San vs. EffOrt G2 on Bel'Shir Vestige
San vs EffOrt G3 on Akilon Wastes
San vs. Hydra G2 on Polar Night
San vs. Hydra G3 on Whirlwind
Build Order:
9 pylon
12 gate
15 gas
16 pylon
18 core
18 zealot
22 *probe scout*
23 warp gate
23 nexus
23 MSC (chronoboost)
25 pylon (at natural)
**Chronoboost warp gate nonstop**
26 gateway x2 (4:35)
27 sentry
30 gateway (5:00)
31-32 proxy pylon
@6:00 warp in first round
First 4 zealots hit @6:15
Hide probe after initial pylons
The single most important thing to note is that San gets an early gateway on 12 (instead of 13) and gets a late gas (on 15 instead of 14). The early gate is to allow him to get warp gates 15 seconds faster; the later gas is simply an adjustment to make up the mineral economy he lost with getting an earlier gate (and besides, he doesn't need that much gas early on). Most players normally build the zealot and cancel it if they don't see early lings or a proxy hatch or let it finish and use it to scout instead of a probe. San always lets the zealot finish while still probe scouting. This is because the zealot is very important in escorting the proxy pylon probe across the map.
The initial probe scout simply checks to see if there is a natural and if the zerg took an early third or not and then hides somewhere on the map. If this probe is not found, San will use it to build a pylon instead of escorting a probe. Around 4:30, once the wall at San's natural is complete, he moves out with a zealot and a probe. He generally clears both watchtowers with the MSC while warping in a pylon close to the zerg's third. Once his probe plants the initial pylon (which he can get very close to the third), it will swing around to the other side of the map and hide another pylon. The second pylon allows San to hit from multiple locations or swing around and attack at a different angle if he wants to (in one game versus Hydra, it outright won him the game). San cuts probes briefly in between his first and second warpin, then resumes production afterwards.
If his opponent finishes ling speed early, San will wait for his second warpin before attacking. Against roaches, he splits up his zealots to individually attack and uses time warp to prevent the roaches/queens from kiting. The purpose of this build is to snipe the third, Almost every time San has used this build, he has managed to snipe the third.
The wall + sentry is strong enough to hold any ling counterattacks. If San senses a ling attack incoming, he will use his very early warp gate to warp in reinforcements at home while still warping in zealots.
To followup, San normally takes his natural gases and goes for a robo into a two-immortal all-in. If he snipes the third, this pressure is especially powerful as it hits shortly after the hatchery completes and the zerg player wants to drone again. In addition, it forces the zerg player to amass units off of two hatcheries instead of three. The immortal all-in followup is somewhat akin to Dear's Immortal All-in PvZ. In a couple of cases, San follows up with a stargate and gears up to take a third. Again, in this situation, he's done so much damage by sniping the third that he can comfortably take an expansion while parrying all roach/ling attacks with void rays and zealots.
The downside to this build is that it's very recognizable. It's very cleverly disguised as a normal expansion build, but it's very easy for the zerg player to spot the chronoboost on warp gate and scout the probe moving out across the map to build a pylon. The protoss player also stays on one gas, which is easily scoutable. The best response to this build has generally been just building a few extra lings at 5:00 and sniping the probe/pylon before the pressure even gets started.
Overall, this is a transitional build that can allow the protoss player to get ahead in economy by investing in some early zealot pressure. It's perfectly viable to follow up with almost anything after this pressure: robo all-in, robo expand, stargate expand, blink all-in, DTs, etc. Hope this was enjoyed! Happy zealoting!