This thread is a short guide + VoD showcasing a dirty cheese for zergs to do when they’re struggling vs Protoss and really need to get some easy wins to soothe their bruised egos. I present to you - “The Therapy Build”.
Build order and Show notes:
This is one from wayyy back when Dark vs Stats played in the semifinals of SSL season 1:
The Build
- 17 gas
- 17 pool
- 18 hatch
- Queen + 2 lings to hunt down the probe and deny vision
- Cut drones at 19.
- 16 on minerals, 3 on gas.
- (no workers on natural)
- @100gas ling speed
- 2nd queen asap (first queen moves to inject natural)
- 22 Roach warren
- 21 replace drone that made warren
- 22 2xoverlord
- (OPTION)2-3 more pairs of lings to control the map and stop adepts spotting the roaches (or skip these for a sharper timing and rely on them retreating at the correct time to survive ling speed finishing)
- You can skip these lings and hit way harder - most protoss will know your
- ling speed is fast so won’t risk being on the map anyway.
- However if you prefer 100% information denial get these lings
- 7 roaches
- Mass lings
- Morph damaged roaches into ravagers (5-armour when morphing + full heal when finished)
- Target down pylons
- Try to de-power gateways
Link to replays added as requested:
Ok now I feel dirty - so I guess I’ll show you Protoss players how to defend this sort of rush too:
- Build units out of gateway
- Chrono warpgate a tad
- Ensure 2 more gateways down by 3:20 at the latest
- Mocore starts right after tech structure so 2 overcharges during the hold
- Always wall off at natural first to make it easier
- Memorise your wall-offs