[GSL] Code S Finals - Page 225
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2885 Posts
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United States9719 Posts
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Japan3260 Posts
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United States16039 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:21 Zambrah wrote: Not to mention that Terran has that ultimate safe unit in the Siege Tank, lol. Makes things more drawn out, lets people make comebacks more easily, and such. As boring as GomTvT was, at least... actually I still just hate GomTvT, but uhh... where was I going with this train of thought? Protoss need defender's advantage. Somethin' about that. The Mothership Core will single handedly fix early game PvP if it doesn't get nerfed because of its power in the other match ups. I'm holding on to hope that the Tempest will solve the Collosus war dillemna because it'll force engagements. It'll be a great unit for sniping down Collosus but virtually useless at anything else, massing it would be a terrible idea because it sucks against Stalkers, Void Rays and even Phoenix in larger numbers. | ||
United Kingdom38149 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:21 Zambrah wrote: Not to mention that Terran has that ultimate safe unit in the Siege Tank, lol. Makes things more drawn out, lets people make comebacks more easily, and such. As boring as GomTvT was, at least... actually I still just hate GomTvT, but uhh... where was I going with this train of thought? Protoss need defender's advantage. Somethin' about that. You have it backwards, you're fine for defence, the ultimate evil is the warp gate mechanic. | ||
United States7122 Posts
Let me tell you the story of My Starcraft. I came in during GomTvT, Terrans won a lot, I didn't mind too much, eventually the 1-1-1 caught on, I kept a cool head on it, didn't whine, waited for it to blow over. Until this one series, NSHS.Tassadar vs. IM.YoDa... Tassadar goes up in the first game in a mostly normal game and wins, and YoDa 1-1-1s twice in a row. I was crushed, and that traumatizing event has caused me to be physically averse to seeing Terrans win. :-D Except my few favorites (cough ST.Hack cough) I can still cheer for them and be okay when they win. :-D | ||
United States16039 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:25 Derrida wrote: I am a MC fan, but let's not kid ourselves, if MC had won these game in the same exact fashion as Seed did, so many of the whiners would be chanting "bosstoss" "mc roll'd seed" here. Probably, but most people still wouldn't recommend the games had MC won in the same fashion. | ||
United States801 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:25 Derrida wrote: I am a MC fan, but let's not kid ourselves, if MC had won these game in the same exact fashion as Seed did, so many of the whiners would be chanting "bosstoss" "mc roll'd seed" here. I would be really happy that MC won, since I like MC, but that wouldn't mean I'd enjoy the series. For example, I was happy when he beat Sound at Homestory, but that was an incredibly boring, one-sided series. | ||
United States1180 Posts
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Hong Kong8039 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:22 Vindicare605 wrote: I agree that Infestor vs Infestor ZvZ sucks to watch, but as good as Infestors are they'll never dominate the late game of a match up the way Collosus do for PvP, simply because once hive tech units hit the field Infestors lose a lot of their luster. The only single unit with more far reaching impact on a single match up's late game is the Siege Tank for Terran. but the Siege Tank has a lot of things going for it that make it just more fun from a spectator's perspective. From watching a few ZvZs in GSTL, there are several case where roach/infestor fought roach/infestor. And after some roach trades, one player rebuilds roachs and the other goes pure infestor. The pure infestors won every match. The only counter is BLs (ultras get stuck behind infested terrans) and if it is a fairly even game. The player with infestors will kill the other player if he tries to switch to BLs. Both Carriers and Voidrays counter Colossi but you just don't have the time to make that tech switch. | ||
Malaysia6060 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:24 Inflicted_ wrote: What were the upgrades? MC had more Collosi after the initial attack, but seems like he didn't reinforce as well as Seed. Seed had a +1 advantage in the attack upgrade.He was hitting a timing attack. MC had more collosus but half of them was at the back derping at zealots lol only until later in the battle they start engaging while all of Seed collosus was focusing down on MC collosus. Seed also had a better immortal count. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
MC ![]() | ||
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Czech Republic959 Posts
IM fighting! | ||
United States7122 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:26 Vindicare605 wrote: The Mothership Core will single handedly fix early game PvP if it doesn't get nerfed because of its power in the other match ups. I'm holding on to hope that the Tempest will solve the Collosus war dillemna because it'll force engagements. It'll be a great unit for sniping down Collosus but virtually useless at anything else, massing it would be a terrible idea because it sucks against Stalkers, Void Rays and even Phoenix in larger numbers. I'm really hoping for it, I'd have to imagine we'd see balls of Stalkers roaming around with some Tempests in the back, they'd maraud around trying to find their opponent's Tempests to snipe them off, and it'd be a huge mobile positioning war. I have hopes that it'll be great. I have hopes. My only problem with the Tempest is still that getting vision for them seems absurdly difficult considering the existence of the Observer. Anywho, this thread probably isn't the place for me to ramble on about non-GSL finals things. :-P | ||
United Kingdom31935 Posts
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Hong Kong8039 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:27 FakeDeath wrote: Seed had a +1 advantage in the attack upgrade.He was hitting a timing attack. MC had more collosus but half of them was at the back derping at zealots lol only until later in the battle they start engaging while all of Seed collosus was focusing down on MC collosus. Seed also had a better immortal count. Seed pulled just enough of MC's colossi with his zealots that that colossi count was slightly in his favor and his colossi had a slightly better spread as well. Plus his position allowed him to micro back his colossi much easier. But still great engagement by him. | ||
United States4505 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:27 AsnSensation wrote: LOL why are the finals today, I thought they are on a saturday as usual so i missed it, didnt buy the season ticket this time because I didnt have much time due to studies, but seems like the finals were not worth it? MC ![]() Probably one of the worst GSL finals. MC played like shit and Seed just rolled him for cutting too many corners in the first three, then MC got a pylon in the base of seed 4th map to win, then Seed just rolled MCs colossus rush ->expand double robo with blink stalker expand double robo. | ||
Austria8366 Posts
Well gratz to Seed anyway for scoring a coup against El Presidente - VIVA LA REVOLUCION I guess ![]() | ||
United States5585 Posts
On July 27 2012 21:27 Eraserhead wrote: so when is Blizzard gonna remove warpgate out of the game again? If they want this game to live longer than 2 years after final expansion... Believe it or not, I think this will actually end up happening. I don't necessarily want it to happen or think it needs to happen, but it will probably happen. It would actually encourage more macro play in Protoss matchups, all they'd need to do to make it work is buff the Stalker. | ||
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