On January 23 2011 07:31 p0werf00L wrote:Sorry, just joined, noob approaching, where and when will the semi-finals be casted? 
Countdown is on top of the page t-27min. Stream will pop up on the right.
On January 23 2011 07:31 p0werf00L wrote:Sorry, just joined, noob approaching, where and when will the semi-finals be casted?  The green bar at the top of the page shows a countdown, which will probably turn into a stream link when the time comes.
Farad and Scorch, i wish you the best luck as life progresses and all the girls and beer you want.
Is anyone strreaming Kiwikaki's games ?
Can anyone tell me the results of kawaii D:
Im honing for a TLO - Kiwikaki finals. Ive really lied their play this tourney.
kawaii lost 1-2 to fenix. fml
omg low quality stream, I can finally watch a video instead of a slide show
Thank you so much for the low quality stream, I really appreciate it with my 1.5 mb connection I was not able to watch the previous ones live.
Thank you again.
nice diversity in semi's, 1 zerg, 1 toss, 1 terran and 1 random!
Very nice, thanks for the Low Quality.
I hope TLO chooses Terran against Fenix.
Another thanks for the low quality stream. Hopefully more tournaments catch on with that.
On January 23 2011 07:55 Chibalicious wrote: nice diversity in semi's, 1 zerg, 1 toss, 1 terran and 1 random! :D
he will do, TLO uses to play terran vs toss and terran atm, just takes random vs zerg
Hm how is Fenix`s TvP compared to his TvT?
On January 23 2011 07:58 DiaBoLuS wrote: he will do, TLO uses to play terran vs toss and terran atm, just takes random vs zerg He played random throughout this tourney tho.