Well I didnt see any threads on this but apparently someone took a snap shot of tylers stream
Hes disscussing quiting sc2 since he seems to be doing poorly in importent matches.
Since Nony has been my favorite Foreigner since BW this is hitting me hard. I dont want to see Nony leave 
Edit-Took out image Because of a spoiler that I didnt catch and privacy. I fucked up
Nooo wtf
EDIT 2: Thank you for removing promptly, but this probably shouldn't be discussed at all considering that Tyler hasn't said anything publicly yet.
EDIT: OP Please remove image. This is a quote from the Tyler fanclub:
On May 21 2011 07:21 motbob wrote: If it isn't already clear, don't post the screenshot on TL.
dont post personal conversations on TL...
Not cool to post this
Nooo! Tyler! Please don't quit Also it was a bad idea to post a personal conversation.
If he doesn't want to play because he has more interesting things to do in his life, that is his choice. If he leaves, it just means TL has a new spot open for an aspiring protoss.
As long as he still came on SOTG I wouldn't really care either way.
"I'll never be healty enough to be a good progamer"
That's a strange thing to say. Does he have some kind of medical condition?
Either way, I think he is just sad because he lost. I think about quitting SC2 every time I lose a ladder game
I doubt a true fan would out Nony after he clearly doesn't want to discuss it yet. How would you feel if you were the way his wife found out about his state of mind atm?
I don't really think its cool to post this honestly out of respect to Tyler and TL as a whole. Like wtf man, think of maybe the people involved before you post?
nonononononono please dont goo tyler
On May 21 2011 10:42 PraetorianX wrote:" I'll never be healty enough to be a good progamer" That's a strange thing to say. Does he have some kind of medical condition? Either way, I think he is just sad because he lost. I think about quitting SC2 every time I lose a ladder game  When you're as old as Tyler is, mid-late 20s, health becomes a big deal. Ability to focus and concentrate is directly related to your health.
you should ask himself before your posting this
I think this is something they probably want to figure out in private. Sad if true but I'd let them figure it out, no need to post a personal conversation on here. If he wanted it being talked about he'd talk about it with the community and not just Nazgul.
I hope this thread is wiped. He never intended to show that window and people spreading it are terrible individuals who don't respect privacy.
dont post personal conversations on TL...
"snap shot of tylers stream "
How is that private?
And thats a shame. What would happen to SOTG? Or Team Liquid? OR STRIDE GUM!?
That's not the stream, it's a personal conversation. Unbelievably poor taste to post that...
On May 21 2011 10:43 Seide wrote: I don't really think its cool to post this honestly out of respect to Tyler and TL as a whole. Like wtf man, think of maybe the people involved before you post?
I mean really,you really think its right to post this?
What's with all the outrage? If its on the stream, then its public, that's all there is to it.
On May 21 2011 10:44 Stiver wrote:"snap shot of tylers stream " How is that private? And thats a shame. What would happen to SOTG? Or Team Liquid? OR STRIDE GUM!? Obviously he didn't intend to show everyone in the world that conversation. He even talks about how he's not ready to discuss this issue with his wife, and you don't think it's a private convo?