I am looking at the list of player names in the replay aggregator, and these are definitely all top players. I'd say the sample is a pretty accurate representation of the "pro scene" right now. Of course it is small, but it's lonely at the top as they say.
If there are the least number of ZvP replays, it's because ZvP represents the least portion of matches played at the pro level (or any level, probably). This is natural due to the lower popularity of Z and P vs T. In fact the numbers of replays correspond exactly with the popularity of the races: TvP > TvZ > PvZ T > P > Z
I think this data is pretty good, assuming these replay sites aggregate all matches from tournaments equally (which they probably do). Seems like a pretty damning statement about how the progamers feel about Zerg. Hopefully the patch today will change some things?
Basically Terran>zerg and protoss and protoss>zerg
NOt really surprised but i think zerg needs buff.
wow, people are actually looking at this data like it means something
sample size is a bit small, but great idea. I would love to see this extend to 10,000 replays.
This kind of a crawler needs to be in place for the upcoming patch, so two months from now we have several thousand high diamond games to look at, and can be looking at map specific data in addition to matchup specific data.
Very cool concept. I'm looking forward to seeing your data after you've logged a few thousand replays.
On September 22 2010 01:18 travis wrote: wow, people are actually looking at this data like it means something
seriously? This data alone doesn't prove much. However, since it reinforces the data of about 500 different sources of some kind, it all adds up, now doesn't it?
On September 22 2010 01:18 travis wrote: wow, people are actually looking at this data like it means something
seriously? Well it's very consistent with the state of balance, so yeah, seriously.
I like the idea and effort put into this research. Have fun w/ it after the patch and looking forward to the data. Becareful about duplicate matches (mentioned above). Other than that, nice work and its nice to see I'm not the only one have zvp troubles...
You can't analyze balance on the ladder as people will always have a fairly balanced win ratio. You have to look at where people are placed on the ladder - the race ratio in the top of the ladder and in the last rounds of tournaments are what proves imbalance.
This also means that a race SHOULD be doing better than the other races for a short while after the buff as the players will win more until they're on the same rank as players who play the races that used to be more powerful. If they don't, then they weren't buffed enough.
I wretch every time I hear "Sample too small".
Less than 30 might be considered a small sample size.
The problem is not that it's too small.
The problem is that it's not a random sample.
STATS 101, people.
ZvP slowly seems to become harder than ZvT. At least for me and people I talked to (Darkforce for example)
On September 22 2010 02:13 Nightfall.589 wrote: The problem is not that it's too small.
The problem is that it's not a random sample.
STATS 101, people.
(and honestly the sample is small, too. but that's not the primary problem)
Thats not a very clever way to determine balance. Normally people will post replays winning and not horribly losing. Even the players posting replays when they are losing, normally post much more where there are winning.
So its clear that T>P>Z seems to be the case because the number of players are also T>P>Z....
When I was random my races were T>P>>Z. So the result is just what my experience has been.
On September 22 2010 02:13 Nightfall.589 wrote: The problem is not that it's too small.
The problem is that it's not a random sample.
lol. The only thing that is not random is that they are taken from the highest level play and not from bronze to diamond alltogether. Yeah lets value the balance by absolutely random replays.
TvZ 60% PvZ 58% PvT 49.5%
I thought TvP was imba with all those marine rush wins in GSL, but I guess it was much more balanced. I'm actually surprised tho that more people aren't changing to zerg, you would think more people want to play a race less people play [Or take on the challenge]
On September 21 2010 22:24 Too_MuchZerg wrote:NOT RELATED to bingobangos replay data All TLPD games from international version (9 maps used) TvZ: 163-107 (60.4%) ZvP: 66-90 (42.3%) PvT: 212-216 (49.5%) Mirrors: TvT: 423 ZvZ: 12 PvP: 118 Total games 2261 :  1121 (49.6%)  438 (19.4%)  702 (31.0%) Remember TLPD counts only from RO16/RO8 and forward if online cup format. LAN games TLPD tries to add all games
Why in the world would you want a random sample of players? And the sample size he used isn't by any means small.