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- riptide |
Haha thumbs down from Naniwa, as if he was actually better than NesTea. One tournament doesn't make the man, and wow is Naniwa a douchebag. He's good, no doubt, but as a person he's really scum. I sure hope somebody beats the crap out of him and puts him in his place.
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EDIT: To clarify, I did not mean physically beat him, I meant defeat him in the tournament. I do not endorse physically attacking a player, only taking him down a few pegs on the sc2 totem pole. Apologies for my lack of clarity and poor phrasing.
Where is your Nestea (God) now?!
Why play so bad NesTea x-x i Know you can play better than that ;O
nestea throws his headphones thats one angry man
In your face. I love this guy.
this game was a trainwreck, huuge mistakes, but on the end that cannon gave nani huge advantage
naniwa wow i cant believe he beat nestea twice in a bo3.
Awwww he looks so happy haha.
Damn Nestea
Why is he BMing Nestea when he can't even stay in code A
On November 20 2011 11:45 Shellshock1122 wrote: no Nestea vs MVP finals possible
Isn't there a lower champ bracket? one of them can still win the whole thing...
nooo waaaay lol how is Naniwa not in Code S?
Nestea just got smacked doooooooooooownnnnnnnn.
He was so pissed haha.
lmfao thumbs downing nestea, wat a stupid bitch
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