On September 22 2011 07:16 crms wrote: its not hard to see terran is a phenomal race, more designed and refined. I'm not sure why anyone is arguing the game is balanced right now when clearly Terran is a total package while the other races are works in progress. The sheer options Terran has is astounding in comparison, the units are better and good players are going to show it.
feels bad that we're playing a game and sponsoring players and hosting tournaments for an incomplete game. however even in its current form it's the 'best' option for an RTS esport in the west.
I guess I just feel emo because I don't really like the direction the game is headed and while the community is fucking outstanding the game is developing into a let down. I find myself looking more forward to diablo 3 and dota 2 than HoTS.
People argue because they have different experiences. I'm probably better than 90% of the people posting in this thread and I play all 3 races--- but of course that doesn't make me right about arguments about balance. Nor does MVP saying "xxx is imbalanced" mean it is. We all struggle in certain match ups for whatever reason, like I dislike TvP and PvZ, while some individuals might find those as easy match ups.
You say things about Terran, and yet I feel like the only race that needs to be nerfed/QQ'd about is Zerg, but again, that is my opinion that Zerg is the best race. Having tons of options as Terran doesn't mean it's easier to win. Coincidentally, ZvT and TvZ are my two best match ups and I feel like they are somewhat close to balance, with Zerg slightly favored. The only issue I saw in this match up was a certain 2-rax (such as 12/12) being to effective and possibly game ending (though some Zerg's refuse to try early pooling first, such as myself in ZvT).
On September 22 2011 05:39 freetgy wrote: The results of this graph show clear imbalance by Terran Race.
(which is obvious, but many seem to deny it (blizzard even @most)
In a balanced game one race should never be able to dominate for long times, sure there might be outburst of some weeks or month but those will change quickly by metagame changing.
Despite all this Terran always has positiv winrates Winrates (over 50%). Blizzard states that winrates between close to 50% means the game is balanced, which is blatantly false.
Simple analogy: If you play roulette, where your win rate odd is slightly in favor of the bank. meaning the bank has slightly higher win chance than 50%.
What does this ensure (in the world of statistics)? In the long run the bank will always win more and get all your money.
What does this analogy says to us is that if one race keeps positiv winrates over both other races for a very long time? They will start to dominate the others, GSL is a prime example for that.
Why Blizzards balance logic fails is they do not that winrates close to 50% are balanced, but real fluctuations of allraces between 45-55% are what would show real balance.
But if we look at terran winrates in the long run we see there was never such fluctuation <50%, which clearly indicates imbalances in the game. (meaning either Terran is too strong, or both Zerg and Protoss are too weak)
People will now say but Zerg and Protoss are winning too (i.e. gsl), over all it wasn't even enough to keep Terran down over a big dataset (as the winrates clearly shows us for a very long time know)
If you play a gambling game, sure you will sometimes win, that doesn't mean that roulette is a "fair" game.
long story short, - Both Zerg and Protoss race needs redesigns. ( or Terran needs quite some nerfs) - Winrates need to change for all races from 45%-55% for game to be considered balanced - If one races can keep winrates 50%> despite all this - this is a clear sign of imbalance
It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
terran has been nerfed the most BY FAR, zerg has been buffed pretty much every patch and protoss had about the same amount of buffs compared to nerfs overall.
There wasn't a single buff for terran that actually made the game easier for us, we had our best units nerfed (rightfully so in most cases) and all the buffs we got were battlecruiser speed buff (as if that really ever matters) and HSM speed buff (pretty pointless buff aswell because it's still a bad spell).
Every single patch terran has been nerfed and the other races got more buffs than nerfs. So seriously, what gave you the idea that terran had to deal with no nerfs at all? It's consistently been nerfed and it weren't even small nerfs, some of the nerfs were huge, so that entire strategies and matchups were changed.
On September 22 2011 06:12 arsenic wrote: It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
- tanks lost 25 damage vs light, 10 vs armored (previous: 60 damage vs everything)
- emp only kills 100 energy (previous: all energy)
- the ghost cost changed to 200/100 (this is a nerf, because gas is no problem for terran, minerals are)
- the thor is feedbackable + strike cannon change (they made it an upgrade, 150 energy for cannon) (+ damage nerfs)
- medviacs are slower + heal slower then before
- battlecruisers got nerfed (damage)
- bunker nerfs
- hellion nerf
- reaper nerf
So basicly the units that are not nerfed: - banshee - raven - marauder - marine - viking
What many Terran fans aren't getting is there's a growing concern at the top most level of the game going beyond the players and affecting even the hosts of this E-Sport. When the main casters of GOMTV asks GSL winner Polt 'Why are there so many Terrans?' you know something is wrong. And no, his answer wasn't "It's a cultural thing", "Terran players are just better" or “L2Play Goldie”. Watch the video. See what he says.
This has been going on since April in Korea. Top Terran players are calling it out. GSL hosts are calling it out. Blizzard's SC2 developers admits it. And yet you have so many Terran fans who refuse to acknowledge anything's wrong. Just peruse forums like this one, BNet or Reddit or listen to casters like CatsPajamas or PainUser and witness the denial with insults abound. Of course, then there's those who knows what's up. But instead of being honest, they attack through proxy by playing up Zerg griefs against Toss or vice versa.
Why is this allowed to go on I can only guess. It really may be a deliberate strategy by Activision/Blizzard. Any perceived imbalances is easily deniable. This may lead to grief and polarization, but the controversy it breeds maintains interest in the end. Just watch pro-sports or even “pro” wrestling. Polarized fans and their passion is a big part of the scene. It doesn't matter if your side was unfair, you just want them to crush any and all opposition. It all goes back to the good old Gladiator days and Activision knows it.
But for me, as a spectator, I'd rather the maximum attainable balance to exist at the top level where the best player wins in the end. I'll admit I'm a Protoss fan, but I can definitely appreciate awesome Terran and Zerg plays and players too. I enjoy feints, I love ambushes, I'm impressed by perfectly measured responses and dizzying multitasking, but I need the race diversity to keep things fresh. And that's the beauty of Brood War. You have three very different factions with different philosophies and play styles yet balanced somehow. It didn't evolve into a mirror match up fest of one race spamming series after series. But sadly it seems, that's where SC2 is heading and may not survive in Korea as a result. It just may be SC2 will be the game for foreigners while Brood War remains the mainstay for Koreans.
On September 22 2011 05:39 freetgy wrote: The results of this graph show clear imbalance by Terran Race.
(which is obvious, but many seem to deny it (blizzard even @most)
In a balanced game one race should never be able to dominate for long times, sure there might be outburst of some weeks or month but those will change quickly by metagame changing.
Despite all this Terran always has positiv winrates Winrates (over 50%). Blizzard states that winrates between close to 50% means the game is balanced, which is blatantly false.
Simple analogy: If you play roulette, where your win rate odd is slightly in favor of the bank. meaning the bank has slightly higher win chance than 50%.
What does this ensure (in the world of statistics)? In the long run the bank will always win more and get all your money.
What does this analogy says to us is that if one race keeps positiv winrates over both other races for a very long time? They will start to dominate the others, GSL is a prime example for that.
Why Blizzards balance logic fails is they do not that winrates close to 50% are balanced, but real fluctuations of allraces between 45-55% are what would show real balance.
But if we look at terran winrates in the long run we see there was never such fluctuation <50%, which clearly indicates imbalances in the game. (meaning either Terran is too strong, or both Zerg and Protoss are too weak)
People will now say but Zerg and Protoss are winning too (i.e. gsl), over all it wasn't even enough to keep Terran down over a big dataset (as the winrates clearly shows us for a very long time know)
If you play a gambling game, sure you will sometimes win, that doesn't mean that roulette is a "fair" game.
long story short, - Both Zerg and Protoss race needs redesigns. ( or Terran needs quite some nerfs) - Winrates need to change for all races from 45%-55% for game to be considered balanced - If one races can keep winrates 50%> despite all this - this is a clear sign of imbalance
It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
terran has been nerfed the most BY FAR, zerg has been buffed pretty much every patch and protoss had about the same amount of buffs compared to nerfs overall.
There wasn't a single buff for terran that actually made the game easier for us, we had our best units nerfed (rightfully so in most cases) and all the buffs we got were battlecruiser speed buff (as if that really ever matters) and HSM speed buff (pretty pointless buff aswell because it's still a bad spell).
Every single patch terran has been nerfed and the other races got more buffs than nerfs. So seriously, what gave you the idea that terran had to deal with no nerfs at all? It's consistently been nerfed and it weren't even small nerfs, some of the nerfs were huge, so that entire strategies and matchups were changed.
Really? Terran is only most nerfed if you have a selected memory and the only change you can remember from beta are of reaper and siege tank. Zerg had almost all of their units nerfed (queen, roach, hydra, infestor, broodlord; lurker was removed right before close beta invites were sent out), while Terran's gotten shorter build time on all of their production structure (one of which is reverted in patch 1.4); banshee was buffed; turret was buffed; thor was somewhat buffed. Protoss has just recently caught up with Zerg with the warpgate nerf a while ago.
On September 22 2011 06:17 tntrieu wrote: Here is the Korean August Graph that was just released a couple of days ago.
Zerg finally is ahead of terran, nice (i am a terran player). If you remove all 1-1-1's the tvp graph would look much better.
Think of it this way: in Code S at least a third of the Terrans don't deserve to be there and yet Zergs barely have a 55% win ratio against them, while Terran has a a overwhelming 65% winrate against Protoss... + Show Spoiler +
On September 22 2011 14:01 Fwiffo wrote: What many Terran fans aren't getting is there's a growing concern at the top most level of the game going beyond the players and affecting even the hosts of this E-Sport. When the main casters of GOMTV asks GSL winner Polt 'Why are there so many Terrans?' you know something is wrong. And no, his answer wasn't "It's a cultural thing", "Terran players are just better" or “L2Play Goldie”. Watch the video. See what he says.
This has been going on since April in Korea. Top Terran players are calling it out. GSL hosts are calling it out. Blizzard's SC2 developers admits it. And yet you have so many Terran fans who refuse to acknowledge anything's wrong. Just peruse forums like this one, BNet or Reddit or listen to casters like CatsPajamas or PainUser and witness the denial with insults abound. Of course, then there's those who knows what's up. But instead of being honest, they attack through proxy by playing up Zerg griefs against Toss or vice versa.
Why is this allowed to go on I can only guess. It really may be a deliberate strategy by Activision/Blizzard. Any perceived imbalances is easily deniable. This may lead to grief and polarization, but the controversy it breeds maintains interest in the end. Just watch pro-sports or even “pro” wrestling. Polarized fans and their passion is a big part of the scene. It doesn't matter if your side was unfair, you just want them to crush any and all opposition. It all goes back to the good old Gladiator days and Activision knows it.
But for me, as a spectator, I'd rather the maximum attainable balance to exist at the top level where the best player wins in the end. I'll admit I'm a Protoss fan, but I can definitely appreciate awesome Terran and Zerg plays and players too. I enjoy feints, I love ambushes, I'm impressed by perfectly measured responses and dizzying multitasking, but I need the race diversity to keep things fresh. And that's the beauty of Brood War. You have three very different factions with different philosophies and play styles yet balanced somehow. It didn't evolve into a mirror match up fest of one race spamming series after series. But sadly it seems, that's where SC2 is heading and may not survive in Korea as a result. It just may be SC2 will be the game for foreigners while Brood War remains the mainstay for Koreans.
TL;DR Just watch the video!
This. I play Protoss on a Platinum level and I don't get affected at all with this balance issues everyone is saying. However when I watch tournaments and high level plays like GSL I get sad seeing good players get knocked out. Take for example the first game between Huk and Virus in the GSL yesterday + Show Spoiler +
HuK gets an all-in from Virus and defends it. Later on Virus goes fro another all-in. Even Artosis said "what can you do?"
Even MC and Puma's games were depressing to watch. I know MC is in a slump lately but he is still not that bad compared to others. Oh well I'll stop ranting and just play because I still enjoy it whatever other people say.
The ZvP graph is really bipolar. Max two months of any one side being dominant, and the swings are usually ridiculous. I guess the metagame is still very unpredictable and volatile.
On September 22 2011 05:39 freetgy wrote: The results of this graph show clear imbalance by Terran Race.
(which is obvious, but many seem to deny it (blizzard even @most)
In a balanced game one race should never be able to dominate for long times, sure there might be outburst of some weeks or month but those will change quickly by metagame changing.
Despite all this Terran always has positiv winrates Winrates (over 50%). Blizzard states that winrates between close to 50% means the game is balanced, which is blatantly false.
Simple analogy: If you play roulette, where your win rate odd is slightly in favor of the bank. meaning the bank has slightly higher win chance than 50%.
What does this ensure (in the world of statistics)? In the long run the bank will always win more and get all your money.
What does this analogy says to us is that if one race keeps positiv winrates over both other races for a very long time? They will start to dominate the others, GSL is a prime example for that.
Why Blizzards balance logic fails is they do not that winrates close to 50% are balanced, but real fluctuations of allraces between 45-55% are what would show real balance.
But if we look at terran winrates in the long run we see there was never such fluctuation <50%, which clearly indicates imbalances in the game. (meaning either Terran is too strong, or both Zerg and Protoss are too weak)
People will now say but Zerg and Protoss are winning too (i.e. gsl), over all it wasn't even enough to keep Terran down over a big dataset (as the winrates clearly shows us for a very long time know)
If you play a gambling game, sure you will sometimes win, that doesn't mean that roulette is a "fair" game.
long story short, - Both Zerg and Protoss race needs redesigns. ( or Terran needs quite some nerfs) - Winrates need to change for all races from 45%-55% for game to be considered balanced - If one races can keep winrates 50%> despite all this - this is a clear sign of imbalance
It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
terran has been nerfed the most BY FAR, zerg has been buffed pretty much every patch and protoss had about the same amount of buffs compared to nerfs overall.
There wasn't a single buff for terran that actually made the game easier for us, we had our best units nerfed (rightfully so in most cases) and all the buffs we got were battlecruiser speed buff (as if that really ever matters) and HSM speed buff (pretty pointless buff aswell because it's still a bad spell).
Every single patch terran has been nerfed and the other races got more buffs than nerfs. So seriously, what gave you the idea that terran had to deal with no nerfs at all? It's consistently been nerfed and it weren't even small nerfs, some of the nerfs were huge, so that entire strategies and matchups were changed.
Really? Terran is only most nerfed if you have a selected memory and the only change you can remember from beta are of reaper and siege tank. Zerg had almost all of their units nerfed (queen, roach, hydra, infestor, broodlord; lurker was removed right before close beta invites were sent out), while Terran's gotten shorter build time on all of their production structure (one of which is reverted in patch 1.4); banshee was buffed; turret was buffed; thor was somewhat buffed. Protoss has just recently caught up with Zerg with the warpgate nerf a while ago.
hurr durr, beta means the game isn't ready for official play (let alone competitive play) yet...why should it count?
has protoss been the most nerfed race since their mothership lost the time bomb and black hole ability? oh, not forgetting they lost the silver surfer units as well.
if some things were tremendously imbalanced during the beta stage and weeded out, then the beta has served one of its primary purposes.
ZvP from the statistics looks much more broken than PvT with Zerg winning 59% while Terran 'only' wins 53%. Those 53% are within the variation of winning percentages that Blizzard accepts so for them there's no nerf needed.
Actually I don't know where or when, but I think Blizzard made a statement that as long as a match up is within 50-54 or 55% winrate they won't change it as it is totally possible and reasonable that the match up is not 50/50.
I agree that some adjustments have to be made (I don't know if the immortal change will be 'enough' to beat 1-1-1) but you have to be careful about it. TvZ looks very good right now and I think the game is on the right way. We still have to keep in mind that the games changes monthly or weekly with builds and strategies, but as long as a 1-1-1 allin is as powerful it might develop slower since there's no need to try out other builds.
On September 22 2011 15:09 sup3rchan wrote: The ZvP graph is really bipolar. Max two months of any one side being dominant, and the swings are usually ridiculous. I guess the metagame is still very unpredictable and volatile.
Yeah, though when Protoss dominates, it's only 55%. x_x When Zergs win, it's literally off the charts! Haha.
I guess when there is only TvT making a graph like that can be kinda missleading. The sample size for everything but TvT (wich cant be represented in the graphs) is far far too low. If out of 32 players there are 7 zergs and 5 protoss there is not much to make a graph of....Terran pisses me off.
But i guess the little data these pics have explain the protoss situation pretty well atm.
what i hate about these graphs is, that so many bronze to diamond scrubs stick to this and call every terran a newb just because he plays this race.... they dont see that at the lower leagues way more factors can win a game than just palying that one " imbalanced " race.
On September 22 2011 06:12 arsenic wrote: It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
- tanks lost 25 damage vs light, 10 vs armored (previous: 60 damage vs everything)
- emp only kills 100 energy (previous: all energy)
- the ghost cost changed to 200/100 (this is a nerf, because gas is no problem for terran, minerals are)
- the thor is feedbackable + strike cannon change (they made it an upgrade, 150 energy for cannon) (+ damage nerfs)
- medviacs are slower + heal slower then before
- battlecruisers got nerfed (damage)
- bunker nerfs
- hellion nerf
- reaper nerf
So basicly the units that are not nerfed: - banshee - raven - marauder - marine - viking
Actually, maraders were nerfed in beta before by having shells as a seperate rsearched ability. Vikings Ground to ground attack is nerfed during beta as well.... Raven got nerfed in beta by nerfing hunter seeker missle.
On September 22 2011 14:01 Fwiffo wrote: What many Terran fans aren't getting is there's a growing concern at the top most level of the game going beyond the players and affecting even the hosts of this E-Sport. When the main casters of GOMTV asks GSL winner Polt 'Why are there so many Terrans?' you know something is wrong. And no, his answer wasn't "It's a cultural thing", "Terran players are just better" or “L2Play Goldie”. Watch the video. See what he says.
This has been going on since April in Korea. Top Terran players are calling it out. GSL hosts are calling it out. Blizzard's SC2 developers admits it. And yet you have so many Terran fans who refuse to acknowledge anything's wrong. Just peruse forums like this one, BNet or Reddit or listen to casters like CatsPajamas or PainUser and witness the denial with insults abound. Of course, then there's those who knows what's up. But instead of being honest, they attack through proxy by playing up Zerg griefs against Toss or vice versa.
Why is this allowed to go on I can only guess. It really may be a deliberate strategy by Activision/Blizzard. Any perceived imbalances is easily deniable. This may lead to grief and polarization, but the controversy it breeds maintains interest in the end. Just watch pro-sports or even “pro” wrestling. Polarized fans and their passion is a big part of the scene. It doesn't matter if your side was unfair, you just want them to crush any and all opposition. It all goes back to the good old Gladiator days and Activision knows it.
But for me, as a spectator, I'd rather the maximum attainable balance to exist at the top level where the best player wins in the end. I'll admit I'm a Protoss fan, but I can definitely appreciate awesome Terran and Zerg plays and players too. I enjoy feints, I love ambushes, I'm impressed by perfectly measured responses and dizzying multitasking, but I need the race diversity to keep things fresh. And that's the beauty of Brood War. You have three very different factions with different philosophies and play styles yet balanced somehow. It didn't evolve into a mirror match up fest of one race spamming series after series. But sadly it seems, that's where SC2 is heading and may not survive in Korea as a result. It just may be SC2 will be the game for foreigners while Brood War remains the mainstay for Koreans.
TL;DR Just watch the video!
This. I play Protoss on a Platinum level and I don't get affected at all with this balance issues everyone is saying. However when I watch tournaments and high level plays like GSL I get sad seeing good players get knocked out. Take for example the first game between Huk and Virus in the GSL yesterday + Show Spoiler +
HuK gets an all-in from Virus and defends it. Later on Virus goes fro another all-in. Even Artosis said "what can you do?"
Even MC and Puma's games were depressing to watch. I know MC is in a slump lately but he is still not that bad compared to others. Oh well I'll stop ranting and just play because I still enjoy it whatever other people say.
Just a tip, don't take Artosis words too seriously, he's incredibly biased towards the players he like.
On September 22 2011 06:12 arsenic wrote: It's always been weird to me too that all the changes (nerfs mostly) historically have been hitting Zerg/Protoss while Terran escapes relatively unscathed (bunker change lol) patch after patch when it's so clear that Terran is the best race or in Blizzard's own words "the race with the most options". They really need to curb Terran though and hopefully soon. =/
Also, Protoss win rates are much higher than expected. Given the QQ lately, you'd think it would be much lower... but alas, TvP is the most imbalanced matchup of all.
- the ghost cost changed to 200/100 (this is a nerf, because gas is no problem for terran, minerals are)
what???? Since when is minerals a problem for Terran? thats the dumbest thing i heard today.
Why doesn't blizzard simply ask to like 15 korean players (5z/5t/5p obviously) what they think is imbalanced, then they check it and if they come to the conclusion that is is imba they patch it instead of doing what they think is imba?
I think if anyone knows what the problem in the game is it's korean progamers.