On October 20 2010 16:52 happyness wrote: With tyler and gretorp, this is a reeeaaally mellow podcast.
I'm falling asleep here, good thing incontrol is around. For all you haters on incontrol, just think of how boring SotG would be without him. I think Incontrol is great but I also really disagree with this statement. Informative, interesting, deep, strategic, thoughtful, etc., is not boring. If you're falling asleep then that's maybe because strategic sc discussion ain't your thing. I don't want SotG to be a pure comedic show. That said I also think Tyler (not sure about gretorp) is hilarious at times so not sure what you're talking about.
Incontrol's comments about the commentators were hilarious, but actually Jason Lee and Idra are doing a pretty good job, the monotone voice isn't really that bad when you're the in depth analysis guy and the lack of knowledge isn't too bad if you're a good play by play. I'm a big fan of this style of commentary with clearly defined roles.
On October 20 2010 20:06 Tachion wrote: It seems like Idra doesn't have his own game screen to navigate?
edit : they both seem to be watching the korean observer
wrong thread tho
For real, I want Idra on the show again to talk about that emotions from Koreans and esports villains exchange, that is the best thing i have hear in ages.
On October 20 2010 17:55 {88}iNcontroL wrote: I make no apologies this episode. I mean every word
You tha man, Incontrol, calling retards when you see em.
Great ep, the GomTV impersonation had laughing hard. Cool that you brought Gretorp on, that guy is awesome.
Great podcast. great doods.
Good job on the most recent SotG boyos
Thanks to everyone involved
Go gretorp! Terran perspectives are always good to hear
Was a great podcast. Was for the later part of it though "is gretorp still there?" But yeah, thanks for the cast.
I hope Incontrol enjoyed the GSL commentary today. Idra rather showed him... =]
I enjoyed this week's cast. It felt a bit different that previous casts, as if it had a bit more of an on-topic / serious tone. It could be that I'm comparing it to FundayMonday cast from last night (which is so fresh in my mind & was too funny), or perhaps everyone in the cast just kept it more serious this week. I'm not sure which.
I'm not sure what I enjoy more from this podcast. Serious discussion, or the tom-foolery and friendly berating of each other. I guess it would be a mix of both...
Also, are the mini-casts (like from MLG this weekend) going to be a regular thing? I loved those, and found them to be a great compliment to watching the matches.
Great episode as always. thanks again guys!
By the way, did anyone notice that MSI and EG have like 4 of the same sponsors?
Probably because MSI is a sponsor of EG.
Now I want to have Incontrol's feedback on the alternative GSL casting today xD
Keep it on guys, the podcast is very good and I'm waiting for it each week ! Hilarious, instructive... it has everything in it
Great Podcasts. Keep up the good work!
Only InControl could be a bit louder (ie his mic).