Server: US Team
Team Name: Pure Talent Gaming
Leader/Managers : I am the CEO of pT looking to start a sc2 team and looking for someone to be the captain for the sc2 division and recruit people.
Race(s) you are looking for: 2 Terran , 2 Toss , 2 Zerg
Goals of team: Looking for HIGH end players that have what it takes to compete at the highest level looking for players to attend MLG events and other tourneys
Other: If you have what it takes for above statement please email me at Benautica081@live.com When you email me leave the following, what rank you are, what race you play, how old are you , what you plan on doing for sc2 , any accomplishment you have, what state you are in , do you stream and if so how long do you stream for a day and how many days a week you stream and please leave your skype name if you have one. Please answer everything I asked for thanks
You can also go here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=233516 to see what pT is about and who we are. Also you can go to http://puretalentgaming.net/
Hi, I asked for an edit on my post a while back, and my edit was was just put in the multiple leagues section instead. Can I get the individual posts edited for each league as I've noticed a severe dip in our recruitment due to our domain name being wrong in those original posts.
Server: US and EU Servers Team Name: eXe Recruitment Manager's TL ID: greedyFarmer B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: (EU) greedyFarmer.142; (NA) JagX.952 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Large clan with varying skill levels and attitudes (multiple teams in the clan). All are catered for. We aim to help those who want to improve to improve, and those who just want to play, to play. We have multiple in house tournaments and external clan wars as well Other: Clan site is here http://clan-exe.enjin.com/home and we have more info on battle.net http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2151660370#1 PM me if you have any questions about the clan, if not then register on the site and all will be made more clear
Server: NA Server Team Name: Team Envy Leader/Managers TL ID: .kv B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: envyFlatLine.977 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran then Protoss then Zerg (Really needs Terran) Goals of team: Competitive - We will be entering team tournaments like ESEA and also competing at LAN events in the near future. Other: Communication is essential in this team so please have a mic. We also are not specifically if you are winning or losing but your mechanics and your character. Our clan channel is Team Envy so please join up if you wish to play with us. Website: www.TeamEnvy.net (Site is a bit bland atm, we are having our designer getting everything fixed up atm...should be done within the week)
UPDATED I have the thread to most of the posts, been a little busy. I believe the only requests I did not handle were the EU ones which I will get to tomorrow, also if you were not added you might need to revise your request by looking at the how to on the op.
Server: NA Server Team Name: Deliberate Cruelty Leader/Managers TL ID: DeliberateCruelty B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EnTRoPy.873 General Team League Level: ALL!!!!!!! Race(s) you are looking for: T/Z/P/R Goals of team: Competitive - Training Team. If you want to get better then this is the place! Other: Skype please. Channel DCesports (on bnet). Website: www.dcesports.your-talk.com/
Server: NA Server Team Name: Painx Leader/Managers: Vash and BearRx B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Vash.553 General Team League Level: Plat-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: T/Z/P/R Goals of Team: We want to be as competitive as possible. Weekly clan wars, practice daily, and tournaments. Other: Please have skype since that will be our main point of contact. Also be willing to practice and participate in clan wars/tournaments/etc. Channel is Painx so join whenever you want if you need to make contact when Vash isn't online. Website: We are a brand new team and don't have one as of now. (We will have one after the team gets adjusted.)
Server: US Server Team Name: qG (Quintessential Gaming) Leader/Managers TL ID: Alkajak B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: qGAlkajak.791 General Team League Level: Master/GM Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: Competitive/Pro Other: We are looking for high ranked master league players. Tryouts are required. Our team is up and coming with many grandmaster friends, including LefNaij. This team is not meant to be too big, but a friend group of people that will practice together to become better players. To receive a tryout, please send a PM or contact me online. Site: www.qgteam.net Sc2ranking List: http://sc2ranks.com/c/9850/qg-team/
Server:EU TL ID:Kakil B.NET:Kakil.780 Rank:Silver Race:Was playing protoss but now i have started to play zerg ! Additional Information:Looking for a clan that have good players and helpful players who can help players like me !
UPDATE: (for Blitz Gaming) (just need to add something to it, that's all) add another "Section"... (if you can? thanks? :D)
Website: http://blitz.raitian.com/
Server: US Server Team Name: HGN [HunGentlemeN] Leader/Managers TL ID: Ballcuzzi B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: baLLcuZZi.153 General Team League Level: Diamond+ (All levels welcome to apply) Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive & Casual Other: We are a newly formed clan looking for players that are in Diamond League and above. In-House Tournaments, Clan Wars, Practice/Ladder Sessions Please message baLLcuZZi.153 on BNet if you have any questions or e-mail me @ ballcuzzisc@gmail.com Website: http://hgmen.enjin.com/home
Server: EU Server Team Name: Valour Gaming (Open to change) Leader/Managers Karma Char code B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Karma.635 Jonesy.301 or add me on steam kylegj General Team League Level: Platinum/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: An active team with the goal to start playing competitively. Other: 17+ Age requirement also have a working mic and Mumble/Teamspeak. Looking for 5/6 members. Be on most days or there is not point in applying. Speak fluent English.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Modded Dream Leader/Managers zMoley,Rich B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zMoley 863 Rich 342 General Team League Level: Silver+ Race(s) you are looking for: No randoms Goals for team: An active team with the goal to start playing competitively. Thanks :D
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Team Sky Nite Leader/Managers TL ID: DjKniteX B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DjKniteX.857 General Team League Level: Platinum Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: Competitive / Casual - we would like to play competitively as well as casually doing custom games and mods with other players. Other: Besides being a SC2 team, we also have guilds/teams in other various online games and mmos.. Team Sky Nite also serves as Prose Edda Record's new distributor for DJs to release music on. site: http://teamskynite.net
Server: US Server Team Name: Plexa Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: Manacakes B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Roscoe.964 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: 2 Zerg 3 terran 3 protoss. Goals of team: To compete in tournements together as a team, and practice 8 hours a week together. Other: You must be 16+. You must be able to compete in all the tournaments with the team. I want to make this team into a semi pro gaming team, or maybe even pro some day, with sponsors. Send me a private message on team liquid if you meet the requirements, with your starcraft 2 ambitions. And why you should be on the team. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Message me if your request was not handed.
Could you please update Black Sun Underworld:
Currently listed under Platinum teams. Please move to Diamond and change recruiting to Diamond and above.
the problem is most of these "clans" are either dead, not in existence or unrealistically high level.
for perspective, take a look at this
Server: US Server Team Name: OSR Leader/Managers TL ID: IrishBear/Spudzzy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: OSRxIrish.990 General Team League Level: Platinum/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Casual/Competitive Other: Must be above Silver league, currently offering free 1v1 coaching from High Diamond/Masters players in OSR. Check out our stream http://www.justin.tv/scirishbear every night from 12AM-8AM Central Time. Currently only Casual, but..we'll see how things go from there. Contact me via PM for more info.
can you update zero limits, aka zL to say we are looking for two master level zergs and one master level protoss thank you
Server: EU Server Team Name: LaVa Leader/Managers TL ID: DoomTheTosser (I'm not the leader, but I'll be the person to be in contact with on TL untill futher updates) B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: LaVaDoom.440 General Team League Level: Masters (main roster) Race(s) you are looking for: Any player that performs especially well during their try-out matches, regardless of race is very welcome Goals of team: Casual - with in-house events. Competitive in non-pro clan-leagues. Other: Team LaVa was formed by the very top of team Firelight due to disputes between the head of team Firelight and the members. We hope to establish a more friendly and efficient enviournment in team LaVa, while continueing to gradually improve Team website and Mirc: http://www.lava-gaming.com - lava-gaming @ quakenet.