The Official miniWHEAT Learns to Play SC2 Thread - Page 8
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United States5765 Posts
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Canada704 Posts
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United States994 Posts
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United States59 Posts
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United States99 Posts
"The only problem with that, that I see, is that it took 3 minutes and 22 seconds before you moved your drones." Good tip! Dude, miniwheat is such a n00b. I could totally pwn him. | ||
Canada714 Posts
I remember i started gaming when i was 5 my bro taught me how to play War3 i actually wasn't that bad for a kindergardener coming home and playing 4v4 War3 by himself | ||
Dr. Nick
Australia36 Posts
On January 25 2011 07:09 Blackjack111 wrote: Awesome. ![]() Picking it up fast. Blue click, Red click! ![]() miniWHEAT, you be trollin' ^^, | ||
United Kingdom36 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
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Netherlands1595 Posts
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3138 Posts
love that picture ![]() btw. i dont think you should lower the mouse senitivity to much or at all, its good when he learns to use a fast mouse from the beginning it will help him a lot when he is older and wants to play games seriously. | ||
Peru1226 Posts
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah riiiiighhttttt <3 | ||
United States807 Posts
Good stuff, wish my brother cared about video games | ||
United States184 Posts
Edit: Also, I was cracking up pretty good when you told him that he stopped making overlords just like daddy does. rofl | ||
Malaysia315 Posts
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Canada2814 Posts
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United States220 Posts
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Canada32 Posts
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Sweden598 Posts
CoX meaning City of Heroes/Villain a superhero MMORPG. Might be interesting for you to read a similar experience a dad had with his daughter and gaming, she is nine years old now and he has posted updates every few months on her progress and thoughts since she was six (she started playing at 4 1/2). Will quote first post and link the rest if anyone is interested in reading. Pretty long read but he is a great writer and an awesome read. As I sit here to wait for the servers to come back up, it struck me that I could write a little post about Sister Flame. Sister Flame is the online handle of my middle daughter, currently six years old. She's been playing City of Heroes since she was 4 and 1/2. It was only over the last year we began to team together with my two accounts and have a lot of fun. I thought I let you know what Sister Flame has learned from CoX. (1) Flame Learned To Read At the tender age of five, I let Flame play on my second account on my laptop beside me. For a while, I had to tell her what the train destiantions were, what the NPCs were saying and what the villains name were. It was only mere months before Flame didn't need my help anymore. We were playing one summer evening and I noticed that she wasn't asking me to read things. I looked over at her screen and watched her for a bit. I was intrigued she knew where to go. "Need any help reading, honey?" I asked. "Nope. I can read nope. That says Atlas Park and that says Steel Canyon. Those are Clockworks, but I like calling them Clickey Clacks." she replied quite happilly. Her teacher was quite surprised at the headstart she had on her reading skills. When I informed the teacher that Flame's headstart was the result of playing a superhero online game, I got the weirdest look. Oh well. Now, at six, I can hear Flame reading slowly over the mission text and the NPC dialogue. She cannot type yet, but if we get on a team together, I usually do the talking for both of us. (2) Attitude Matters; Not Age. From time to time, I get a little impatient with my daughters. I do recall the one evening I was unwell, but Flame wanted to play CoH and wanted to get on a big team. "I'm too sick to play, so you'll have to do it by yourself." I told her, thinking that she'd never figure it out or get booted quickly if she did get invited to a team. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes to rest. Twenty minutes later, I stretched and asked Flame how she was doing. "Good. I am in a big team." she told me. "Oh yeah?" I asked. "Yep. People keep joinging, but I think they're playing soccer." she says. "Why is that?" "I keep seeing the word 'kick'." I rolled off the bed and scrolled back through the chat. Apart from several comments about Flame's excellent control and attack with her Fire Blaster, I see several conversations/arguments with some idiots who joined the team and did something really stupid. Most of them wound up being kicked by the leader. I also notice that every so often, Flame has written 'ty'. "What's the 'ty' for?" I asked. "Thank you. You type it sometimes. Everytime I see 'Flame', I type it. They like it." I watched Flame play for another twenty minutes. No one in the group had a clue to her age and she played her role as any good team member should: waiting for 'Go' or 'Ready' before attacking, saving her Rain of Fire for large groups and giving inspirations to thoes that needed it. Finally, I had to type a message for Flame. "Thank you all for the team. This is Flame's dad. She has to get up for Grade 1 tomorrow and needs to go to bed. She says you were all great." I still love typing that message and watching the responses. Most are 'lol' or 'what?!'. One time, a player typed 'Wow. I wonder if my poodle could play.'. All in good fun. (3) Playing Coh Is Just Like Playing House a.k.a Imagination Is Power. Flame has always had a decent imagination, but it has improved a lot since she has been playing Coh. She likes to spin stories about her toons and give them a backstory. This has translated well to her schoolwork when she has been asked to do creative writing assignments. She has also developed a healthy curiousity into some of the groups in CoH. Some of the things she has asked me are: "Why do Skulls hang out in Perez Park?" "How come the Clockworks don't attack cars or make nasty cars to attack people?" "Why are Trolls green?" "Where do the Outcasts get their power?" Now, she makes up toons with funny names (to us anyways), but good backgrounds. Among some of her mains are Takes Care Of Pets (A MM with two mercenaries: Cat, Dog), Takes Care Of Bats (A PB with Bat Wings) and of course, Sister Flame (a Fire Blaster with her partner, Brother Frost [me]). So, if you ever run across a Fire Blaster named Sister Flame on Freedom, chances are its my daughter havign fun, but learning many things at the same time. Feel free to team with her, but don't be a "poopyhead" (her words, not mind). Ciao! P.S. She is working on her typing skills, so if you see her say "Go", "Go", "Go" about twenty times, don't worry. It's only 1 of about 100 words she can spell. Link to reast of his updates, or you could click first one and read the whole thread but i think it is pretty huuuuuge. + Show Spoiler + | ||
Portugal2722 Posts
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