On June 18 2013 20:01 Tsubbi wrote: hots the zerg expansion where not only all new units suck but we have to play the worst mirror of all times, glad soulkey won at least Yeah, Swarm hosts and Vipers so useless against Protoss or mech. Do you ever stop your random uninformed complaints?
Northern Ireland23825 Posts
On June 18 2013 20:01 Tsubbi wrote: hots the zerg expansion where not only all new units suck but we have to play the worst mirror of all times, glad soulkey won at least Vipers, to a lesser extent Swarmhosts and various tweaks to existing units suck? :S
On June 18 2013 20:01 fuzzylogic44 wrote: Not sure what the complaining is about that was really cool for me. Giant battle across 2 screens with 5 different units on each side, multiple moving parts, that was awesome.
1. If can you find something to complain about, go for it! 2. If not, you´re doing it wrong.
Woah I was planning to go to Japan for holiday but now I just might save money and watch KAir ads.
time to see soulkey lose to yugi once more!
Belgica34432 Posts
On June 18 2013 20:02 Arceus wrote:drive home from work and miss the remaining of Flash v Yugioh. Anyone cares to summarize 
Yugioh went for a huge Roach/Bane push and failed. Was not scouted and could've done more damage, but at the crucial "it all starts now"-moment, flash timed out of the game.
I see GOM studio turns into a club during breaks and most likely after casting :D
Wow, GOM going full Stardust: PAAAARTYYYY
Haha BK is pretty awesome.
people on the ZvZ bitching bandwagon should just go in a corner and suck it.
So weird that people arent discussing ads anymore during OSL breaks :-(
On June 18 2013 20:05 PVJ wrote: So weird that people arent discussing ads anymore during OSL breaks :-( you & me. start now
4713 Posts
Battle of the free units feels so disgusting and un-interesting, at least this game had the novelty factor and it also entered this stage after a very, very dynamic early and mid game, the late game also wasn't dragged out beyond what was necessary for one player to win. But I definetly am not looking forward to ZvZ if it continues going in this direction, but with even more boring games potentially, might have been better if games just stayed on muta vs muta stage, those where dynamic, a bit chaotic, but at least more dynamic.
yeah sorry I had to stop doing live reports in the middle. My family is packing up to move atm so I'm being called upon somewhat regularly. How was SK vs Ragnarok?