On December 10 2010 12:34 Mip wrote:So I've been working on a SC2 player ranking algorithm (see
my other post).
So far I've only used the GSL, and I've only included player rankings, no race bias or map bias, or time-based skill evolution (all in progress and will be implemented as my data quantity increases).
Anyway, so I was looking over the list of Code S players and thought to myself that a lot of those players could easily have lost some of their matches and failed to qualify for Code S. So I wanted to see, based on the data, what was the probability of each player actually being in the Top 32.
Here are the results in a Google SpreadsheetSo as you look at that data, bear in mind, this data only obseving the GSL bracket final 64 player wins/losses is all the data in the world on the subject. This makes the algorithm non-ideal for prediction of the top skilled players. But it is ideal for assessing the uncertainty about the point system in actually getting the best players (at least for the top players).
Also bear in mind, this model implicitly assumes that not-qualifying for top 64 and not registering for the tournament are equivalent, which isn't a fair assumption, but there's no data available to fix this. JookToJung gets the raw end of this assumption. He must be very good to qualify all 3 seasons, but the model sees only his losing in the early rounds. This isn't something I like, but I don't have the proper data to correct this problem at this time.
So the table shows a lot of uncertainty about who actually belongs in Code S. There are plenty that could easy have been Code S if things turned out a slightly differently. July is easily Code S caliber, as is Ret, Loner only needed one more set and he'd be S class.
If I had more data on the qualifying rounds, I'm sure that people like JookToJung would look better. I might look into grouping all the players that have 3 or fewer games into one. Because they are hardly estimable with how little data there is on them.
But the higher up on the spreadsheet you go, the results get a lot more accurate since they are based on more games played. There are players that are clearly Top 32, a lot of people are really good, but the uncertainty associated with knowing their skills is fairly high (completely an artifact of not having a lot of data on them). The way the bracket system works, it just doesn't give very good estimates for the people who get knocked out in the first rounds.
Anyway, it is what it is. It should give you an underlying sense on what kind of information is in the data. You don't have to agree with the results, it's just what the data seem to be pointing to (under the constraints of the assumptions I had to make).