To celebrate the launch of nerdstomper.com I'm going to be doing replay analysis for community provided games. These games don't necessarily need to be your own but I do ask that only 1v1's are submitted. I'll be selecting a few replays on October 29th sometime so don't wait too long to post.
I'll make a VOD with my analysis of each replay I choose and upload them to nerdstomper.com where they will be available for everyone to watch.
Winners will be funny/creative/hilarious/scary. Do something to make me want to watch your game. No one likes boring. Post in this thread to enter.
Post replays in the following format Download link myreplay.blahblahblah.com Player name + Race + Skill vs. Player name + Race + Skill Map Approximate Length of game Why I should select your replay
Example of formatting + Show Spoiler + About Nerdstomper.com + Show Spoiler + Nerdstomper provides high level HD instructional Starcraft 2 videos provided by players such as myself, Catz, Drewbie & Response. Some videos are available for free while most require a subscription to get the full commentary and higher quality.
Winners have been chosen + Show Spoiler + Chronopolis vs. CombatEx PvP - Short but sweet as a proxy gateway gets countered by a cannon rush.
Heresy vs. MoMoMoo TvP Witness the power of nukes in TvP
Morrow vs. Welmu TvP A high level game where Morrow demonstrates good macro and positioning vs. Stalker Colossus army
Siege vs. Kelekkis ZvZ where we see how to punish early aggression/no queen play as well as how to abuse the overseer's contaminate ability
Will repost when VOD's are up
I might have heard of you QXC. Just might've... XD
I think ive got one, will post back when I organize the info and upload it.
http://www.mediafire.com/?u90y80kxqrg9jup (T) Drewbie (pro) vs (Z)CatZ (pro) iCCup Fighting Spirit 35 minute game Innovative Terran strategy to deal with CatZ "build everything" style. And they're your teammates, you get to rip on them in a VOD
Is this sort of advertisement ok with TL:/?
On October 21 2010 14:40 Hinduuism wrote: nerd stomper? really?
ohh, im gonna try so fancy thing and send u a replay if it works well xD btw i juste checked the site and there's already good interview videos
[url blocked] (T) Atlare (low diamond) vs (P) Pepper (low diamond) Shakuras Plateu 12 minute game Probably the most epic defense I've ever done defending against a 4 gate zealot rush using a 1 rax expand build. Check it out for some close calls.
On October 21 2010 14:44 joheinous wrote: Is this sort of advertisement ok with TL:/?
This is QXC, i.e., yes.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
On October 21 2010 14:44 joheinous wrote: Is this sort of advertisement ok with TL:/?
It is a contest so yes.
Does it have to be a ladder game? or can i mess around with noobs on custom?
More than one replay is okay but you've got a better chance of getting picked with one super awesome replay (with super awesome reasoning why) than a few that are less than super awesome.
I'll try and throw a replay your way!
http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=159342 KnowMe (P) ~1.8k-1.9k D vs Bulik (Z) high D XelNaga ~28 min this game took place around 1 week after the patch. as it seems to be impossible (to me) to play similar buildorders as before, im trying hard to find ways to beat zerg. i think this replay is funny on the one hand, because you see me trying hard but also failing hard several times when adjusting new builds/ideas, although pretty nice moves are in the mix as well. on the other hand you might get a few ideas what could be good in pvz and what you really shouldnt try
the other replay is mostly interesting to complete the storry as this game took place shortly after the recent patch (which means several days before the above). so i guess its rather for other people following the thread, who are intersted in my experiences against buffed roaches http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=159340 KnowMe (P) ~1.8k-1.9k D vs Quake (Z) high D Blistering ~23min i played protoss basically as before the patch but as i already lost several games to the buffed roaches, i tried to adjust slightly. although i obviously mixed more mistakes in than usual (with a buildoder im used to), it felt a bit wrong how strong roaches actually were after the patch