Hi all, recently i asked here for some more polished muta ling bane style guide/bo, than those who were already around. Some1 said preferably from Scarlett.. i took the liberty to search some replays from her (it was hard) and i found only one pure and crisp , low resrouces float. well timed replay of her vs Light doing the style...
A plea to all masters and grand masters: I am only high gold player, and i don't think i am that competent to do this all on my own, but i tried and did my best, i am asking you to help me out and squeeze out as much as possible information from this replay, analyzing replays for me is not that easy, i lack the experience.. i will be adding all the names to those who will help with analyzing her style, pointing out weak points etc.
The build order:
+ Show Spoiler +
* 18 h
* 18 p
* 19 g
* 19 ovi
* @ pool (or @ 20 supply) x2 sets if lings (4 lings total)
* @ pool x2 Queens (Queen @main inject and move down to natural, start 3rd queen immediately after first finishes, start 4th queen at natural)
* @100 gas metabolic boost (remove x2 drones from gas)
* 30 ovi
* (3:00min mark) take 3rd base
* @3rd Queen pops out, put 2 drones back on gas
* (3:30min mark) x2 queens
* (4:00min mark or @2base full saturation) x2 evo chambers, and x2 more gases (2nd, 3rd)
* (4:20min mark) x2 spores in mineral line at main and natural (to defend against, banshee, drops, and libs)
* (4:30min mark or @when you saturate your 2nd and 3rd gases) start: Lair, Bane nest, melee +1 attack and carapace +1 attack
* @Lair finishes start Spire, and start baneling speed upgrade
* @natural oversaturated take 4th gas
* @3rd base miminum saturation build a spore in mineral line
* (6:30min mark or @3 base full saturation) x2 more gases (5th, 6th), Macro hatch (macro hatch could be taken whenever you float around 1k minerals and you lack the larvae to spend your money)
* after +1/+1 finishes start +2/+2
* 8 mutalisks
* start ovi speed upgrade
* (7:00min mark or @3base full saturation) take 4th base (when 4th is about finish take x2 more gases (7th and 8th)
* (~8:00min mark) transfer half your drones from your main and natural to the 4th, and build 10ish more drones to the rally to 4th (you want to have 4 bases full saturation, as the main would be half dried out at this point - or 80 drone count)
* (9:00min mark) start Infestation pit, and take 5th base
* @Infesation pit finishes start Hive and flayer carapce +1
* @Hive finishes start ultralisk cavern, +3/+3 upgrades, adrenal glands, phatogen glands
* @ultralisk cavern finish start Chitinous plating
* @ soon before phatogen glands fnishes start 4-6 infestors and start Flayer carapace +2
* pump ultralisks
* followup upgrades flyer attack.. Broodlords…
* 18 p
* 19 g
* 19 ovi
* @ pool (or @ 20 supply) x2 sets if lings (4 lings total)
* @ pool x2 Queens (Queen @main inject and move down to natural, start 3rd queen immediately after first finishes, start 4th queen at natural)
* @100 gas metabolic boost (remove x2 drones from gas)
* 30 ovi
* (3:00min mark) take 3rd base
* @3rd Queen pops out, put 2 drones back on gas
* (3:30min mark) x2 queens
* (4:00min mark or @2base full saturation) x2 evo chambers, and x2 more gases (2nd, 3rd)
* (4:20min mark) x2 spores in mineral line at main and natural (to defend against, banshee, drops, and libs)
* (4:30min mark or @when you saturate your 2nd and 3rd gases) start: Lair, Bane nest, melee +1 attack and carapace +1 attack
* @Lair finishes start Spire, and start baneling speed upgrade
* @natural oversaturated take 4th gas
* @3rd base miminum saturation build a spore in mineral line
* (6:30min mark or @3 base full saturation) x2 more gases (5th, 6th), Macro hatch (macro hatch could be taken whenever you float around 1k minerals and you lack the larvae to spend your money)
* after +1/+1 finishes start +2/+2
* 8 mutalisks
* start ovi speed upgrade
* (7:00min mark or @3base full saturation) take 4th base (when 4th is about finish take x2 more gases (7th and 8th)
* (~8:00min mark) transfer half your drones from your main and natural to the 4th, and build 10ish more drones to the rally to 4th (you want to have 4 bases full saturation, as the main would be half dried out at this point - or 80 drone count)
* (9:00min mark) start Infestation pit, and take 5th base
* @Infesation pit finishes start Hive and flayer carapce +1
* @Hive finishes start ultralisk cavern, +3/+3 upgrades, adrenal glands, phatogen glands
* @ultralisk cavern finish start Chitinous plating
* @ soon before phatogen glands fnishes start 4-6 infestors and start Flayer carapace +2
* pump ultralisks
* followup upgrades flyer attack.. Broodlords…
Replay: Scarlett vs Light
I tried to make sense of all the timings (i.e. the 4th base she takes it a bit later, but she could really take it earlier, she had the resources and units to defend it ... i think she was little late on that)
The aim is 80~ drone count by the time you get into the late game.. from that point you transfer drones from bases as the mineral lines drys out. I want to add that she floats very little resources with 80 drone count thus telling how this style depends heavily on your macro!
11:30~12:30 minutes the close mineral patches on the natural and the far mineral patches on the main are used up and she transfer drones to the 5th.
against widow mines she takes +2 first carapace and than +1 flayers attack, against libs she takes first flyers +1 attack and she goes up to 20ish mutalisks.
I am not sure if she puts spores for every ZvT match or only against banshees play - but i want to put them there becase they defend with anything terran can put at you - drops, libs, banshees (and i think she didn't had scouting information when she put the spores down)...
it seems like she can't wait to get her hands on those mutas.. with the first 1-2 mutalisks she rallys them in the opponents base to harass and pumps them up.. even when Light had 3+ libs she didn't switch to corruptors but she tries to hold the number around 20ish mutalisks... first she makes around 8-12 and takes the upgrades... than she tries to keep them around 20ish. Map control with the mutalisks is crucial, denying his 4th base, shutting down drops in mid air, taking out widow mines (she always has 1 Overseer for that purpose with the mutalisks).
She makes use of the infestors in two ways - traps liberators and pumps infested terran to kill the trapped libs.. and against the bio ball she traps them to run them over with ultras/banes.
note2: I found one more replay she playing the style vs DeMuslIM, but with variations, the timings are not that crisp as in the game i explained here, she doesn't removes drones from the gas in this game, and also she builds roach warren (3 ravagers 1 roach) the ravagers are used to defend against liberators. She also dosen't takes the spores as in the game vs. Light if you want to analyze the game (compare and find similarities) you can download it from here please share the info with all of us if you do.
Thank you everyone, i hope this will turn out well (i am wondering if Scarlett will showup and help us out directly :D)
List to all who contributed to this guide:
-Scarlett (for playing this style in a crisp way - obviously xD)
-two100meterman (for pointing out the relation between the timings/mineral saturation, and drone transferings)
UPDATE 1: Text updated with two100meterman notes 27/03/16 1:43 CET time
EDIT: If you play this, please let us all know how it goes on ladder, upload replays if you want and stuff like that.. let's refine the style for LOTV as much as we can all together. Ty!