On July 27 2012 19:37 mycro wrote: Um I go out to buy some coke and come back and it's 1-0.
4-gate or what? Seed scouts that MC has 2 gas (and if he was paying attention, that MC had taken 2 gases before core due to how much gas had been mined), follows up by going prism 4gate to bypass senties.
On July 27 2012 19:37 mycro wrote: Um I go out to buy some coke and come back and it's 1-0.
4-gate or what? You probably gained more from buying coke than watching the game. At least games 2+ will be good for you.
On July 27 2012 19:37 DwD wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 19:31 Poisonblack wrote:On July 27 2012 19:28 DwD wrote:On July 27 2012 19:27 Poisonblack wrote:BO win 1-0  ... You mean out smarted and out scouted nope, BO win is a BO win regardless of how u see it  It's a "BO win" because he scouted what he was doing. That's not what BO Win means. BO win means when you do a build order blindly and win because of it. He scouted and adapted. Look up the term BO Win please. It's a BO win because there was no way MC could have won with the build he went for.
On July 27 2012 19:39 Serinox wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 19:37 Yaki wrote:On July 27 2012 19:35 Eufouria wrote:On July 27 2012 19:32 Dodgin wrote: This reminds me of last seasons finals, everyone saying worst finals ever when Mvp was up 3-0
And then what happened? :D
It's just the first game, relax guys. This time its PvP though, I mean I have hope, but really they're going to have to reinvent the wheel to make the games as exciting as the last GSL finals. I wish TDA was the last match though, if both players microed perfectly we could have had one of those epic 1 base 15 minute PvPs where neither player can afford to tech or expand without dying. MC vs Huk @MLG finals. SO SO GOOD. Are you kidding me? 4gate and a failed cannon rush and then it was over. That was horrible. That was quite exciting actually. The best games in PvP are the intense micro battle.s
Once you are 4-gated, the appropriate mind-game response is of course, to 4-gate the next game.
On July 27 2012 19:40 Lidless Eye wrote: I couldn't care less about Koreans couldn't care less about SC2.
I am not adjusting my hobbies and activities by asking Koreans...
I will watch my talented GSL players and get excited. Go Go MC! What ?
Woke up to see Seed is up one. Normally I cheer for one of the players but am fine with the other winning... however this time I really want MC to win, otherwise I'll be disappointed.
I figured I could make plans 2 hours after start... god I was wrong.
if we are gonna get breaks like this, i want food dubstep
But note the people leaning against the fence etc. :p Not everyone wants to go sit in the crowd.
I'm positive that there will be one or two good games today, i hope so at least. Would be really sad if not.
Aw.....came back from dinner to see MC down 0-1.
COME ON! You can do it!! Please :O
Shouldn't these have played before they did game 1? :/
they're going to lose me soon if they don't start the next match..... soooooo tired....... hope we get some long games to offset breaks
On July 27 2012 19:37 dust.89 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 19:30 InoyouS2 wrote:On July 27 2012 19:29 Vaelone wrote: I guess I'm one of the few people that likes these fast and intense PvP's where it's over if you give your opponent even one small opportunity. They are okay, but they make for AWFUL finals games. Sadly the build order win there is hardly intense and it wasn't even interesting. Closer games would be more exciting to watch.
We have best of 7 so that build order wins are less impactful. As much as we all hate build order wins, it is unavoidable for any match-ups due to nature of Real Time Strategy game like starcraft. A good sport team might win 80-85% in a league season, but it is very rare in starcraft because of pure luck in build orders from time to time. Glad we don't have best of 1 system.
high quality seems pretty bad.... is it just for this event?
I appreciate the sleuthing that went into this.
On July 27 2012 19:39 Ragnarork wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 19:36 MVTaylor wrote:On July 27 2012 19:29 mrtomjones wrote:On July 27 2012 19:28 MVTaylor wrote:On July 27 2012 19:23 pyro19 wrote:On July 27 2012 19:21 ProxyKnoxy wrote: Well if you see GOM studio's audience it's no surprise there isn't much of an audience. SC2 isn't big in Korea. GOM studios are Packed these days TBH...If the Finals was after sunset and it wasnt a PVP , I 100% guarantee there would be more crowd. Nope, sorry SC2 is just not something the Koreans really care about. Code A has about 3 people in the audience on average, the sun is down in Busan and the match up REALLY doesn't matter. If you want to see what the Koreans are playing and watching esports wise these days check out: http://www.ognlol.com/live/mainIt's the first stage of the tournament, two best of 1's today rather than the usual three bo1's and there is more of a crowd there. On July 27 2012 19:28 Serinox wrote:I'm not worried about the crowd getting bigger, I'm worried that the final might be over before everyone gets in  You buy tickets for a beach? The crowd is full as hell for Code S and I dont remember ever seeing an empty day in code A. They always bring pizza and Wolf/Khaldor always want it. Full crowds. http://www.gomtv.net/2012gsls3/vod/67627Essentially empty. Or maybe Koreans think differently to the rest of the world and view the front row as the worst seats in the house. Also I'd bloody well hope it's full for Code S days. It has like a 50 person capacity. I don't know what the point in arguing though is... Western events are packed, we're all still here, isn't that good enough? That make me feel that tough Koreans seems less interested in SC2 than in BW (and LoL ofc), there's now a huge foreign audience that wasn't that big in BW. Quite balance things. But this audience is watching it on the internet...
It's the same in Korea, people are starting to watch via internet more and more. Just look at the crowds in OSL and PL compared to 2-3seasons ago.