On November 16 2010 18:05 TributeBoxer wrote: the bottom 32 A players will have to play against top 32 Battle.net players to decide the Code A players for the next season.
On November 16 2010 18:04 SB.Legendary wrote: Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first psionic man. Chris Loranger will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster.
I'd settle for him just retraining his hotkeys so that he's not using the inefficient 'classic' setup any more. That would probably give him the edge he needs.
On November 16 2010 18:04 SB.Legendary wrote: Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first psionic man. Chris Loranger will be that man. Better than he was before. Better...stronger...faster.
On November 16 2010 17:49 qoiN wrote: huk not qualying is almsot sad as 911 fuck ...
What made you think that was a smart thing to type out, and who put a gun to your head and made you click "Post"?
Agreed. Not even remotely funny.
Thats the stupidest post ive ever seen. He should be banned that shit is offensive.
Hearing someone talking in hyperbolas is the ultimate maxed out super duper offensive thing to me.
If this retarded comment does not annoy then you have poor standards. Its one thing to be sad about a player failing to qualify for a tournament and another to compare it to a tragic event where people died. This type of nonsense I consider more annoying than balance talk.
Please explain, was the 911 f*ck something offensive or what have i missed?
On November 16 2010 18:05 W4nteD- wrote: Huk is NOT that GOOD compared to korean standard...
He went 1-2 in his final match against an opponent who took a game off of Inca last GSL. He's obviously not MinChul, but I would say this proves he can compete with Koreans.