On February 14 2014 00:47 Lazzi wrote: Mmmmh Dear lost to San at ASUS ROG and I have heard he practiced with Hasu before this tournament, it might explain why Hasu seems to have San's number. Furthermore he knew from the get go that he had to play San
Yeah I bet Hasuobs prepared specifically for San, which makes it nice for him that he got to play him twice.
Sucks that if he wins he'll have to go against MC again tho
On February 14 2014 00:31 GumBa wrote: I amthe saddest person ever
Why are you sad Gumba.
Sunday canceled and saturday to unless I win a raffle...
Wait what? Why?
They sold out on sunday tickets and sold more saturday tickets than they had so now sunday is completly gone and saturday the last tickets are in a raffle....
Awwww TT
it's bad for you gumba but it's good for sc2 YEAH #Alive
who will support inno know? Bet it wont be full on saturday
Sneak in. Maximum passion move.
Wcs eu finals I got in without a ticket because the guy at the door was a baller and there was still somw room but not sure If I want to try this time my passion took a huge blow today.
i will never understand why you would go for such a coinflip in the last game of your tournament life, same goes for panic in his last game against sos >.<
On February 13 2014 23:52 Topin wrote: is the phoenix upgrade really necessary for the game? i feel that phoenix do the job ok w/o and the +range is an overkill T_T
Kinda felt that way watching this game too
Phoenix got a range increase from the get go in HotS, so the Range upgrade is super strong now. I think they will have to overwork this a bit, since Phoenix can pretty much fight Corrupters as well.
no, they cant oO i mean they can if you have twice as many and you have the upgrade done, but its not like they are cheaper in any way.
Hasu started to produce additional phoenix, a 2nd stargate and the fleet beacon well before he scouted it. that was the main reason for tha game to be like that
What do you mean they can't? Yes, if you have the upgrade Phoenixes outrange the Corruptors, and are faster and shoot while moving. If Phoenixes have the upgrade, the only way to counter them is to pray for Protoss to fuck up and hit a good Fungal so you can kill them, no Zerg flying army can match them.
This is not me whining about Phoenixes, a lot of things in SC2 are like that as well and you always have to have hard counters against certain units than the opponent is making hard counters to your hard counters etc. I hope that they change at least something for LotV.
There are things that are an issue in sc2. Phoenix vs Corruptor is not one of them. It's entirely dependent on the game beforehand. If your base is camped with muta and corruptor while you try to kite with your phoenix it doesn't matter if the Zerg army can't catch it - because it doesn't have to. The corruptors are a meat shield for the mutas who do the damage. This is really not a problem in the game because it all depends on how things have unfolded beforehand.
Sorry but that is very narrow way of looking at it. Yes, if you are in base, you don't have to catch the Phoenixes but Phoenixes will just keep hit and running back and forth and will kill your units if you don't do anything. I can see how you as a Protoss player think that it is fine when you get big number of Phoenixes with the upgrade to counter whole Zerg air arsenal.
Hitting perfect Fungals requires for Protoss player to make a mistake with his Phoenixes, and even then, if you are having ground units such as Archons, Stalkers or with few Void Rays your Muta + Corruptor ball won't be doing much.
My entire point here is that these situations depend on what's happened before. Economy, bases, army compositions, supply, upgrades and positioning. It's really different to fight five Phoenix vs five Corruptors, or fifteen vs fifteen Corruptors and Mutas, to fight over open space, in a base, close to an army or far away from it. It seems really hard for Zerg to fight in the open, away from reinforcements and away from bases, given that there is enough of a count of Phoenix vs air. But it's also really tough to fight in other situations with Phoenix vs Zerg air. So I think it comes down a lot to those situations I mentioned before, and also to micro. Which is why I think it's fine.
Of course it depends from situation to situation, but I don't think that it is fine. Generally speaking, Mutas + Corruptors are too good against Phoenixes and when Phoenix upgrade is finished, then it is the other way around. There is supposed to be some middle ground where you actually micro your units and those with better micro win. Not unable to do anything when your Phoenixes have the upgrade or when they don't, I just hold position with Corruptors and Phoenixes are close to useless.
It's actually pretty difficult to take advantage of the 1 range difference, as corruptor move slower than mutas, you need to keep the right speed. And a single fungal catching phoenixes is gg. With muta/corruptor you also have more map control and more economy. Just watch soO vs sOs on alterzim, sOs couldn't get enough phoenixes nor pressure soO expanding nor expanding himself.
One match is pretty bad representation of what you are trying to say. The thing is sOs couldn't get enough Phoenixes on time because he didn't read SoO well enough, he started to produce Phoenixes and had 7 of them when SoO was on 30 Mutas and 22 Corruptors, well of course he couldn't do anything with that number... I can also say that you can watch Classic against Rogue on Frost.
Where Rogue didn't do enough damage early on, Classic managed to get high Phoenix count together with Archons, and massive Mutas, Corruptors and Infestor army couldn't do anything.
As I said in my previous post, Muta + Corruptor have the advantage up to the point when Phoenix upgrade is done, than it is the other way around. I've seen many games where Phoenixes(with solid numbers, not just few of them) with range upgrade just destroy Mutas + Corruptors. I just hate how Phoenixes, Corruptors and Mutas interact with each other, and how advantage from one player just turn into advantage for another with just one upgrade. The advantage shouldn't be there to begin with but this is just how Starcraft 2 works and many many things are like this.
On February 14 2014 00:53 MWY wrote: Hahaha 2:0 win into 1:2 loss. This game is so fucking random its amazing.
Yeah because in no game ever besides SC2 has a team lost and then later won against the same team. Oh wait no, that has happened in every sport that has double headers ever.
On February 14 2014 00:53 FFW_Rude wrote: Can people sum what is happening ?
San is on 2 base, Hasu is on. San did a lot of damage to Hasu's economy with a DT. Hasu is currently blink harassing with ~6 stalkers while he expands at home. Winner of this game plays MC.