Out of the misty mountains of Taiwan, one man breaks his fifteen-year meditation cycle to become more than a man… to become… a symbol.
We’ve all heard the story before… crime’s stripped the streets of Gotham bare for as long as anyone can remember. There’s no place for decent hard-working Zergs on the ladder anymore. Not with all these cheesy Terran mobsters taking their “cut” and stealing our women (KERRIGAN NOOOOO!).
They’ve bought off Blizzard and local law enforcement. And just when it looks like we have no where to turn to, a symbol appears… No not some gay flying bat… something much… much… more terrifying…
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Sen is kicking ass, taking names, and then circling back around to stomp that ass back into the ground.
I have never seen Terrans so thoroughly butt raped…
When I got cliff dropped on Lost Temple or 5-rax reapered on Blistering Sands, I used to RAGE and break something. Now, I just turn on Sen’s stream and watch as some poor 8 year old Terran tries to bunker rush Sen. Sen just sits the little boy down, gingerly cradles the boy’s cheeks in his hands, tells the boy not to worry, and then *RIIIICKKT* SNAPS THE BOYS FUCKING NEAK IN HALF!!!
People say that Zerg cannot attack until the late game -- and this is a very valid point. Unless you are Sen. This bad ass M***** F***** sends EVERY unit he has as soon as its hatched. Lings, Roaches, Spine Crawlers, Queens, drones, Overlords, go go go! He sends them ALL on a crazy impulse! This guy is a psychopath. I saw him break walls by marching 3 queens and EVERY unit he had across Metalopolis WITHOUT spreading creep and just BUSTED the Terran so wide open it was like watching hardcore porn.
If terrans are turtles, then Sen is a sadistic kid with a Jackhammer. If a game goes into the late game, it is only because Sen decided to let it go into the late game. He will do 3 or 4 attacks before his lair is even up! And once his lair is up… then it just becomes a flying shit-fest.
He is a monster. A homicidal maniac. There are no words that have been used to describe Hitler that haven’t been used to describe Sen’s Swarm (except for incredibly homosexual).
He plays a style of Zerg never before seen in SC2… a style that has only been seen once before on this Earth… dare I say it? Sen is the Jaedong of SC2. But more like if Jaedong dropped some acid before playing. If Jaedong is the pure refined cocaine of aggressive Zergs, then Sen is definitely the volatile street crack that I can’t get enough of.
IdrA claims that his passive macro style is the strongest way to play Zerg, and maybe it is… but when IdrA plays you feel like you saw a good game. When Sen plays you feel like you witnessed a felony. Like you know when a buddy of yours just RAILS a girl from your work/school and he then tells EVERYONE about all the crazy f***ed up details? And then you see that girl again and you just feel bad because she will forever be known as the girl that got railed? That’s how I feel about everyone who loses to Sen.
List of RAILED girls: oGsVical, oGsInca, Every Terran player and their mothers, (feel free to add more, but I can’t remember them all – it was a massacre).
But enough of this “actual analysis” of Sen’s style. Let’s get a little serious and talk about WHY he plays the way he does.
Theory number 1) Sen actually hates SC2. This may sound ricockulous, but I’ve heard from credible sources that Sen thinks the game is shit and wants to end it as fast as possible. If you watch, sometimes he just attacks with 10 roaches into 20 stalkers in the hopes that is opponent will kill him and win, but unfortunately Sen always misclicks and accidentally wins.
(He can’t stop playing or else the Taiwanese government will kill his family).
Theory number 2) The “a” key, the “right click” button, and all of Sen’s rally points are broken, so he is ALWAYS attack-moving with all of his units and soon as they hatch from their larva. Also the “g” button is broken, but no one has noticed because he’s never had to use it.
Theory number 3) Sen is paying for the sins of all us lesser Zergs. Theory 3 is by far the most plausible. Blizzard has long since given up balancing the game and we Zergs must instead address the ZvT problem by fighting “Imba” with “Imba!” We didn’t ask for Sen, but because we stood by and let this happen, Sen has arrived. He’s here because sometimes Zergs deserve more…
And Blizzard will chase him. Call him “Imbalanced.” Sen has raped, destroyed, and crushed all opponents until the Win to Loss ratio of zergs in ZvT has now reached 64.7% through his efforts alone. Blizzard plans to fight back in the next patch by making Planetary Fortresses as mobile as reapers; the starting 6 SCV’s will be replaced by Thors; and the M.U.L.E. call down will also launch a nuke at all enemy base locations. They hope this will be enough to balance the current SenVsTerran situation.
And if it isn’t… they will chase him… and we will chase him… because we have to… because he’s the hero Zergs deserve… but not the one Zergs will get… so we’ll hunt him… because he can take it… because he’s not a hero… he’s a silent guardian… a watchful protector… a Dark Knight.
(Ok. So that didn’t really make sense, but neither did the movie Dark Night. How are people not going to know that Harvey Dent did all that shit? He’s dead… that’s going to take some explaining. Also, why get rid of the machine that lets you know where every bad guy is? You’d think that’d come in handy).
Basically, Sen’s a bad ass. He’s protecting us from fat-cat gangsters, mobsters, cheesers, all-iners, and Morrow.
To quote Day[9] as accurately as I can remember, “Sen is the nicest guy, but he would snap a little bunny’s neck without blinking an eye.” (R.I.P. Manfred)
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