I watched a game with qxc a could days ago and here is the build order that he did by time. Sorry I know it is a bit different and does show as much as supply does. The map was day break and it was TvP Daybreak It is a very macro base strategy and works if you block your opponent from expanding for as long as possible. You have 5 expos at around 12 min mark with making 70% reapers * 1:35 rack * 2:10 gas * 2:35 scout * 3:50 reactor * 4:05 expo * 4:25 2nd rack * 4:44 2nd reactor * 5:30 gas 2 * 5:40 orbital * 6:00 supply == 30 * 6:10 expo 2 * 6:50 3&4th gas * 6:55 rack 3 * 7:20 rack 4 * 8:00 ebay * 8:50 rack 5&6 * 9:00 +1 attack * 9:30 5&6th gas * 10:55 4th expo * 11:15 factory * 11:15 rack 7&8 * 11:50 + 1 armor * 12:10 5th expo * 12:20 rack 9 * 12:35 armory * 12:45 7&8 gas * 13:30 rack 10,11, & 12
* 13:50 ebay 2 * 14:25 +2 attack * 14:50 2 CC's for mules * 15:00 + 2's(if not started before) * 15:15 product other bio if no gg * 15:30 rack 13,14, & 15 + stim, shield, & slow
Sounds good, although sometimes Ive been goin 11 rax/gas proxy reaper into additional rax for dual reaper production followed by another 2 rax+fact (with proxy rax as vision on high ground) all in. The reapers often catch them off guard, and if the numbers accumulate, even 2~3 marauders aren't enough to hold. They will scramble for reaper defense while you will be ready for the siege contain choke.
I normally do this if reapers do a ton of damage or just macro behind the reaper harass.
I have had great success and detrimental failure with reaper openers, I have tried gas first into 12 rax immediately 13 rax and pumping out some reapers. I have noticed that it almost always works well vs terran, and can be stuffed by a zerg that is going for early speed, and can be stuffed by a protoss that chrono's out a stalker, also, if they send the MSC to your base it can be a bitch very quickly.
another interesting and somewhat risky version I've tried is CC first, cut scv, build rax, refinery, rax, continue economy production. It sounds very unsafe but its actually pretty sweet.
Just as a point. If you are a lower leaguer who wants to experiment with more micro orientated openings and are familiar with the standard 1 rax fe cc into 3 rax fact sport build (like FilterSC) you can very easily do the same build in HoTS with reapers. Just go 13 gas and then straight into reactor barracks. The gas lines up almost perfectly. You can very easily pump out a nice neat six reapers before going into marine production. The only cost is the early gas and an expo delayed by around 30s. The trade off is, of course, complete map control.
The main trick is making sure thats the build you want to do, that you keep active with the reapers (6 reapers can occupy a large number of queens, force stalkers and destroy sentries) and you decide what you want to do after.
Have you considered trying a less aggressive 2 barracks Reaper play up to five Reapers, and then go from there by reacting to what you scout with those Reapers?
Can we have some replays of this build in action? =)