Yo, blonde bearded laptop guy here, was a great tournament and a really fun day. Everyone was really good about reporting matches and listening to the organiser which always makes life easier, thanks guys.
MC Gaming only started up a few weeks ago so that's why you might not have heard of them, it's a cool place and the guy who runs it is really friendly, you should definitely head down there and support them if you enjoyed today.
Anyway I've got the results here, I substituted the numbers with the names to make it easier.
Pool A 1: Vasso (7-2) 2: AsGGrieferfish (7-2) 3: AsGThor (7-2) 4: Nadir (7-2) 5: Fen (5-4) 6: OldWolf (4-5) 7: NoControl (3-6) 8: Fluffy (3-6) 9: Sandhippo (2-7) 10: Terry (0-9)
Pool B 1: Yang (8-1) 2: Timeless (7-2) 3: Haruhisuki (7-2) 4: TAXavi (6-3) 5: Wetty (6-3) 6: Omega (3-6) 7: Equalheights (3-6) 8: AsGEman (2-7) 9: Twice (2-7) 10: Head (1-8)
Pool C 1: Zolt (9-0) 2: ThreeVotes (8-1) 3: Aura (6-3) 4: Pheonix (6-3) 5: Sichild (4-5) 6: Michael (4-5) 7: Broseph (4-5) 8: Johnno (2-7) 9: PattyBoomba (1-8) 10: RobSullivan (1-8)
Pool D 1: JesseYL (8-1) 2: GoGoogle (7-2) 3: Sannic (6-3) 4: Ezer (6-3) 5: Colesy (5-4) 6: Pocarisweat (5-4) 7: SirWilford (4-5) 8: Dan (3-6) 9: Slaw (1-8) 10: AsGFatCat (0-9)
Top 16 single elimination bracket 1: ThreeVotes 2: Vasso 3: Yang 4: TAXavi 5: Haruhisuki 5: Tiimeless 5: JesseYL 5: Sannic 9: Zolt 9: GoGoogle 9: Ezer 9: AsGGrieferfish 9: Pheonix 9: AsGThor 9: Nadir 9: Aura
![[image loading]](http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6718/singleelimsc2.gif) (Note the image doesn't show the match Yang and TAXavi played to decide third place)
Agreed those chairs where godlike. Thanks guys for running this it was great fun. Please do another one soon
Alright guys, here's my wrap up.
First of all, huge thanks to my co-hosts Buff (Tall guy, purple sweater) and Travis (beard guy, nuff said) for helping me massively with organising matches and giving announcements, but most importantly taking care of the results and brackets and making sure each match was input correctly to ensure the tournament ran smoothly. Honestly, couldn't of done it without you guys, and it would've been dull without the MvC3 watching and random black commentators squealing when dormammu landed a special.
Also, thank you to Pete for buying me a bubble tea, even though you waited in line behind a person who ordered 6 bubble tea's and got the order wrong.
I would also like to give a huge thank you to Joe at MC Gaming. Joe was just so co-operative when I came to him asking to organise a tournament, he gave me an amazing price as well as donating some other prizes to the prize pool. He's a really friendly guy and just overall, pretty awesome. Whenever you're in the city, have an hour or two to spare, pay him a visit, spend a couple of dollars, play some games, all's well.
Now to the venue, (I'll get to the chairs soon). For those that came to the last tournament, I'm sure you'll agree this one was at least 100000000000000x better. It was spacious, the computers were amazing (apart from a few small minor graphics glitches) and everything overall ran pretty fast and smooth.
I would however like to apologize to OldWolf, he was playing on Computer 1 which I was told had been a bit iffy in the past, and got some freezes which may or may not have impacted his matches, even still, they would have been incredibly annoying and really off putting, really sorry man, hopefully your experience next time is unhindered .
Also, how fucking amazing were those chairs?
Overall, it was an incredibly successful day, I had a lot of fun and I'm pretty sure everyone else found it hugely enjoyable.
For those that didn't know, this was the prize pool:
1st Place: $200 + Logitech MX518 Gaming Mouse 2nd Place: $120 + MC Membership Credit + Mouse Pad 3rd Place: $80 + MC Membership Credit + Mouse Pad
And now the part everyone's probably been waiting for. Yes, there will be another tournament in the near future, as to when I cannot say, but expect it within the next month or two. (Probably going to aim for mid year uni break). All I can say is it will definitely be at MC.
Also, some feedback would really be appreciated..
Thoughts on tournament format? Did you guys think overall it was run well with the group stages going into Ro16, etc
Thoughts on entry fee? Was it too high?
Thoughts on location? Anything MC can improve on in time for next tournament
Anything you'd like to see? Perhaps a projector/screen where matches will be broadcast
Thoughts on hosts/co-hosts? Anything we can do to ensure your experience is more enjoyable?
Thoughts on map pool?
Also, thoughts on chairs. Amazing? I know.
That's all guys. Hope to see you guys next time.
Thoughts on tournament format? Group stages was definitely more enjoyable than the previous winner/loser bracket elimination thing. Probably the biggest thing was that this way people won't have to wait a long while in-case a particular round goes for an extended amount of time but it also means people get to play at least 9 games (or however many people in a group) rather than playing maybe 3 games? and then having to go home.
Thoughts on entry fee? It was fine.
Thoughts on location? It was fine.
Anything you'd like to see? Perhaps a projector/screen where matches will be broadcast - That would be nice.
Thoughts on hosts/co-hosts? Anything we can do to ensure your experience is more enjoyable? It was fun.
Thoughts on map pool? It was fine.
Also, thoughts on chairs. Amazing? I know. - Yep.
Did anyone get a pic of these fabled chairs?!
hey guys it is my pleasure to have all of you to come. BTY! my name is Joe................... maybe the mistake was come from my English accent...lol but again thanks for choose MC_Perth hopefully you guys can come around again. cheers.
Oh wow, haha sorry about that Joe, I thought you said Gerald when I asked your name lol. Thanks for having us, it was great.
Awesome awesome nice to see the replays aswell this time!
And don't forget guys can always come have a look at Ascension Gaming! Or join up and play games with your fellow Perth citizens.
Was a good day and pretty good hosting all round.
This was my first tournament that I have attended so I have nothing as a basis on how well it was run. But in saying that there was very few hickups during the day, only a couple of minor freezes or computer drops, but all around was a great day.
Sorry for a sub-par grand final =( wish i could up a better fight against a grand master toss =(.
Thanks Guys and look forward to the next LAN.
If anyone wants to chat or prac add me Vasso.858
"Dan" here. Just posting to congratulate the organisers on a great tourney, although I didn't have time to stick around for the finals it was a great experience. Hopefully me and broseph can come around next time with some actual proper practice under our belt - regardless it was still great.
This was also by far the best LAN centre I've seen in Perth (not that I go to many) ...also those chairs... holy check so good
Also, some feedback would really be appreciated..
Thoughts on tournament format? Group stages into Ro16 worked perfectly fine. Perhaps if you wanted make the tournament larger then you would have to consider a potential 2-day tournament (eg qualifying groups --> elimination tournament...but obviously that gets quite messy). Anything bigger is at risk of not finishing on time, so you guys had the size right. I also agree with Sanic, having a relatively large sized (~10) pool during the group stages allows players, even if they know they have no hope of getting through, to be able to play a sizable amount of games before getting knocked out. Paying $20 and having to go home after 1 or 2 games would potentially lose you a lot of lower skill level players and the tournament wouldn't be near as fun.
Thoughts on entry fee? It was fine, at first $20 seems potentially a lot when you know you aren't going to win, but it's still worth it/fun and its perfectly understandable as it is necessary in order to produce a decent prize pool.
Thoughts on location? Was tops - wasn't crowded. Great atmosphere. Also: chairs.
Anything you'd like to see? Perhaps a projector/screen where matches will be broadcast ^ This. I'm not sure how you would go about it. There was that big empty room to the right of the stairs as you came up, were they not - potential casting lounge?
Thoughts on hosts/co-hosts? Perhaps you could organise some booth girls like in the BW tournaments?
Thoughts on map pool? I could probably bring out some zerg QQ and complain about x map(s), but in all seriousness they were fine.
Also, thoughts on chairs. ...dude...
My thoughts: Everything was excellent and the only improvement would be some sort of viewing screen, as mentioned by others.
@ Joe I have to know where you got those chairs from, seriously considering getting one myself.
hey man Set 2 - 5 all link to the same replay. do you have the other 3 sets?
One of my mates asked Joe where he got the chairs from before and iirc he said they were from China unfortunately.
Looks like I made a copy pasta fail with the replays. I sent an email and reddit pm to the replayfu admin to see if he can find the missing replays, other than that there is nothing I can do unless someone else saved the replays.
lol can't believe i managed to miss this thread , i would of loved to go down and watch some games maybe next time
Awesome place, and the tournament was well run! Re: the map pool, probably best to exclude a few of those non ladder maps (crevasse) for the low level players in the initial group stage? Just my opinion.
Next time ill have more than one PvT strat/experience against mech so i wont go out 0-2 in the ro16 after going 9-0 in the group stage ahhhhhhhhhhh . Oh well, pretty good for my first sc tourney.
And just for a few people who were making a few snide comments about me right behind me as I was playing : Keep the idra inspired comments to yourself!
Some other suggestions I have: 1. A way to view results as they happens, whether it be a read access google doc or something that would be pretty cool. 2. A mailing list that people can sign-up to get e-mails about this event so we don't have to keep checking for the next thread announcement and people like iPlaY.NettleS don't miss out.
MLG Metalopolis is on SEA now???
Thoughts on tournament format? Thought overall, it was good, fast and efficient.
Thoughts on entry fee? Entry fee was definitely worth it seeing as you got to spectate/play using your computer for the rest of the day. So thats what, 10 hours for $20? AND you get entry into tournament. Great price.
Thoughts on location? Definitely MCgaming. Great place, good amount of computers, a lot of space. Did a rhyme, wasn't a crime.
Anything you'd like to see? I think a projector would be problematic. If we use that big empty room on the right, there would have to be some way to soundproof it so that players cant hear the unit sounds from that room - I think thats the only real issue with that apart from seating.
Thoughts on hosts/co-hosts? All was good!
Thoughts on map pool? Was a nice mix between ladder and non-ladder maps (: I think it allowed players who weren't as familiar with the non-ladder maps to still have a good chance of getting through the group stage.
Also, thoughts on chairs. Amazing.
In addition to this cannon rushing should be BANNED. jgfdaiojfdaiofjsiodajfioasdjfioasdjfioasdjfioasjiofaifsda