On August 30 2011 09:36 MrTng wrote: ID: Jimmy.875 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: platinum, but hard to say. I'd say I'm diamond material, but random teams have handed me NOTHING but complete noobs who dont help out, go out on their own and instantly ragequit after the inevitable counter. They're probably all idiots with NULL experience, who went along with their friends, got placed in diamond/plat accidentally and when they start randoming on their own they're in freefall towards bronze and get teamed up with me along the way. They've held me down at platinum. I REALLY, REALLY want a normal team with people who know what they're doing. Probably the worst application I have ever heard...
ID: Baxter.619 Sever: NA Race: Zerg League: Masters
Need a team to practice with. Really want to improve to hit GM!
ID zsavior.565
Server NA
Race PROtoss
League Masters
Need practice buddies.
Edit: some bronze player asked me to join to his team and I said no for couple reasons.
I'm looking for masters or high diamond players loll.
ID: DCembR.426 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Diamond
I'm looking for a team that likes to play in tourneys, as well as train with each other.
ID: JackDanger.641 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Mid-high Diamond
Looking for a group that I can consistently practice with, theorize with, all that team stuff that teams do, I assume. I've only really been playing since April, came up from bronze, still going up (60% win rate for the past week). I'd like to find out what my upper limits are (and possibly get my APM above 60), and laddering till my eyes fall out doesn't seem optimal. I'm not exactly sure how to go about looking for a team, so this seems like a good place to start.
ID: Chipotle.259 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Masters (ladder has me playing people around ~600 points, and I'm still winning over 50% so it could still be higher)
I'm looking for a team that with active members that'll help me step up my game (especially TvP.) Frequent clan activities like clan wars is a plus as well!
ID : Neantra.333 Server : EU Race : Protoss League : Diamond
I'm looking for a Diam-Low Master level team to mutually improve our gameplay and why not do some clan wars. I am often online as I play everyday of the week
ID: NeverGG.858 Server: NA Raze: Zerg League: Masters
Looking for people to practice with and do some clan wars, hoping to shoot for GM next season.
ID: ssibalistic.608 server: NA race: Terran League: Masters
Looking for a team that we can all practice with and help each other out. Also, doing fun stuff and clan wars would be great
ID: thorloco Server: NA race: Terran League: Masters
Looking for a team and practice partners and clan wars etc!
ID : Reach Character Code : 395 Hi, I am a consistent rank 30 master zerg. I'm trying to look for a active team to join and practice with. I am very active and always online and love to play and learn.
durrlol 963 protoss diamond pushing master (i love trying new strats and i lose alot of game on ladder b/c of it)
Eu server
Master league
contact me if you want to team up for team game or for practice 1v1 ^^
ID: Dialogue Char. Code: 540 (SEA) / 926 (US)
I was a high gold Protoss player in seasons 1 & 2. I got promoted to platinum in season 3 and am now switching to Terran. Looking for a fun team to practice with. My aim is to participate in tournaments and win.
ID: BartPil Char.Code 549 (EU) interested in 2v2 plat, 3v3 gold, 4v4 plat Race: Zerg / Protos
I am looking 4 a team. Contact me in game or PM me on TL
Edit: It would be nice if u had skype / Team Speak / xfire so we can speak in game. I speak: English / German / Polish
Hi my name is Nelphie and i'm a high ranked diamond player who are looking for a team to train up 1v1 + do serious 2v2/3v3/4v4 Pm Me for more info!
ID: Bobs Race: Protoss Ranks: Platinum 1v1 and Diamond 2s, 3s and 4s Region: EU
Looking for a clan/team to train with for 1v1 and to play with in the other team games. My aim is for Masters in teams and diamond/masters in 1v1 this season. PM me here on TL if you think I fit the bill.
ID: Osito Protoss Top 25 Masters on NA server
Looking for a team to practice with and help me improve... wanting to make GM within 2 season
ID: akm Race: Zerg Rank: Masters Region: NA
Looking for a masters only team / clan, hit me up.
Bravado.104, mid/high masters (700points) Terran. Looking for a competitive, pretty much hardcore team. My last post about a month or two ago I was high diamond--get it while its hot. I stream, do free lessons, and am very active in the community.