Happy Holidays everyone! I've got an amazing week of Special Holiday Episodes of Pro Corner and Wednesday Night Sprites. Also, this week marks Pro Corner's for 1st birthday!
It's crazy how fast a year has gone by and it's been a lot of work, but even more fun planning/producing/hosting these shows for the Starcraft 2 community. I started this out wanting to give back to the community as much content as I could that would help educate and build the community in whatever small way possible. And a year later, that objective still remains the same and I hope you guys are enjoying the ride with me. The Starcraft 2 community is an amazing place and no matter if there's drama from time to time or not, we all share this fantastic common interest that has produced so much entertainment and tangible value (businesses, charity fund raising, careers, etc.). It's brought me much satisfaction this year knowing that Ive contributed even just a tiny bit to this. I wanted to thank all the amazing supporters of the shows. I REALLY appreciate you guys and hope I convey that regularly.
But enough reflection! I'm a sucker for celebrating things like birthdays and the holidays so I wanted to do something really fun and amazing for you guys at the end of the year. The awesome folks at Blizzard and myself have put together a BIG PILE of HOLIDAY "GIFTS" I will be giving out in fun ways during the Pro Corner and Wednesday Night Sprites Holiday Specials. We're going Santa on the community! LOL
We'll start off with Pro Corner on:
Show Date/Time: Wednesday, Dec 19 12:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Show Stream - http://twitch.tv/chanmanv
We will have special players and community guests (ie Illusion, coL.QXC, ROOT.LeiYa, etc) coming to hang out and talk about their favorite moments of 2012. It will be pretty much an open door policy for the show so any folks that have been a guest of the show in the past or other notable personalities are welcome to come hang out (if the overlay can't handle it, oh well)! We may even play a game or 2 with viewers.
What are the holidays without gift giving?! We will be taking callers and doing fun holiday "gift" giveaways every half hour of the show to the community and viewers. The "gifts" for Pro Corner will be:
- 50 HoTS Beta Keys
- An assortment of Blizzard branded mice, keyboards, headsets, and messenger bags
- Razer mouse pads, bungee, mice, keyboards
- An hour of coaching from one of the past Pro Corner pro guests
Plus, there will be special "gifts" only available for the awesome members of the ChanmanV Subscription. These folks are the ultimate supporters of the show and it's something I never expected. <3 them!
Lots of great "gifts" to giveaway to you guys and you'll have to be watching the show to win these goodies. The special guests will be helping me out with these in a bunch of fun ways.
Also to help celebrate the 1 year Pro Corner birthday, I'm saving a big "gift" for the viewer that can prove they are the biggest Pro Corner fan. We'll interview folks on call and Ill judge based on the candidates. I know there are some long time viewers out there so get your arguments ready!!
We'll finish things off on the following night on the Holiday Special of Wednesday Night Sprites:
Show Date/Time: Thursday, Dec 20 3:30am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Show Stream - http://twitch.tv/chanmanv
For those of you who don't know anything about the show, it is myself, EG.Machine, iSTemp0, and LivinPink's new show where we explore the Starcraft 2 Arcade each week and find all the popular and hidden gems. In the process, we give our rating of the games and give some props to all these awesome map makers out there that have created these super fun custom maps. Continuing the "gift" giving week we will have these items to give out to the community:
- 20 HoTS Beta Keys
- An assortment of Blizzard branded mouse, keyboard, headset, and messenger bag
- Razer mousepads and a mouse
Again, these will all be only given away to only live viewers so tune in and check out our great new show.
Huge thanks to Blizzard for providing a lot of these "gifts" we will be giving to everyone. They are amazing! I hope you guys come and partake in the fun with us this week!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
All videos are Intellectual Property of ChanmanV Productions