On December 20 2010 05:17 oZii wrote: Any plans for follow up themes? Like new units and such? BTW thanks for this. I havent changed themes since you posted this very clean style.
Yeah I plan on adding more themes. I just need ideas. If you guys post images of fanart, etc... makes my job easier
Have you tried making a coloured Zerg one? I think that would look cool.
Oooo gonna use that hydra
Bump. Cmon you firefox users, use the damn themes. And throw more fanart this way! :D
hey loxlo I think to get more viewers on your thread maybe you can pm a mod to change it to something like SC2 Themes (Chrome, Firefox, etc) just the SC2 and Chrome is kinda Vague. Going to go look for some more art to contribute
![[image loading]](http://fmgames.es/wp-content/gallery/starcraft-2-25-4-09/starcraft-fanart-3-zealot.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://blogs.gamefilia.com/files/imce/u336176/we_stay_as_one_flick.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/starcraft2header.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://us.blizzard.com/_images/community/fanart/en_us/screens/ss1144.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://anttilepisto.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/protoss-logo.png)
![[image loading]](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/304/b/a/starcraft__protoss_by_keyan3d-d31vcma.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://th02.deviantart.net/fs41/PRE/i/2009/034/b/9/Zeratul__Dark_Templar_Prelate_by_scarypet.jpg)
K done for the day will look for terran or something tomorrow
Wow thanks, the zerg theme for chrome looks incredible. I've been looking for something like this for ages. : )
i'd really like to see that terran ghost for the chrome theme in a blue rather than green
These are just great, and i thought this should get a bump anyway :for the people who still havent seen these
Hey, have you considered making dark versions of the firefox themes (similar to the original ones)? The pictures are pretty badass, and would look really cool on a black/dark blue background I think.
Keep up the good work though! Awesome stuff you've got here.
Anyone who want's to help with this project (mainly creating the graphics using fanart) feel free to PM me. I need some help as I can't put much time into this anymore.
Related: Darker themes are coming next !
These are pretty badass. One thing I notice is people aren't used to people with pretty tall monitors I guess, but it looks pretty crappy when it's not tall enough and it just starts tiling. Highly advise making the image much taller so someone with a 27 inch screen like myself can enjoy =D
PS. I love google chrome's inspect element feature 
That is Webkit's feature, not Chrome's. And FYI the one in Chrome is gimped, the one in Safari is much better (though I do like Chrome as a browser)
On February 12 2011 01:24 telfire wrote:These are pretty badass. One thing I notice is people aren't used to people with pretty tall monitors I guess, but it looks pretty crappy when it's not tall enough and it just starts tiling. Highly advise making the image much taller so someone with a 27 inch screen like myself can enjoy =D That is Webkit's feature, not Chrome's. And FYI the one in Chrome is gimped, the one in Safari is much better (though I do like Chrome as a browser) 
Send me a PM with a screenshot, and I'll fix it for your resolution. It's a pretty easy fix. Unfortunately, I work on a small screen and obviously have to adjust for others' resolutions
I've stolen some of these pictures here and there for people's wallpapers, haha. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful, thank you for sharing. Using both the chrome and firefox.
Using the Zerg Chrome one now. Thanks!
you're awesome ! you know that, right ?
this is making me want to switch to chrome... really well done, bud.