Since when does Req kill Teemo instead of picking him when he wants a lift?
Got to Gold I, but I feel like it's nothing to brag about when I'm still pulling as many hairs and somehow winning games despite having such bad awareness and eye-hand coordination with the mouse. I got carried anyway, I did a bunch of shit in both games, from feeding to being a dead weight for awhile.
However. Despite all the things I've posted in the QQ thread today (and yesterday too iirc), this last game: Sejuani, Lee Leona, Tristana Orianna vs Katarina Jayce, J4 Janna, Caitlyn We won top and bot handily, while I take their mid tower in exchange for 2 deaths (despite a lot of pressure early on by Sej, Katarina's just a bitch to gank w/o cc) and good rotation by Lee after he destroyed top tower gave us a drake and map pressure. We end up with only their inner top remaining, and they're using Jayce and Cait's range and wave clear to turtle while defying us in chat to tower dive.
We try a splitpush with Lee top while we pressure mid to get that final inner tower, fuck up, Lee dies and we run away from Jayce after going 3 for 2 in the other fight. Then people remember my suggestion that we could use our map control to force nashor so that they either give it up or break their turtling. I pink nashor, Leona gets an oracle, we lay a trap, and Lee piggy-backs J4 to initiate 1v5, the rest of the team following for a nasty Sej/Leona/Orianna wombo-combo and Tristana clean-up.
I made several really stupid blunders during that game, you could even say I fed; I didn't do any flashy plays, even my final 4-man Shockwave was setup by the others. However, after all the stuff mentioned in the QQ thread and the dumb calls, solo expeditions and stuff I've had to suffer all day, having this one game feel structured, with people actually reasoning about a game plan and putting it to work, as simple as "break a turtle by forcing Nashor", felt really good. "OMG, people actually used their brains in this one and came up with a logical strategy!"
Damn. I probably should lower my expectations regarding the level of play.
Got promoted to gold 5 last weekend.......won 6 straight ranked games(>30 LP per game is the best) since my promotion and now I'm in Gold 3!! Plat seems so reachable now.
Jungle shen, get FB on their nasus chilling at red. Get my blue then gank top and get a kill for irelia. Go to my red then kass gets their malz to 1/4 hp and I hit a full length flash taunt and kill him. Head bot for a lane gank and pick up zyra. First back with 2k gold :D
more than half the kills and like a 30th of the deaths for your team :D
teamfight that i was sure was going to win us the game if we won, and we were winning the fight. team pussys out for some reason but i go manmode and end up getting a quadra and taking an inhib and a nexus turret and 3 minutes later when team respawned and grouped, the game
on a similar note, 88% winrate as adc over the past week according to lolking
Aloha my name is rewt, I quit league after S1, ended plat @ 1917.
I reinstalled & started laddering last week... apparently I troll-threw some games in S3 early on so my placements were like 4 losses in a row. I did the rest of my placements & won 6 in a row, that was last week Thursday. I got placed into Silver III - whatevers, no biggie. It took 4 days to go from Silver III to Gold V
anyone who says Elo Hell exists is probably just terrible
On March 03 2011 03:10 Mogwai wrote: lol, rewt's singed dived me yesterday at like 3/4 health when I had like 50 and I was just like, ignite -> ult, and we both died, lol. He was just standing there in the arena looking sad while the tower did 109382903189023 damage.
In my placements out of Bronze. They left the mummy open. 5/1/12 happy robot.
On March 03 2011 03:10 Mogwai wrote: lol, rewt's singed dived me yesterday at like 3/4 health when I had like 50 and I was just like, ignite -> ult, and we both died, lol. He was just standing there in the arena looking sad while the tower did 109382903189023 damage.
In my placements out of Bronze. They left the mummy open. 5/1/12 happy robot.
:S this was day1 of jarman, I had no idea wtf was going on ;x
Vs Saintvicious, Chauster, CleverAdvisor (low quality) I double-kill first-blooded Chauster & he immediately added me after, this is how I became his friend & protege
Jesus rewt I remember playing a game with you and having you scream at me because you couldn't carry the team as singed and I was shit bad (and still am).
On August 16 2013 11:23 WaveofShadow wrote: Jesus rewt I remember playing a game with you and having you scream at me because you couldn't carry the team as singed and I was shit bad (and still am).
Good to have you back. ^.^
thanks! I'm sure you're better than me at this point