On January 13 2011 02:41 TeWy wrote:
I'm tired of repeating over and over again, this should be common sense for christ sake : THESE STATS ARE MEANINGLESS IF YOU DON"T MENTION THE OVERALL RACE RATIO ON THE SERVER AS WELL.
Show nested quote +
*On January 12 2011 12:52 Antoine wrote:
I almost forgot this week after falling victim to Cataclysm like John from Gom, but fortunately I remembered when I learned some interesting news!
+ Show Spoiler [player list] +
45 (22.5%) ↑2 (1.0%)
83 (41.5%) ↓2 (1.0%)
70 (35.0%) ↑1 (0.5%)
02 (01.0%) ↓1 (0.5%)
So in watching Artosis's latest video on youtube, it was revealed one of the people playing the long-mysterious Grim Reaper is in fact the man we know as MarineKingPrime. Jinro said last week that he knows somebody playing it, so his input could be revealing.
As for the foreigners, it was yet another impressive week. Huk, after having his accounts at 7th and 62, now has two accounts in the top 5! Really looking good for him to join code A next season. The other foreigners had mixed results. While Idra rose from 110 to 77, and mOOnGLaDe showed up again at 200, SEn dropped a bit from 98 to 101. The rest of the liquid guys didn't have a good week if you just look at the rankings, with Jinro dropping from 58 to 101, ret dropping from 83 to 107, and Haypro dropping off. However, a closer examination will reveal that Jinro played exactly one ladder game and ret only played 3, while Haypro was in Europe to represent Liquid at some tourneys.
Source: http://kr.battle.net/sc2/ko/blog/596556#blog
Last Week
working on the rest of the names now~
I almost forgot this week after falling victim to Cataclysm like John from Gom, but fortunately I remembered when I learned some interesting news!
+ Show Spoiler [player list] +
1 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGuProS) 741 526
2 IMMvp 970 575
3 kAsyufOu 725 570
4 LiquidHuK 865 720
5 LiquidHuK 252 160
6 IMNesTea 903 617
7 해병왕프라임 (MarineKingPrime) 1088 704
8 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 1129 797
9 PoltPrime 1105 882
10 RyungPrime 1067 812
11 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 886 651
12 oGsEnsnare 983 699
13 저승사자 ("Grim Reaper", shared account) 232 110
14 makaprime 884 632
15 oGsTOP 1210 839
16 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 1182 966
17 Lee 310 193
18 티에스엘얼라이브 (TSL_Alive) 147 75
19 IMJunwiPirme 1037 626
19 CutefOu 640 512
21 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1635 1188
22 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 944 634
23 AtreyuPrime 473 330
24 choyafOu 1344 1105
25 엔에스피짝지 (NsPJjakJi) 939 766
26 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 1100 963
27 NEXtaeJa 918 740
28 NEXBuJa 231 124
29 Syj 343 233
30 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1620 1328
31 NEXT 421 281
32 Yeah 925 833
33 크롬 (Chrome) 716 609
34 NuclearfOu 1129 975
35 oGsMC 574 370
36 슬레이어스령 (SlayerS_Ryung) 123 51
37 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 787 666
38 CheckPrime 2062 1489
38 SeedSG 1700 1568
40 Ven 761 640
41 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 673 450
42 GplaysNet 322 254
43 KeenMvP 629 506
44 HongUnPrime 823 571
45 IMhorror 1654 1525
46 dreamertt 666 510
46 NEXExcrement 951 779
48 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 768 551
49 IMLosirA 1453 1211
50 NvxiaOt 1224 1002
51 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1252 976
52 깐쇼새우제니스 (KanShaoShrimpZenith) 1313 1197
52 anyproPrime 745 579
54 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 1094 956
55 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1487 1351
55 SiriusfOu 1035 937
57 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 456 326
57 oGsVINES 1016 915
59 베스킨라빈스 ("Baskin Robbins, MarineKingPrime) 289 109
60 oGsGon 909 652
61 YedOrPrime 260 159
62 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1388 1193
63 NEXIceCream 745 667
64 Butterfly 526 432
64 Fox 566 495
66 Destination 582 479
67 터미 (Tummy) 181 73
68 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 1039 892
68 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_Killa) 757 602
70 JiSooNOMG 996 888
71 sCfOu 917 730
72 LofFrozen 613 505
73 SJY 198 114
74 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 762 621
75 티에스엘레인 (TSL_Rain) 787 668
76 Allin 314 250
77 EGIdrA 730 597
77 oGsCarmel 1240 1082
79 startup 375 289
80 IMYongHwa 998 849
81 PoaChers 879 778
81 oGsZenio 1698 1238
83 oGsjookTo 843 772
84 Sculp 486 396
85 PhoeNix 1278 1160
86 스타테일트라우멘 270 210
87 뽕새 670 579
88 TopClassfOu 1241 1124
89 CranefOu 1683 1544
89 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 778 653
91 TeriuSfOu 890 781
91 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1687 1378
91 ReXTry 768 660
94 oGsJ 985 891
95 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 290 209
96 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 803 624
96 슬레이어스휘 (SlayerS_Conductor?) 760 657
98 ReXColorfuL 1232 1130
99 oGsHerO 876 758
100 알리시아 (Alicia) 1448 1291
101 LiquidJinro 446 361
101 ZergKing 518 428
103 oGsCezanne 620 473
104 스타테일레인보우 (ST_rainbOw) 841 640
105 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 692 590
106 AVANTE 457 375
107 LiquidRet 255 184
108 Hyor 838 748
108 IMGanZi 963 805
110 로보트태권브이 (RowBoatTaeKwonBuoy???) 218 172
111 inorifOu 1678 1578
111 NEXingyeo 3378 3373
113 PartinGfOu 977 902
113 oGsHyperdub 858 713
113 렉스토마토맛있쪄 (REX_DeliciousTomato) 828 742
116 NEXCoCa 377 322
117 CutterZenith 849 745
117 건설로봇준비완료 812 715
117 엔에스피스누피 (NsP_Snoopy) 970 899
120 GuMihofOu 1375 1265
121 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 959 865
122 MarpsPrime 1401 1263
123 NEXReturning 658 592
124 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl) 1090 961
125 NvXiGua 1589 1435
125 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 1028 892
125 스타테일제너두 752 640
128 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 186 95
129 oGsTheStC 621 497
129 ManToMan 1044 926
131 LuckyfOu 1386 1267
132 SeleCT 515 420
133 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 2184 2003
133 슬레이어스셀라 (SlayerS_Cella) 917 820
133 EtdGrrr (not the real Grrr...) 1189 1099
136 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 607 497
136 TheBestfOu 974 873
138 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 522 445
139 스타테일뒤통수 ("ST_Backstab", Justfake) 775 676
140 SonRistaSG 715 617
141 SSapoZenith 903 800
142 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 976 861
143 absolutely 193 105
144 유지훈 (YooJiHoon) 538 448
145 핑크요정 (PinkFairy) 168 123
146 cOreZenith 1872 1739
146 NEXPuzzle 1063 852
148 MinPrime 1822 1683
148 IMtrue 1166 1063
150 EtdJbaker 564 479
151 DreamZenith 872 787
152 HwangSin 241 181
153 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1442 1342
154 드리마이저제니스 (DreamizerZenith) 598 520
155 IMSleep 1419 1316
156 몽몽귀 (JSLZenith) 506 406
157 비담제니스 (BidamZenith) 716 602
158 웅진알로에 (WoonjinAloe) 409 305
159 엔에스피아카시아 (NsP_Acacia) 300 207
160 HwangSin 1880 1765
160 NEXLine 488 387
162 TwilightfOu 663 567
162 GalaxyMvP 1471 1369
164 oGsOnizukA 338 267
164 Luffy 1087 1019
166 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1288 1161
167 TankboyPrime 787 672
168 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 884 786
169 ZZayohoPros 486 419
170 토스능욕하지마 (DontMockProtoss) 304 242
171 HairyZenith 251 198
172 oGskkOma 1214 1107
173 fever 1050 918
173 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1198 1084
175 ShinefOu 1160 1073
176 꽃을든남자 (FlowersAllMen?) 246 198
177 WnagMuna 1197 1104
178 시나브로프라임 (BitByBitPrime) 1056 958
178 반반쓰제니스 (BonBonsZenith) 622 507
180 테란을왜했을까 229 164
181 PanDaZenith 806 731
182 DuskBinTeam 1335 1231
183 Liberty 671 561
184 Python 1228 1130
184 JBKhan 399 320
186 DreamMvP 700 608
186 oGsTheWinD 1033 886
188 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 796 725
189 스타테일에이쓰 (ST_Ace) 1497 1363
190 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 757 655
191 EtdYinhulu 502 422
192 NEXLife 759 700
193 TreefOu 849 768
193 oGsNaDa 456 323
195 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1365 1238
195 엠브이피테일즈 (MVP_Tails?) 1042 956
197 소이프라임 (SoyPrime) 1345 1240
198 스타테일쏘자 (ST_Shoot) 922 755
199 LeenockfOu 1451 1343
200 FXOmOOnGLaDe 270 228
2 IMMvp 970 575
3 kAsyufOu 725 570
4 LiquidHuK 865 720
5 LiquidHuK 252 160
6 IMNesTea 903 617
7 해병왕프라임 (MarineKingPrime) 1088 704
8 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genius) 1129 797
9 PoltPrime 1105 882
10 RyungPrime 1067 812
11 티에스엘클라이드 (TSL_Clide) 886 651
12 oGsEnsnare 983 699
13 저승사자 ("Grim Reaper", shared account) 232 110
14 makaprime 884 632
15 oGsTOP 1210 839
16 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 1182 966
17 Lee 310 193
18 티에스엘얼라이브 (TSL_Alive) 147 75
19 IMJunwiPirme 1037 626
19 CutefOu 640 512
21 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1635 1188
22 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 944 634
23 AtreyuPrime 473 330
24 choyafOu 1344 1105
25 엔에스피짝지 (NsPJjakJi) 939 766
26 슬레이어스밀즈 (SlayerS_Mills) 1100 963
27 NEXtaeJa 918 740
28 NEXBuJa 231 124
29 Syj 343 233
30 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1620 1328
31 NEXT 421 281
32 Yeah 925 833
33 크롬 (Chrome) 716 609
34 NuclearfOu 1129 975
35 oGsMC 574 370
36 슬레이어스령 (SlayerS_Ryung) 123 51
37 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 787 666
38 CheckPrime 2062 1489
38 SeedSG 1700 1568
40 Ven 761 640
41 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 673 450
42 GplaysNet 322 254
43 KeenMvP 629 506
44 HongUnPrime 823 571
45 IMhorror 1654 1525
46 dreamertt 666 510
46 NEXExcrement 951 779
48 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 768 551
49 IMLosirA 1453 1211
50 NvxiaOt 1224 1002
51 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1252 976
52 깐쇼새우제니스 (KanShaoShrimpZenith) 1313 1197
52 anyproPrime 745 579
54 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 1094 956
55 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1487 1351
55 SiriusfOu 1035 937
57 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 456 326
57 oGsVINES 1016 915
59 베스킨라빈스 ("Baskin Robbins, MarineKingPrime) 289 109
60 oGsGon 909 652
61 YedOrPrime 260 159
62 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1388 1193
63 NEXIceCream 745 667
64 Butterfly 526 432
64 Fox 566 495
66 Destination 582 479
67 터미 (Tummy) 181 73
68 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 1039 892
68 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_Killa) 757 602
70 JiSooNOMG 996 888
71 sCfOu 917 730
72 LofFrozen 613 505
73 SJY 198 114
74 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 762 621
75 티에스엘레인 (TSL_Rain) 787 668
76 Allin 314 250
77 EGIdrA 730 597
77 oGsCarmel 1240 1082
79 startup 375 289
80 IMYongHwa 998 849
81 PoaChers 879 778
81 oGsZenio 1698 1238
83 oGsjookTo 843 772
84 Sculp 486 396
85 PhoeNix 1278 1160
86 스타테일트라우멘 270 210
87 뽕새 670 579
88 TopClassfOu 1241 1124
89 CranefOu 1683 1544
89 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 778 653
91 TeriuSfOu 890 781
91 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1687 1378
91 ReXTry 768 660
94 oGsJ 985 891
95 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 290 209
96 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 803 624
96 슬레이어스휘 (SlayerS_Conductor?) 760 657
98 ReXColorfuL 1232 1130
99 oGsHerO 876 758
100 알리시아 (Alicia) 1448 1291
101 LiquidJinro 446 361
101 ZergKing 518 428
103 oGsCezanne 620 473
104 스타테일레인보우 (ST_rainbOw) 841 640
105 나비효과 (ButterflyEffect) 692 590
106 AVANTE 457 375
107 LiquidRet 255 184
108 Hyor 838 748
108 IMGanZi 963 805
110 로보트태권브이 (RowBoatTaeKwonBuoy???) 218 172
111 inorifOu 1678 1578
111 NEXingyeo 3378 3373
113 PartinGfOu 977 902
113 oGsHyperdub 858 713
113 렉스토마토맛있쪄 (REX_DeliciousTomato) 828 742
116 NEXCoCa 377 322
117 CutterZenith 849 745
117 건설로봇준비완료 812 715
117 엔에스피스누피 (NsP_Snoopy) 970 899
120 GuMihofOu 1375 1265
121 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 959 865
122 MarpsPrime 1401 1263
123 NEXReturning 658 592
124 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl) 1090 961
125 NvXiGua 1589 1435
125 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 1028 892
125 스타테일제너두 752 640
128 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 186 95
129 oGsTheStC 621 497
129 ManToMan 1044 926
131 LuckyfOu 1386 1267
132 SeleCT 515 420
133 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 2184 2003
133 슬레이어스셀라 (SlayerS_Cella) 917 820
133 EtdGrrr (not the real Grrr...) 1189 1099
136 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 607 497
136 TheBestfOu 974 873
138 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 522 445
139 스타테일뒤통수 ("ST_Backstab", Justfake) 775 676
140 SonRistaSG 715 617
141 SSapoZenith 903 800
142 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 976 861
143 absolutely 193 105
144 유지훈 (YooJiHoon) 538 448
145 핑크요정 (PinkFairy) 168 123
146 cOreZenith 1872 1739
146 NEXPuzzle 1063 852
148 MinPrime 1822 1683
148 IMtrue 1166 1063
150 EtdJbaker 564 479
151 DreamZenith 872 787
152 HwangSin 241 181
153 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1442 1342
154 드리마이저제니스 (DreamizerZenith) 598 520
155 IMSleep 1419 1316
156 몽몽귀 (JSLZenith) 506 406
157 비담제니스 (BidamZenith) 716 602
158 웅진알로에 (WoonjinAloe) 409 305
159 엔에스피아카시아 (NsP_Acacia) 300 207
160 HwangSin 1880 1765
160 NEXLine 488 387
162 TwilightfOu 663 567
162 GalaxyMvP 1471 1369
164 oGsOnizukA 338 267
164 Luffy 1087 1019
166 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1288 1161
167 TankboyPrime 787 672
168 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 884 786
169 ZZayohoPros 486 419
170 토스능욕하지마 (DontMockProtoss) 304 242
171 HairyZenith 251 198
172 oGskkOma 1214 1107
173 fever 1050 918
173 오지에스원한다면 (oGsIfYouWantIt) 1198 1084
175 ShinefOu 1160 1073
176 꽃을든남자 (FlowersAllMen?) 246 198
177 WnagMuna 1197 1104
178 시나브로프라임 (BitByBitPrime) 1056 958
178 반반쓰제니스 (BonBonsZenith) 622 507
180 테란을왜했을까 229 164
181 PanDaZenith 806 731
182 DuskBinTeam 1335 1231
183 Liberty 671 561
184 Python 1228 1130
184 JBKhan 399 320
186 DreamMvP 700 608
186 oGsTheWinD 1033 886
188 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 796 725
189 스타테일에이쓰 (ST_Ace) 1497 1363
190 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 757 655
191 EtdYinhulu 502 422
192 NEXLife 759 700
193 TreefOu 849 768
193 oGsNaDa 456 323
195 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1365 1238
195 엠브이피테일즈 (MVP_Tails?) 1042 956
197 소이프라임 (SoyPrime) 1345 1240
198 스타테일쏘자 (ST_Shoot) 922 755
199 LeenockfOu 1451 1343
200 FXOmOOnGLaDe 270 228




So in watching Artosis's latest video on youtube, it was revealed one of the people playing the long-mysterious Grim Reaper is in fact the man we know as MarineKingPrime. Jinro said last week that he knows somebody playing it, so his input could be revealing.
As for the foreigners, it was yet another impressive week. Huk, after having his accounts at 7th and 62, now has two accounts in the top 5! Really looking good for him to join code A next season. The other foreigners had mixed results. While Idra rose from 110 to 77, and mOOnGLaDe showed up again at 200, SEn dropped a bit from 98 to 101. The rest of the liquid guys didn't have a good week if you just look at the rankings, with Jinro dropping from 58 to 101, ret dropping from 83 to 107, and Haypro dropping off. However, a closer examination will reveal that Jinro played exactly one ladder game and ret only played 3, while Haypro was in Europe to represent Liquid at some tourneys.
Source: http://kr.battle.net/sc2/ko/blog/596556#blog
Last Week
working on the rest of the names now~
I'm tired of repeating over and over again, this should be common sense for christ sake : THESE STATS ARE MEANINGLESS IF YOU DON"T MENTION THE OVERALL RACE RATIO ON THE SERVER AS WELL.
From http://www.sc2ranks.com/stats/region/all/1/all for Korea.
All Leagues:
7.3% Random
36.5% Protoss
37.5% Terran
18.7% Zerg
Diamond only:
6.4% Random
35.7% Protoss
34.4% Terran
23.4% Zerg