent"...