On January 10 2012 20:24 Tsubbi wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 20:23 MorroW wrote:On January 10 2012 20:21 mTwTT1 wrote:On January 10 2012 20:19 MorroW wrote: btw the build leenock is kinda gimmicky but its very strong
the problem was he needed alot alot more creepspread than this. losing his 4 queens and on of lings and 8 drones was too much
he might still win tho :p ultras are pretty sick but he was so far behind after the early game drop, he chose the best tech for the situation that he was in no? no he planned this before the drop came leenock expected 2 rax, canceled 2 drones to build spawning pool on 14, took so much damage early from 1 rax bunker pressure, i think that was the main thing ya its very true all this stuff just added up in a snowball effect that made the late game look like this. but as you can see this ultralisk army was still pretty god damn scary and terran had to be very careful. imagine if there was creep all over the map and zerg had another base, coulda been a different story! :D
On January 10 2012 20:25 KMARTRULES2 wrote: Ultralisk into loss.
Yep let's just ignore that game against Fin. And the fact that he comitted way too heavy to ultras and never got a spire, and didn't notice he lost his spawning pool. Leenock lost that game, not ultras.
Australia144 Posts
Yea ultras are terrible that's why Leenock nearly came back despite being behind all game.
On January 10 2012 20:24 X3GoldDot wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 20:23 cyclone25 wrote: Leenock uses Stephano's build and Destiny's battle tactics (infested terrans on tanks).
He's basically the perfect ZvT player now. Fyi, stephano and destiny aint known for having good z v t but good z v p and z v z, if u wanna be the perfect z v t player u shud follow ppl like drg or even idra... Actualy, some time ago (like 6-8 months) Stephano was known for having the best ZvT in Europe. But now, it's a bit worse, even if he keeps winning against good terrans.
Leenock just got mutilated from the start by doing a slightly unlucky opening. This fast upgrades with fast infestor style can be quite good but losing all queens early on is lethal. You need creep and you need mass queen for transfusion in the end with this. Getting fast double upgrades was just too greedy I think especially without a baneling nest, he really needed that do stop the double drop. You can't really make a comeback with this infestor style as it's really hard for T to throw it away without muta's etc.
Yea leenock deffinatly lost because of the ultras. He didn't just crush an army with the ultras. After that he ofcourse engaged in a choke vs tanks and planetaries, lost his spawning pool as he engaged causing him to not have lings, loosing 2 full energy queens and loosing 3-4 infestors going for a fungal.
On January 10 2012 20:26 parazice wrote:stop this shit plz
They need an excuse for whenever a zerg loses.
Also, forgetting the part of the game where Leenock destroyed SuperNova's army with ling ultra.
On January 10 2012 20:27 Jehct wrote:I wish people got banned for being stupid. What do you think got him back into the game? He definitely didn't crush an entire with minimal losses thanks to ultralisks -_-
Honestly after crushing SuperNovas army, send the Ultras to take out that planetary in the center. The cardinal sin is to never send Ultras in a choke alone.
sigh sigh ultras sigh lol, banelings should be able to roll over them XD
The trick to stop the GOM player lag isnt working QQQQQ, anyone else?
Not enough burrowed banes.
On January 10 2012 20:27 Salteador Neo wrote: I laugh too hard everytime I read someone defending Ultras are good units vs terran xD
Ultras already won that game, until Leenock decided to fuck it up...
Within 10 minutes we get to see the best and worst of ultralisk but still nice to see more ultralisk
On January 10 2012 20:26 Roostalol wrote: Man, SuperNova is such a gimmicky player. I hate these four base eight orbital marine/marauder/seige tank/medivac all-ins.
On January 10 2012 20:27 Jehct wrote:I wish people got banned for being stupid. What do you think got him back into the game? He definitely didn't crush an entire with minimal losses thanks to ultralisks -_-
Got back with ultras? where and when?
On January 10 2012 20:27 mrtomjones wrote: I suppose no one knows the reason for the clock? Is it to tell me I should be asleep already? I guess it's to illustrate that GSL is indeed a global league.
United Kingdom10823 Posts
On January 10 2012 20:27 Jehct wrote:I wish people got banned for being stupid. What do you think got him back into the game? He definitely didn't crush an entire with minimal losses thanks to ultralisks -_-
There was onc ea game where stalkers were shooting rocks instead of the army attacking them. After that, the Protoss lost.
Therefore Stalkers are bad, right?
Watch the games guys, Leenock engage badly with the units he had.
On January 10 2012 20:27 KayZ wrote: Yea ultras are terrible that's why Leenock nearly came back despite being behind all game. Posts like this make me wish mods were more trigger happy with the bans in LRs
I think Leonock suiciding those queens might have impacted the games outcome by a fair bit.
Stayed on Ultra for too long, SuperNova had a lot of marauders.
On January 10 2012 20:23 GodOfWar wrote: L E E N O C K going GodOfWar mode on Supernova right now
:D :D :D
wtf is with u using ur name for other players? its stupid
Good job supernova.. if he goes 2-0 in this group holy shit he is the LASTTT person i expected to go 2-0