Damn, Maru's TvZ looked relentless here. No more silly biomech builds
Poll: Recommend Maru vs Impact Game 2?
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (1)
★★★- Good game (5)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Maru vs Impact Game 2?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what (Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (Vote): ★★★- Good game (Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game (Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
Poll: Recommend Maru vs Impact Game 3?
★- Do not see this game no matter what (0)
★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★★★- Good game (4)
★★★★- Highly recommended game (0)
★★★★★- One of the best games this season (0)
6 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Maru vs Impact Game 3?
(Vote): ★- Do not see this game no matter what (Vote): ★★- Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (Vote): ★★★- Good game (Vote): ★★★★- Highly recommended game (Vote): ★★★★★- One of the best games this season
Now there was a display of skill difference if I've ever seen one. Good luck to Impact in his future matches though, I know he can play better. Maybe he was nervy.
On April 20 2014 13:32 sparklyresidue wrote: Now there was a display of skill difference if I've ever seen one. Good luck to Impact in his future matches though, I know he can play better. Maybe he was nervy.
When you get Maru first, you're gonna be nervous, even if you do live in the House of Flying Terrans.
GOM is smart to schedule Action vs Flash at the beginning. Because if it is the last match, they will just let the one with more wins have the victory.
On April 20 2014 13:36 Pangpootata wrote: GOM is smart to schedule Action vs Flash at the beginning. Because if it is the last match, they will just let the one with more wins have the victory.
They did this when the up and downs were round robin group stages too. all team kills played first
On April 20 2014 13:36 Pangpootata wrote: GOM is smart to schedule Action vs Flash at the beginning. Because if it is the last match, they will just let the one with more wins have the victory.
They did this when the up and downs were round robin group stages too. all team kills played first
Its not like they're OGN scheduling Fantasy vs Rain last.
0:00 Flash spawns in the top right Action spawns in the bottom left
2:00 hatch first for Action CC first on the high ground for Flash rax for Flash gas for Action pool for Action gas for Flash
3:00 drones, queens, first marine
4:00 bunker in the natural for Flash ling speed for Action Factory for Flash reactor for Flash Flash lands his natural OC
5:00 3rd CC for Flash Action scouts the 3rd CC reactored hellion production started for Flash tech lab for Flash overlord speed for Action 2nd gas for Flash 3rd base for Action
I figure that Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem would just make Artosis miss his stop on more than a few bus rides. And that's just knowing the 2 serieses.
0:00 Flash spawns in the top right Action spawns in the bottom left
2:00 hatch first for Action CC first on the high ground for Flash rax for Flash gas for Action pool for Action gas for Flash
3:00 drones, queens, first marine
4:00 bunker in the natural for Flash ling speed for Action Factory for Flash reactor for Flash Flash lands his natural OC
5:00 3rd CC for Flash Action scouts the 3rd CC reactored hellion production started for Flash tech lab for Flash overlord speed for Action 2nd gas for Flash 3rd base for Action
6:00 stim research for Flash double ebay for Flash another gas for Action
7:00 54 vs 61 1-1 started for Flash hellions start poking at the 3rd Lair for Action double evo for Action 2 more rax for Flash
8:00 64 vs 77 1-1 ling upgrades started for Action Starport for Flash 2 more rax for Flash baneling nest for Action Flash landing his 3rd base 3 more gas for Action armory for Flash starport finishes for Flash
9:00 79 vs 88 Spire for Action medivacs started for Flash bunker at the 3rd for Flash macro hatch for Action baneling speed for Action combat shields for Flash
10:00 101 vs 107 2-2 started for Flash Flash walling off the back path to the 3rd 4th base for Action mutas started for Action lings scout Flash moving out and see his 3rd