On April 15 2012 03:35 THM wrote: Sorry for maybe missing this but is this live or not? I tend to think it is live, as I don't see the end of the replay bar on the lower right.
live casts from replays
2/2 vs 0/0 and aLive still gets crushed in the engagement. Vikings are just that damn crucial against collosus :p
Update: Wins the next engagement convincingly once vikings are added
MC needs to learn to read his opponent better, you can't delay upgrades this long against this type of build
3/3 vs 1/1 come on MC... if it weren't for Alive making a terrible mistake in not making Vikings for that engagement at MC's natural, MC would have died long before.
MC being MC, being cocky when ahead and staying when he's unwelcomed. Shoulda just when over around the third with better area to fight and take out the third instead trying to squeeze in that choke.
On April 15 2012 03:47 Whatson wrote: 3/3 vs 1/1 come on MC...
pretty sure 2/2 was finished for the last fight there
On April 15 2012 03:47 Whatson wrote: 3/3 vs 1/1 come on MC... It was 2/2 on that last engagement, but yeah, MC late with upgrades is very usual with him
18 nexus against 1 2rax. MC will hold
ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! Go on, take this series! With the bottom bunker he has this game, the Nexus will go down and he's ahead in worker count.
Well that's dissapointing
So sad
I wonder how much Artosis paid them..
United Kingdom38149 Posts
lol apollo.
is there a sneaky caster conspiracy to rewrite history about who that pylon belongs to?
That's MC for ya. Just can't beat Terran
That pylon will always be a artosis pylon in my world 
Good to see alive punishing nexus first
aLive executed that all-in beautifully. Poor MC
On April 15 2012 03:59 ooozer wrote: That's MC for ya. Just can't beat Terran lol what?
Wow aLive is getting better and better just to make Asha` more angry.
On April 15 2012 04:00 quannguyen wrote:aLive executed that all-in beautifully. Poor MC  what kind of allin was it?