On September 23 2009 09:44 Excalibur_Z wrote:
That is actually a really good idea, and fits right in with their ideals for the new Battle.net. If it was the system itself that determined whether you were a player of good or poor manners, rather than an exploitable "reporting" or "avoid/prefer" user system, that would be great.
EDIT: I think it should only flag you for really egregious infractions though, like killing dozens of your teammates' units intentionally, or a bunch of their structures, or leaving the game very early as you said.
That is actually a really good idea, and fits right in with their ideals for the new Battle.net. If it was the system itself that determined whether you were a player of good or poor manners, rather than an exploitable "reporting" or "avoid/prefer" user system, that would be great.
EDIT: I think it should only flag you for really egregious infractions though, like killing dozens of your teammates' units intentionally, or a bunch of their structures, or leaving the game very early as you said.
Well I would "flag" a lot, but have those "flags" (call them Poor Player Points) PPP build up
So in a team game,
Killing team mate units (with something other than Splash/Area spell damage) would earn you bad points.... more if it was early... and more the more units you killed
Killing a teammates structure... same thing, more if early... structures worth more PPP than units for killing
Not moving any units/buildings at the start of the game... not necessarily that you are being a jerk you are just aren't there to help your teammates (more PPP the longer+earlier the nonmovement time is)
Quitting early in the game...(assuming noone else in the game has earned any PPP then you can quit without penalty, because the game is ruined anyways.)
So that even a "good" player may have a few PPP, but those would wear off with 'good' games played. (ie each game played might give you -1 PPP automatically), but attacking your ally's initial CC/nexus/Hatchery might give you 50-100.... attacking your own (if you are in a team game)... might give you 20-50
Killing a teammates unit mid-late game (not counting splash/Psistorm/Nuke) would probably only be 1 PPP, so you could kill about 1 allied unit per game... not doing anything for the first 5-10 sec of the game... probably 1 PPP (if you want a brb, you should have a means of giving your ally's temporary control so they can at least get your resourcing going)