Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Valnus Race: Protoss, ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2621668/1/Valnus/ Sc2RanksURL: Not yet Interest: Looking for pratice partner or a mentor for 1v1 competetive play and testing. League: Not ranked yet . talk to me and i will tell you why Other: Willing to learn and spend time to improve
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HungryHippo.319 Race: Random ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2437578/1/HungryHippo/ Sc2RanksURL: N/A Interest: Competative League: Masters Other: My best race is protoss closely followed by terran while my zerg is relatively weak. Looking for high diamond or masters level practice partner in any match up. :D
Server: AM B.net ID: Farmer Dave. 689 Race: Terran Interest: Casual League: Bronze/Silver Other: New to the game looking for partners to play with. Would like to get better.
- NA - QPLAY.inertia.576
- SEA - inSraphet.182
Race: Protoss Interest: Competitive/Hardcore. League: Platinum Other: Looking for one diamond/master league player of each race. I'm after experienced players who will be able to discuss weaknesses in play, strategy, and partake in replay analysis.Vent/TeamSpeak is a must. Looking to advance to masters/high diamond by the end of the season.
I'm from Australia but play all times of the day, feel free to contact me whenever I'm online and I will be always up for a game