On October 21 2010 20:51 Rflcrx wrote: I think he is horrible. With Idra it was kinda alright because Idra knows whats up (although he is a far better player then commentator obviously). But right now I have to mute and watch the game in silence because both of them have no idea whats up (missing a bc rush? Come on.). It is very sad because so far the gsl2 was great but these games have been ruined (it also shows how important commentary is). I'm just glad that artosis & tasteless will be back soon. I have decided not to buy GSL3 tickets because of this bad commentary. I really need to know what gsl is gonna do if somebody is ill again/has to leave/play etc. and if they stick with unprofessional casters they sure as hell won't get my money. Because it is way less interesting with somebody who can only repeat what pros are saying/or simply stating whats happening ("tank is coming OUUT"). Anyway, bad decission by GSL, big name != succesful cast.
You are not going to buy tickets for GSL3, because a couple of days of the round of 64 (IF blizzcon is going on) might not be casted by Tastosis? That sounds a little extreme. How much money did you lose from these matches let's find out.
If you are a resubscriber it was 15 dollars. How many matches are they casting...?
22 matches out of!... 63, so you wasted what... 5 dollars? Boohoo. You still get to see the matches in high quality, watch them whenever you want. Sounds like someone is overreacting.
Jason Lee + idra rocked !!
I really enjoyed idras calm analytical answers in combination with Jason Lees superb "action" commentating
He was great with some shaky moments
Mostly just having the wrong facts like implying that last GSL Season was one year ago. Really like his voice and that they're focusing 100% on what happens and not what htey had for breakfast this morning.
Jason+IdrA was great, I really liked how Idra knew alot, so he came with great depth, while jason is such a great talker, and made it so much fun to watch
Jason+Jorgen was kinda meh, jorgen didn't really say that much.
Jason+Assem was again good, Assem was talking alot, and seemed to know a decent amount, not as much as idra or artosis, but it sure was entertaining.
If only Jason knew a little more he would've been awesome ^^
I for one didn't like him in my name is earl but in dreamcatcher he was good + Show Spoiler +
On October 21 2010 21:06 Aberu wrote: You are not going to buy tickets for GSL3, because a couple of days of the round of 64 (IF blizzcon is going on) might not be casted by Tastosis? That sounds a little extreme.
That is because you missread. If I pay money I want to see some quality. The games don't need to be casted by tastosis, but they need to be casted in a bearable way, so that I actually somewhat enjoy watching them. If the casters are so bad because they have no idea what so ever and I need to mute the stream I really don't want to pay money for it. Jason Lee is the vuvuzela of starcraft 2.
In addition I consider the RO64 as being important/interesting, because good players also get kicked out early but will reappear at a later time (gsl3/4/5). So ruining 3-4 days of it is a big deal, especially if you pay for it.
I think Jason Lee will be a great caster once he picks up some more info about the game, good voice and gets really excited about the big battles and so on.
I think one (or both) of Tastosis should have declined the invitation to Blizzcon so that this wouldn't happen. It seems that Blizzcon will have a rotating team of five casters (one of which is Day9 anyway), so Tastosis was needed more for the GSL.
Jason Lee is terrible. All he did is say what is on the screen and never went into speculation, or went into any deep analysis with his co-host. He has not looked at the unit/production/income tab once. (the Korean ob rotates between the tabs often enough) Absolutely NO mention of upgrades at all. (Artosis repeatedly tells us the importance of things like ling/bane speed and banshee cloak) He missed the Fusion Core during Idra's match, but he gets a free pass while Tastosis gets a lot of flak for missing it? Also, LOL at him believing that a terran player destroyed his own bunker. Worst moment was the mothership rush game, where Jason and Jorgen are talking nonsense while the last viking was desperately trying to come out of the starport.
Jason+Idra had the best chemistry, but that's because Idra carried the analysis by himself. Jorgen... I'm glad GomTV realized he sucked and removed him. He was originally going to be on for 14 matches in a row, and that would've been a nightmare. Assem's voice is more pleasing to the ear, but he's not much of an improvement either. I'm wondering why GomTV didn't ask someone from TL to cover...
Some people don't like Tastosis joking around, but I'd rather hear that then dead air. They actually don't joke around as often as some complainers make it out to be.
I prefer Tastosis. I woudln't mind seeing Jason added in as a third hto.
I don't think people understand how low quality is Tasteless's commentating is and how Artosis is carrying him. Jason Lee is a huge improvement and it would be a dream for him to cast with Artosis imho.
Jason Lee sure knows how to cast and show excitement, although a small lack of basic-sc2-knowledge (salvaged bunkers still explode) but this hurts just a bit.
Btw: where is the old translator-guy, i miss him he is so sympatic (even if it seems the new one is faster)
Didnt had any problem with the new duos that teamed up to cover for the absense of tasteless and artosis.
For me the casters are there to help out keeping the game dynamics and pace for the viewers, the rest should be ourselves to assist and notice what match events / details we enjoyed the most. I was never a big fan of very deep strategic insights while assisting to a match because to be properly done it requires the game to be stopped, rewinded, evaluated on several prespectives (kinda like what Day[9] does on his videos wich i enjoy quite a lot).
What i enjoy is the live event happening on that moment and that the casters follow the match while keeping the pace and a balanced ammoutn of excitement.
So for me the casting has been just fine with a bit of overreacting ocasionally but nothing unbearable so its all good 
People keep saying that he didnt know what he was talking about and such, but the fact that he was still able to cast with practically no knowledge of the game just shows how great of a commentator he is and how much he could improve. When he was casting with idra he didnt need to know much about the game because idras analysis was so good. I for one would love to see some more jason and idra because I absolutely loved it and as his game knowledge increases it will only get better. Btw the other 2 co-casters besides idra were pretty bleh in comparison and he wasnt as able to rely on them as much for his lack of sc2 knowledge therefore they didnt go near as well. I think another thing people are overlooking is how much better he made the interviews.
On October 21 2010 22:44 kasumimi wrote: I don't think people understand how low quality is Tasteless's commentating is and how Artosis is carrying him. Jason Lee is a huge improvement and it would be a dream for him to cast with Artosis imho.
That's just an absurdly uninformed thing to say. Artosis doesn't carry Tasteless. Tasteless is the color commentator and observer.
Please look up what that entails. I'm not going to discuss Jason Lee because this is a thread made by people who like him.
color commentator is an excuse for saying retarded shit and riding on your reputation?
so high level
loved when he decided that the translator sucked and just asked in korean himself.
Jason Lee has a great voice, but says "um" WAY TOO OFTEN. It drives me crazy. How can the other guy just sit there like a dead fish half the time though? He obviously knows SCII better than Jason, and he has some good points to make, but he is boring as shit.
Did anyone notice that there wasn't a single mention of the battlecruiser rush in Idra's game until the actual battlecruiser was out? Neither commentator mentioned anything about the hidden fusion core, or said anything the entire time the BC was producing. Unreal.
I think it's because they're observing on their own screens while we get the feed from the korean observer.
They probably just missed the fusion core, while the awesome korean observer catches everything.
There has been going a childish trend around here lately to bash casters and picking every word they say apart. Some people here cannot be pleased and this is rather disapointing considering how good we have it now as viewers. I've been here for many years when there were no youtube vods, no watchable livestream and first and foremost no english casting whatsofuckingever. What all these casters are doing for you, payed or not, is just outstanding and I can only congratulate them for all the effort they put into their job.
I can only thank GOM for putting in their time and effort in providing great guys like Lee so you little spoiled brats can enjoy your english commentary regardless.
Lee, you've been doing a great job so far and thank you very much for doing this. Despite the lack of game knowledge you brought your casting expirience to the table and handled yourself very well. Thank you for doing this!
And IdrA, I think you suprised us all. Very good insight. All the best of luck in your future games!