ID: Raziers 231 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Diamond Age: 21 Languages: English and Danish Contact: TL PM or In game Statistics: PvP 67% PvT 68% PvZ 44% so yeah, a team with some zerg training would be nice too heh. Prefer a team that participates in clanwars and also got a stream overlay since i stream often.
ID: eSsXiV 644 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Masters Age: 20 Korean, NY.
PM in game or on TL, looking for team/clan ASAP. Doesn't need to be competitive. I just like the company.
ID: Freedom (#1290) Server: NA Race: Terran League: Gold Age: 24 Languages: English Contact: TL PM or In game Record 24-11
Looking for a clan that competes in clanwars and has good practice partners. Do not like structured practice due to other commitments but I am on frequently. (Formerly Diamond Zerg just began playing sc2 again after 7 month hiatus)
ID: Blacos Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Plat (top8) Age: 27 Languages: English and Danish
Im looking for a team, with mature people, where we can train, discuss strategies/timings, and what else comes with it. Never been in a team before, so im not sure what is expectet of me.
ID: Kyle 3435 Server: Americas Race: Terran League: High Silver (hoping to get a promotion soon) Age:33 Languages: English
I am looking for a little bit of mentorship. I have improved a lot since I started 3 or 4 months ago but I want to get a lot better. I think maybe forums and youtube/ twitch videos can only take you so far.
ID: Lucoda.183 Server: EU Race: Zerg League : Masters League. (1.2k points and rising) Age: 15 Nationality: Irish I am looking for a competitive team with not too many members (15 max). The team should be doing clan wars and have an active Skype chat. I play in online cups as much as possible. Contact Details: Skype: peter.healy1225. Email: lucodasc2@gmail.com
ID: inept 1975 Server: NA Race: Protoss League : Diamond Age: 22 Nationality: United States (East)
Just looking for a team that does clan wars/in house games/that sort of stuff. Friendly + Active is a plus. Just add me in game, I am online a lot.
ID: EjozL 887 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Masters League Age: 22 Nationality: Denmark
Looking for active clan that does clan wars and that sort of jazz. Skype: hamderdenanden
Looking for a europe-based team. I am a ~1800p Master Protoss from Austria, playing Terran and Zerg on a somewhat masterish level offracing as i was playing random for quite some time in WoL and Terran when HotS came out. Ladder profile. I got a headset and I am willing to get on Skype or Teamspeak, etc. (decent english)
What I am looking for: > Having at least 1 practice partner for each race that is on my level and willing to put some effort into practice. > A team with regular training sessions where the practice partners mentioned above are available > The possibility to play in clanwars or participate in cups together
What I can offer: > Motivation to get near top masters finally > Coaching for lower level teammembers > Above average dedication to a team that fits and sc2 overall
skype: baal-hasch, or pm me here on TL
1600 point Masters toss/zerg looking for team
ID: monomo.673 Server: EU Race Protoss League: Diamond Age:19 Nationality: German
I'm looking for a Team for Clanwars, fun KOTH matches (Big fan of those), general practice and all that stuff - not much I have to offer, except the desire to improve! (gotta be honest here, can't invent shit about my personality when I'm actually kind of an aweful fuck! oh and I like to offrace Zerg gl hf gg!
ID: ZttII.945 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Silver (Looking for promotion soon) Age: 21 Nationality: Canadian
I love competing, so any team that does wars or competitions would be ideal. As a uni student I'm not as active as I would like, but I still get the chance to play multiple times per week. I'm just getting into HOTS, but I like to think I have a relatively decent skill level (prior to the new season I beat quite a few plats and diamonds). Mainly though just looking to have fun :D.
ID: Chillaxing 268 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Plat
I'm trying to come back to starcraft.
ID: Joe 1139 Server: NA Race: Protoss League : Master Age: 18 Nationality: United States (East)
Looking for team that has clan wars/practice during week nights (7-12est preferable).
ID: Chaos 1132 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Diamond Age: 19 Nationality: Irish ( Northern Ireland )
I am looking for a team with dedicated players to practice with to help improve my game. After finishing top 8 in diamond last season I want to make the jump to Masters. Will also be keen to play in clan wars and the like.
Email: sscott663@yahoo.co.uk
ID: WarreN.400 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Master Age: United States, midwest.
I currently have a team, but they don't really support me with anything. I reached 1850 points last season, reaching top 500 NA, but went on massive tilt at the end and dipped to around 1650 I believe.. Anyway, feel free to shoot me a pm here on TL, Skype is "dylan.warren95" or on b.net.
ID: Titan.1756 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Gold Age: 16 Looking for a team with dedicated players to practice with.
ID: Sphere 252 Server: EU Race: Terran League: Diamond Age: 21 Languages: English, German Contact: TL PM or In game
I started with SC2 when HoTS came out and totally fell in love with it! My goal is to get to high Masters eventually and to win smaller tournaments alone or with my clan. So i am looking for some friends who can help me with my MU´s and have some fun in Team Games!
ID: Dreadski.124 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Masters (2k points last season) Age: 20
Looking for some guys to practice with mainly. Also not opposed to joining a team with lower league players who just want coaching type stuff. PM me on TL or message me in game please.
ID: Drakthor 432 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Gold (was Plat before taking school hiatus) Age: 24
I've been following SC2 while at school and now that I am graduated I am looking for a job but also filling hours with StarCraft. It'd be nice to have some dedicated practice partners around or people for team matches. Looking to try to get back into Plat this season.