On March 29 2011 01:30 Art_of_Kill wrote: haha dimaga dont wanna leave interview
I think he though he should pick the next question or something while Kelly asked him to pick someone in the room to get interviewed.
Moonglade are you in team mvp?
On March 29 2011 01:32 bRuTaL!! wrote: Moonglade are you in team mvp?
He just answered this. He said he stayed there and played a few games. Called himself a sort of "practice partner" more than an actual member.
"White-Ra why are you such a baller"
"Ask my wife."
Holy shit is White-Ra never awesome?
Even WhiteRa saying FF's need changed, whoaft!
White-Ra never ceases too amaze with his awesomeness!
Hahahahah! WhiteRa in Taiwanese means White Mother
Whitera is amazing. That's all.
"broodwar stays in my heart" nice one white-ra
omg White-ra loves PUSAN! What a cool dude
White-Ra expressing his love for BW and then mentioning Stork, Bisu and Pusan as Protoss idols. Fucking awesome. ^__^
United Kingdom38149 Posts
So it seems TT1 was on fire both metaphorically and literally lol, glad it didn't cause him any real harm
Sen is so baller. I mean just look at him. :D
What the fuck is Sen doing? XD
Deleted. I thought this was going on after tomorrow's matches.
Why is she translating into chinese?