Hey guys,
I started uploading the VODs of the Copenhagen Games. As quite a lot of people asked about the videos I thought it might be a good idea to open a thread for them.
Interviews and general videofootage
I'm sorry that the quality is not as good as usual and that I had to cut the videos into several parts. YouTube doesn't allow me just yet to upload videos on my english channel that are longer than 15 minutes 
Sweet, I had to go before the semi's, so I turned on my screen capture program thingy, but it stopped recording before the finals started. When I saw who casted them with you I was really sad I couldn't find the VODs anywhere. I will be waiting for those patiently .
edit: edited out the caster's name cause I realized that's a spoiler
thanks Khaldor! really enjoyed the Cop games
you need to come state side to cast some LANs over here!
Can't wait to watch the rest of the VODs, there were some great games, Thanks Khaldor
awesome, thanks Khaldor ! guys, if u havent done it yet, go and subscribe khaldor's youtube english channel ;]
I'll upload Jimpo vs. LaLush later on. The recordings are a little bit hard to encode into a proper format as the original data is just not in the best quality. Think we finally found a good way to record livecasts that we will use from now on though.
And I really hope YT will allow me soon to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes. I have no idea whatsoever why I'm still limited to 15 minutes to be honest... Anybody knows someone that's working for YT? :D
Just uploaded the match between Grubby and TLO. Hope you enjoy the videos:
Videolinks: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Cheers, Khaldor
thx for uploading! glad i can watch these games again after seeing them casted live! two fan favourite dukin it out with some nice strats and turning points really liked the cast with fuzer too, this guy is totally nuts :D
Nice match, top VoD, epic cast  and hell yeah, fuzer is a funny guy :D
Missed some matches and now it is on Demand - hell YEAH  Will check it out later tonight with a cold beer...or two!
Great stuff, thanks Khaldor! I like the player interviews a lot! Well done!
<3 u kaldor :D ty vm was lookinng for grubby vs tlo :D
We had some problems with one of the PCs we use for encoding but we should be fine now. I'll make sure to upload more of the games soon
Nice work Khaldor, thanks for the vods ! looking for more matches to be released
Northern Ireland2557 Posts
Gj Khaldor i loved the interviews ^_^
Thanks Khaldor
I hope cokegirl is somewhere in those vods
wow...really great interview with ClouD!
Special leg 'tics' :D
Was there in the crowd :D Was sooo amazingly fun (^_^)