SpearThruster - Hmm that's probably a non-sc related issue as I haven't touched stream player at all for a few patches now. Have you tried the solution in OP , under "Troubleshooting tips: IMPORTANT" spoiler ? Probably it's a chrome flash player related issue.
Also I just noticed yesterday that I forgot to change version number of last version. I had to fix it and re upload 1.4.4b , so if you downloaded 1.4.4b and still get "New Update" button , that's why. Apologies for inconvenience , I blame my MIA tester Tnud for every single thing wrong with ScC
I come bearing a bug and a suggestion.
First, the bug. I've only tried this on justin.tv streams, but when you switch UI to the justin.tv UI, more often than not, the controls are unusable. The mute button doesn't work, and the quality buttons at the top don't work. Also, if you click on the stream itself, the "picture" if you will, the streaming app changes to browser mode and opens up the page with their stream and chat on it.
Now for my suggestion. Is there a way to save the favorite streams for when an update arrives? Perhaps writing them to a text file once favorited, not needing to read from them again, but when we reinstall sccalendar, search for the file and read form it to recall favorited streams. scratch that, too hard to implement something that runs on installation. How about a button on the streams page, that when pushed will search for the file and read the written streams and remember the favorited streams.
Thats my two cents. Thanks, Tiax :D
Pants536 - Hey man!
Oh that's weird , I just checked player and as you said stream provider UI isn't working smoothly. I'm pretty sure that's new tho , Justin.tv is improving their stuff these days so maybe they changed something because I don't remember having such an issue before. I'll look into it of course , oh and by the way , guess it works when you're on full screen mode. DoubleClick -> Switch to Flash UI ->Change Quality -> I REALLY need beta testers 
ScC settings and stream stuff isn't persistent as you said , and it's totally my fault. Can even say "my stupidness". The problem is , when I started ScC , I was just planing to implement calendar event notifications ( not even the current calendar window ) so the infrastructure of the application is terrible , actually there is no infrastructure to speak of. Then I keep adding things , and patching holes but I really can't keep doing that. Current code is a mess to work with , application is getting bloated etc etc. That is exactly why I already started ScC2 
Of course it's possible to implement persistent settings , one way or another ; but I just don't want to keep adding stuff to ScC from now on ; just little bug fixes ( like the player issue you mentioned ).
Also should I release a fix asap now? I mean I'm pretty sure lots of users doesn't like a new version every week , but I can't leave it bugged right? 
Don't worry too much about it, it's no big deal until next major release.
Is there a possibility to watch the current Stockholm Invitation DH tournament, via the player?
Tiax;mous pretty please? :p
Pants536 - Hopefully next major release will be much much better 
SpearThruster - I'm working on it for a while now , but Justin.tv isn't really helping. Their stream info api is limited to 45 queries per 5 minutes and I got 96 justin.tv streams to refresh every 5 minute >< Gonna fix this asap.
Edit : Ok I guess I found a new and better way to do it , it'll take a little time to implement tho , hopfully if it works out , stream service quality will be drastically better.
Edit2 : Ok implemented the new system , I feel kinda silly for not finding this out earlier ( actually I'm pretty sure this isn't in Justin Api Wiki either so it's kinda their fault ). From now on , my server gonna get&process 1 xml per 5 minute instead of 96. This means a drastic improvement in speed and quality ( justin servers didn't answer half of those 96 requests , sigh ).
Tiax;mous, you deliver yet again. \m/
Another stream request if you don't mind - justin.tv/naslseasonone
On the off chance that you aren't currently watching to see how this whole NASL thing turns out!
SpearThruster - New justin code working sooo smooth and beautiful for now that it makes me wanna cry 
Gamgee - Added , thanks to Tnud! Enjoy!
This program is awesome!
J/w, how do streams get added on here, does it automatically pull the list from TL? One of the guys I watch a lot isn't on the list. He uses ustream, does that matter?
bovineblitz - Hey man! We are using our very own stream list and service , which grants us more flexibility , stability and better service. There is no limit for streams tho , if there is a stream missing ( like streams with very very low viewer count and activity ) , just let me know and I'll add in minutes. You can use feedback window in ScC or post here ( posting here is better I guess , as it'll be like an announcement for that stream and other users will know it as well etc. )
tldr ; just contact me somehow and give me the stream link! 
Also yet another wip shot of scc2 + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +On April 11 2011 13:36 Pants536 wrote: I come bearing a bug and a suggestion.
First, the bug. I've only tried this on justin.tv streams, but when you switch UI to the justin.tv UI, more often than not, the controls are unusable. The mute button doesn't work, and the quality buttons at the top don't work. Also, if you click on the stream itself, the "picture" if you will, the streaming app changes to browser mode and opens up the page with their stream and chat on it.
Now for my suggestion. Is there a way to save the favorite streams for when an update arrives? Perhaps writing them to a text file once favorited, not needing to read from them again, but when we reinstall sccalendar, search for the file and read form it to recall favorited streams. scratch that, too hard to implement something that runs on installation. How about a button on the streams page, that when pushed will search for the file and read the written streams and remember the favorited streams.
Thats my two cents. Thanks, Tiax :D
Okay, update from this bug.
The justin.tv UI works perfectly if I make the window fullscreen. If the window is not in fullscreen mode, the UI just doesn't work.
Note: When I say fullscreen, I mean maximized, or clicking "fullscreen" when you right click on the stream.
Pants536 - Yep , I noticed that too. It just happens on Justin streams so it's probably a justin player related issue. I'll fix this for next version but I really don't know when there'll be a next version at the moment ( if ever ). But I'll fix this eventually , for another version or scc2 Thanks for the feedback!
Hey Tiax, I'd like my stream to be added. It can be found at: http://www.justin.tv/redeuxtv I've been working full time and was taking 16 credit hours this semester so I haven't been streaming much, but I'm a master level 1v1 / 2v2 player and should be streaming more now that it's summer. If you'd like I can post back later once I've actually started streaming often and have some vods up to clarify the legitimacy of my stream.
You continue to impress me with this program. Awesome job and thanks for everything you're doing for the SC community
redeux - Hey there! I just added your stream to our list , it'll be there in a few minutes
Man you're a hard worker , full time job , school and Sc2 altogether >< If only I was such a hard worker , we all would have been using ScC2 at this moment 
And thanks for your kind words , I'm doing the best I can , and it's always a pleasure to see you guys like&use it
For some reason all of the calendar events show up as being three hours earlier than they actually are. How do I fix this?
Hannibalbarca - Hey there! I'm sorry I wasn't around for a while now and I just saw your post.
If I recall correctly , ScC supposed to start from somewhere around 2 hours to pop notifications and then pops another notification half the way etc. ie. 2 hours -> 1 hour -> 30min -> 15min etc. It may become a little spammy if it's a busy night but shouldn't be too disturbing. Also you can always stop notifications from "Notifications" button at the left bottom of menu.
No, but I mean like on the calendar itself the listed times are three hours ahead of what they actually are; I'm in US East time and the NASL pregame that starts in 3 hours is shown as happening right now.
Hannibalbarca - Ah I get it now. Well ScC uses TL data for calendar ( based on Korean Standart Time ) and then gets the time zone of the user ( from .net framework ) , and converts Korean Standart Time to users time zone. I believe this is not a common error tho ,so I guess there is something wrong with your system particularly. Either OS time zone is wrong or .net is messing up somehow.