He responded http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=124689¤tpage=119#2366
drop.sc purity is here - Page 15
Forum Index > SC2 General |
Finland240 Posts
He responded http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=124689¤tpage=119#2366 | ||
Finland240 Posts
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United States64 Posts
I like the race and league icons. Maybe option to show league icon+rank on the page itself instead of mouse-over? (I understand you are going for simplicity; I just like having as much of the basic, important information as possible immediately available right on the page.) Are you still going to change the color from stark white? Also, can we get more replays on the page than just 8? I would like something more like 20 per page, or at least the option to choose how many. Again, awesome site, thanks man! | ||
Finland240 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:33 Jinky wrote: Very nice! It looks very clean and more refined. I like the simplicity. I like the race and league icons. Maybe option to show league icon+rank on the page itself instead of mouse-over? (I understand you are going for simplicity; I just like having as much of the basic, important information as possible immediately available right on the page.) Are you still going to change the color from stark white? Also, can we get more replays on the page than just 8? I would like something more like 20 per page, or at least the option to choose how many. Again, awesome site, thanks man! Hi Jinky! Great stuff again from you! Thanks a lot for the awesome feedback. Definitely understand the need to see as much as possible.. The background color hasn't been settled yet.. I might even go all dark to make it extremely pleasant for the eyes. Gotcha, will increase or add an option to see more results! | ||
United States64 Posts
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Finland240 Posts
Thank you so much and Merry Christmas bromingos! @Jinky: http://i.minus.com/iBcCctT37BmMT.png | ||
United States64 Posts
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Finland240 Posts
On December 26 2011 14:14 Jinky wrote: Very nice. Can you search for the players that are in it? or just the zip file name? Currently only the name of the pack. Player search would definitely be handy.. good point! | ||
Finland240 Posts
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Finland240 Posts
- Drag & drop for anonymous users has been enabled again - Computer players are rendered correctly now - "Loading" is now properly hidden for Own3D streams as well I enabled the drag&drop for anonymous users solely based on the feedback. It really matters, so please keep it coming! | ||
935 Posts
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Netherlands3728 Posts
I find it less intuitive how you have to search for a certain play now. Before you could just type playername (if i recall correct?) but now you have to go to replays and then filter. It's not as intuitive as before. Also when using filter it would be nice if you could filter somehow for both players being grandmaster or just add a section of top replays, as it is now when you search for grandmaster you find tons of games with just one grandmaster and one master which are oftne just "look who i just beat" replays. I understand there are probably not many gm vs gm games because those players don't upload often themselves but sometimes others upload them and it would be nice if you want drop.sc to become the to-go place for replays. | ||
Finland240 Posts
- New stream grid look See changes live at http://drop.sc Keep the feedback coming guys! If you prefer, you can send it to feedback@drop.sc as well! | ||
Finland240 Posts
- Updated front page - Updated replay pack page - Changed the background to a lighter version Please leave us feedback! | ||
United States2845 Posts
e-- i used to be a huge fanboy of your site and now i am sad that it seems really mediocre (last time i checked). the best thing about drop.sc was literally all i had to do was type in "drop.sc" hit enter and drag n drop a replay file. i really miss when you guys had apm graphs (also iirc it might not have been blizz apm?) and the most light-weight-ness ease-of-use of ANY replay site. that was what differentiated you from all the log-in based ones | ||
Finland240 Posts
Thank you for candid feedback. Not sure when you last time used the website, but anonymous uploads were added back on the 10/1/2012 update (4 days ago). I must mention that I still suggest logging in (and by checking remember me -checkbox, it will stay logged in practically forever; so it's a one time thing) because then you get access to all available features. APM data is coming back in the next update because numerous users have requested it. The thing with APM graphs is that they take so much space in relation how much valuable information they have. I'll consider adding them as well. I encourage use of sc2gears. It's absolutely the best analytical tool for any serious SC2 player. Drop.sc integrates with sc2gears, so when you need to share a replay to someone, you can follow instructions here http://drop.sc/sc2gears_guide. Your feedback shows you care. I hope we can win you back! | ||
United States1060 Posts
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United Kingdom1439 Posts
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Finland240 Posts
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United States784 Posts
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