Hey folks. I've decided to run for King of the Web this Christmas in order to raise money for Charity:Water. KOTW offers a $7500 prize for coming in first place, which I intend to use to fund a clean water project in a 3rd world village. If we succeed in funding the project, we will receive pictures, GPS location of the village and information about it's progress.
I joined the contest 3 days late, which allowed a Lets Play channel to get a headstart. However, in under 24 hours, we've managed to acquire 200,000 votes, halving the gap and the site is setup to allow you to vote 10 times per day. Each day, your account acquired 10 voting tokens which can be spent. If you spend all your tokens every day, you will occasionally be given bonus tokens. So while we started off at a disadvantage, I'm confident we can crush the competition and take 1st place. If you are interested in helping support this venture, all you need to do is the following.
1) Head over to http://tinyurl.com/votetotalbiscuit 2) Sign up to the site and verify your email address to create your account 3) Vote every 24 hours. YOU CAN VOTE 10 TIMES, KEEP CLICKING THAT BUTTON UNTIL YOU CAN'T ANYMORE
It's really that simple, it would mean a lot to me if some of you guys supported the cause. We have 11 days to break the back of the opposition and I'm confident that reinforcements from Teamliquid are just what is required to do that.
On December 21 2011 07:54 Ryps wrote: Who is PBat and why does he have half a million votes ?
Let's Player, he started 4 days before we did, that's why he has the lead. We've closed the gap to almost nothing in 30 hours though, so should be fine.
On December 21 2011 07:54 Ryps wrote: Who is PBat and why does he have half a million votes ?
Let's Player, he started 4 days before we did, that's why he has the lead. We've closed the gap to almost nothing in 30 hours though, so should be fine.
What can I say... props to the community! Of course, we vote for who we want, but it always winds up with someone from "our side" winning, for the better. I really like seeing this, along with YOGSCAST almost raising 50.000 grand (in goats, mind you) for charity! This is actually giving me the best Christmas feeling I've had in many years!
This has been an awesome year guys, not just for me personally, but for ESPORTS as well. Even though we've hit some rough bumps, with tragedies and a madman bomber in Norway, it's good to see life moving on. It's good to see people still wanting to do charity, still thinking about making a difference for others rather than just making a difference for oneself.
I just have one last wish, to leave a little reminder here in this thread. Give a thought to all those here in Norway spending Christmas for the first time without a brother, sister, son, daughter, granddaughter, grandsson, girlfriend or boyfriend. For someone this Christmas will be the worst ever, and if you see someone having a though time, help them. That's what our community is all about guys.
Thanks, happy holidays and may you all have lovely new year!
Usually, I don't participate in events where registration is required, but when TotalBiscuit asks, it's for charity, and he already gave us this beautiful version of Santa Baby: , I will certainly make an exception
P.S. Will there be more singing if you win, TB? Pleasepleaseplease!