11:27 Uhr: Die ersten Spieler sind in TaKes Wohnung eingetroffen. MC ist ebenfalls schon da und spielt sich warm. Hinter ihm stehen gut zehn Leute und schauen andächtig zu. Ob Naama heute wird spielen können, ist immer noch nicht geklärt. Heute Morgen wird ein Arzt noch mal nach ihm sehe. Eventuell kann er dann entlassen werden und seine Matches spielen.
XlorD trainiert wie verrückt. Seit kurz nach 10:00 Uhr ist der Spenst am Replays schauen und sich warm spielen. Ob er es in die Playoffs schaffen kann? Wir werden es ab 13:00 Uhr sehen
The first players arrived at Takes flat. MC is there too - doing some warmup-games. Behind his back 10 people gathered watching attentivly. Whether Naama may be able to play is still unclear. A Doctor will take a further look at him this morning. Maybe he will be released from hospital and might play his matches.
XLorD is training like crazy. Since shortly aftert 10 o'clock Spenst (his surname) is watching Replays and warming up. We'll see if he can make it to the playoffs from 1 am onwards."
Can someone write what song is playing now?
Sean Paul sings about: GoOdy GoOdy! ^^
@NoJah Sean Paul - Like Glue
On June 24 2011 19:22 NojAh wrote:Can someone write what song is playing now? 
SEAN PAUL - Like Glue
what happened to naama? i think i missed that news
yep there watching gstl for sure
White-Ra poster is so baller:D
Naama is in hospital, he is having some throat ifection,
A Girl on the stream! (who is she?)
On June 24 2011 19:27 babishh wrote: what happened to naama? i think i missed that news
He had a throat infection and is currently hospitalized.
I hope XLorD makes it out of his group, very underrated player imo. but then again vs MC, DeMusliM and Tyler... bad luck with his group
On June 24 2011 19:27 babishh wrote: what happened to naama? i think i missed that news
Naama had a throat infection. and had to stay in the hospital overnight.
progamers love their bananas !
On June 24 2011 19:27 babishh wrote: what happened to naama? i think i missed that news
throat infection, ToD bring him to the hospital the day/night before the tournament I think
On June 24 2011 19:27 babishh wrote: what happened to naama? i think i missed that news Infection in his throat or something
jeeze, sc2 is ruining my sleep schedule again. Seriously, can't every major tournament just move to America already?