SEOUL, South Korea – October 20, 2011
PRIME, Starcraft 2 Pro-team, announced a special event in PRIMEZZANG(www.primezzang.com), a clothing and accessories e-store run by PRIME.
Primezzang is appealing to many overseas fans introducing Prime’s F/W uniform. This time, celebrating the anniversary of Starcraft 2 release, Primezzang presents free gifts of Starcraft bottle cap figure which is unveiled for the first time in the world. The figures are limited by 50 pieces in each species. The event is as follows.
1 figure choice when purchasing over KRW 100,000(Including delivery charge) 2 figures choice when purchasing over KRW 150,000(Including delivery charge) 3 figures choice when purchasing over KRW 200,000(Including delivery charge)
Along with this event, Primezzang is planning to bring out 7 limited Sabasaba & Prime uniforms. 1 of 7 pieces was only for MarineKingPrime and it is a unique item that MKP wore in 2011 GSL World Championship finals.
Expressing thanks to overseas customers for their big interests, Primezzang announced they would do their best to be recognized worldwide, arranging a variety of events and promotions for overseas fans.
For more information of global delivery and the event : http://primezzang.com/front/php/b/board_list.php?board_no=2
Wish I wasn't so short on cash right now -- very pricey clothes, even if there are some nice pieces. Would love one of these.
Wow, nice.
& MKP's prime uni. I want to be that lucky bstrd :<
Gotta get me one of those Zealots. My life for Aiur !
would love to have same hoodie as marineking, but not enough sparemoney to get t.t
Wow very nice I am going to have to save up and get some PrimeZZang clothing!
Fuuuu I want one of those.
Don't know what to get though
Will save up money if possible T_T
Some nice cloths in there. Surprisingly so even.
Wow, looks like they're adding new stuff, and a lot of it is really chic
lol. Buy 87 dollars worth of stuff and then get a figure.
When does the US's Free Trade Agreement with South Korea go into effect? Wouldn't that help the cost to foreigners? I remember choosing not to buy previously because of the tariff charges.
I love those clothes, will definitely get a grey hoodie and dark blue shirt of the team!!!! (as soon as I have money xD)
sick. gonna get one of those prime hoodies asap.
On October 21 2011 03:52 Prime wrote: Along with this event, Primezzang is planning to bring out 7 limited Sabasaba & Prime uniforms. 1 of 7 pieces was only for MarineKingPrime and it is a unique item that MKP wore in 2011 GSL World Championship finals.
I'm most interested in this...Any specifics on how someone could get one?
I wanna order some stuff, but I'm worried about the sizes.
I know that japanese clothes differ in size from european ones, so it'd be cool to get some information from prime on how to convert this proper..
Prime, you here?